"mmm cinnamon?"

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a/n chapter six!!

this is technically only episode 2 ahaha

Alex pov:
I found Emma and we went into Granny's for some late lunch, I got the grilled cheese, as always and Emma got a burger. Once our food arrived we started having our daily sister talks. "so I see you and Graham are good friends" I say to her. "shut up, i've spoke to him a few times" she says then taking a bite out of her burger. "yeah right" I laughed. "what about you and Regina?" she asked me. "what about her?" I asked taking a bite of my food. "you like her" she said rolling her eyes. "I wouldn't say I like like her" I said shyly. "you have a crush on her" she tried to elaborate for me. "how do you always know what I mean" I say smiling at my sister. "I am just the best" she says taking a drink. "i'm just going to go to the bathroom" I got up.

"okay" she smiled as I walked to the toilet. I went in and did my business then walked back to the booth. I saw Emma was sat with someone, she was sat in my seat, but her back was towards me. I walked towards the pair and then I knew who it was. "hello madam Mayor" I smiled at her. "hello Alex" she smiled back, another genuine smile! "are you joining us?" I asked, and looked at my sister who looked sick of her life. "I would join you, but not your joy of a sister" she said. "I thought we were making amends Regina?" she asked. "later we shall, i'll see you then Miss Swan" she said getting out of my seat. "goodbye Alex, I hope I can join you some time" she smirked at me before walking out. I just stood there like a deer in the headlights until my sister goes "yeah just a crush" and starts laughing. "shut up" I sat back in the booth and we finished our food.

Since Emma was with Regina, wish I was. I had some free time by myself. I walked around town for a bit trying to find something to do. I was walking past Mr Gold's pawnshop when I saw Mary-Margret. "hey Mary-Margret" I walked over to her. "Hey Alex" she was sat on a bench so I sat beside her. "what have you been up to this afternoon?" Mary-Margret asked me. "walking around town, my sister is with Regina right now so i'm just wandering" I explained. she just nodded her head and looked forwards. "what have you been doing?" I asked. "same thing to be honest" she smiled. "you know, we could go to my apartment and do something there if you wanted?" she offered. "i'm down for that" I smiled and we made our way to her apartment.

her apartment was cute, we sat at the table and she got out some cookies. "want one?" she asked. "don't mind if I do" I picked a chocolate one and took a bite. "so how long have you been teaching?" I asked her. "as long as I can remember to be honest" she smiled. "what do you do for a living?" she asked me. "we'll I worked at a dinner, I sometimes helped my sister with her job, I did dancing a lot as a kid" I explained to her. "dancing?" she asked, seeming intrigued. "yeah, we could never afford to pay for it, but there was this dancing studio on the main block of where our foster home was, and every day after school I would sit on a bench outside and you could see in, I watched and I learned. I wouldn't say I was a perfect dancer or anything, but I enjoyed it" I told her. "you and Emma were in the same foster home? that's lucky I heard it's hard to be put together" she took a bite of a cookie. "yeah, we were moved into different ones a lot, but we always kept in touch, we were sometimes together, sometimes not, so when we turned 18 we decided we would always been together, that's when we got our first apartment" I smiled, remembering our first apartment, with the ugly couch Emma and I hated.

"have you always lived in storybrooke?" I asked Mary-Margret. "I have, I don't think I could imagine living anywhere else" she explained. I just nodded, and we sat in a comfortable silence until there was a knock on the door. "i'll get that" Mary-Margret said getting up. She opened the door and it was my sister. "hi Emma" Mary-Margret smiled at her. "i'm just here to pay you back the bail money" my sister handed her an envelope. "and you need to get better at answering your phone" she said pointing at me past Mary-Margret. "would you care to join us Emma?" she asked her. "sure"

Mary-Margret let my sister in, then went to the kitchen and came back with hot coco for us each and she sat opposite me while Emma was next to me. I tasted it, "mmm cinnamon?" I asked her. "yes, sorry it's a little thing I always do, I hope it's alright" she asked us. "of course" Emma and I said in sync, causing us all to laugh a little. "so what happened with Regina Em?" I asked my sister. "she set me up." she said with a blank expression on her face. "what do you mean?" I asked confused, Mary-Margret looked confused also. "she got me to say that I thought Henry's fairytale theory is crazy, and Henry was behind me" Emma said taking a sip of her hot coco. I just looked down, trying to avoid Emma brining us that I had a crush on the mayor. "don't worry she didn't bring you up Al" she smirked at me. "what's this looking at each other, explain!" Mary-Margret giggled. "Al likes the Mayor" she said bluntly. "thanks for that dickhead" I gave her a sarcastic smile.

"you do?" Mary-Margret looked very confused at me. I just laughed. "I don't know, she's attractive, and I think she's got something about her, I just need to get to know her better" I explained to the woman opposite me, she nodded her head. "I don't think you'll get the chance" Emma says quietly. "what why?" I asked concerned. "i'm leaving town" She said. "what?!" Mary-Margret and I both exclaimed. "I have made Henry's life worse" she said drinking her hot coco. "Em, he adores you" I said putting a hand on my sister's arm. "he's been the happiest i've ever seen him since you've arrived" Mary-Margret said, and I nodded. "I think he likes you more than me" she said looking at me. "that's because i'm his cool aunt, but that's besides the point" I said trying not to laugh. "Emma, if you don't look out for him, who will?" the brunette asked her, and she just stared at the wall, then got up. "I have somewhere to go" she took a cookie with her. "where?" we both asked. "Henry" she smiled walking out the door.

"that was some good motivational speaking, do you have any kids?" I asked the other woman in the room. "no, I hope to someday" she smiled.

a/n sorry this chapter didn't have much Regina in, I wanted to evolve on the Snow and her daughter's relationship:)

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