"okay my queen"

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a/n chapter 7!! i'm enjoying writing this so I hope y'all are enjoying reading it

Alex pov:
I left Mary-Margret's apartment, she's the sweetest, and another friend i've made here!! I was walking down the high street, when I saw the street going up to Regina's. Why I stood there looking at her street for ages, I'll never know, but I decided to go to her house, something was making me want to go, what it was? again I don't know.

I got outside her house, and I knocked on the door, Mr Gold opened the door and I was a bit surprised, I couldn't see Regina behind him. "hello Mr Gold" I smiled at him. "hello dear" he turned and spoke into the house, to Regina. "it seems you have a visitor Regina"

"who is it?" she says from inside the house. "Miss Swan" he says. "tell her to leave" she said and before Mr Gold could even tell me to leave Regina chimed back in and said "wait which one?" Mr Gold looked at me "Alexandra" he then walked away from the house and left. I was confused as I hadn't told him my full name before. I turned back around to see Regina in the doorway. "to what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting?" she asked me, leaning against the doorframe. "I just wondered if you wanted to join me on a walk" I emphasised on the join, referring to what she said to me at lunch. "I would love to" she smirked, let me grab my coat and bag" she turned and entered her home and returned with her bag, she locked her door and we walked out the gate.

we were just strolling down the high street to the sea front in a comfortable silence. "what made you want to go on a walk with me?" Regina asked smirking. she's so confident, I love it. "my charming personality?"

"no it's because your hot" I said not even looking at her, but I could see out of the corner of my eye she was BLUSHING. I made Regina Mills blush! "are you blushing madam mayor?" I asked shocked. "ha ha your so funny" she said sarcastically. we reached the sea front and we sat on a bench. It was really cold and I didn't have a coat on so I had goosebumps, she noticed and said "oh darling would you like my coat?"

"darling?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "do you want the coat or not Swan" she said bluntly. "yes I do" I said and she took it off and I put it on. "you know I thought you were like Storybrooke royalty the way you act, but I couldn't imagine royalty giving up their coat" I giggled. "i'm a queen thank you very much" she said crossing her arms. "oh i'm sorry your majesty!" I said giggling at her. "i'll have my coat back now" she smirked. "no it's rather cozy" I smiled. she just moved closer to me on the bench and now her shoulder was touching mine, she looked at me funny. "put your head on my shoulder swan" she demanded, but in a sweet way. "okay my queen" I laughed. "I think my queen suits you" I said putting my head on her shoulder, I could see her blushing. "wow twice in one day I am on a roll" I exclaimed. "you've got a sudden burst of confidence swan" she said. "your starting to sound like your sister"

"I thought you didn't like my sister" I said taking my head of her shoulder and looking at her. "that's why I said like your sister" she smirked. I blushed, crap. she chuckled a little to herself before standing up. It was beginning to get dark so we walked back, again in a comfortable silence. we reached her home and she opened the door "Henry's inside I better go and check on him" she smiled at me on the doorstep. "okay my queen" I joked. she just smirked. as I was about to turn away, she stepped closer and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "we should do this another time swan" and then she walked into her house and shut the door.

I froze, this was the best thing ever. I had to find Emma!

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