"look at this"

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a/n hi I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, i'm trying to stick with the storyline of the show, but with Alex :)

Alex's pov:
I was looking at the pretty cover of Henry's book when I opened it and it landed on a page of who i'm guessing Henry thought we were so I tapped Emma on the shoulder and said "look at this"

Emma took her eyes off the road and looked "I mean that does look like you, an ugly baby" she said to me pointing to the baby with a blanket with the name Alexandra embroidered onto it. "hey we have the-"
I began but got cut off by Emma shouting "crap-" we hit a tree and got knocked out cold.

I woke up from Emma shaking me. "what" I said rubbing eyes and I looked around, we were in a jail cell. "what happened?" I asked confused. "you made me crash" she said rolling her eyes. "oh, you sure that was me?" I said joking. "it's not funny, now we're gonna get fined probably" she said putting her hands on the bars.

"you better be ready for hell sister" a man in the cell next to us says. "don't give them grief Leroy" another man says putting his tools back in a box, then leaving. "come on let me out" the one in the cell says as another man who was at the door when we took Henry home last night, i'm guessing he's the sheriff. "as long as you stop causing trouble" the sheriff says opening the cell and letting him leave. "you feel like letting us leave?" I asked the sheriff.

"the Mayor reported that she smelt alcohol on you both last night, which is why you crashed im assuming?" He asked us. I looked at Emma confused, she just looked pissed. "she lied, can we leave now?" she said bluntly. he sighed and opened the cell door. "a bit stupid to put two people you think have done a crime in the same cell" I said sitting on the desk. "i'll catch you later Al" Emma says leaving. "not so fa-" the sheriff tried to catch my sister but she had already left. He sighed once again and sat in his chair. "I'm Alex" I said smiling at him. "Graham" He said looking at me. "nice to meet you Graham" I smiled. "would you mind pointing me in the direction of the nearest food place, or your favourite, i'm hungry" I said. "Granny's Dinner, about a three minute walk that way" he said pointing out the window. "thanks Graham!" I said hoping off his desk and leaving the sheriff's station.

I walk for a bit before I reached the Dinner the sheriff was talking about and I walked in. I sat on the barstools on the edge of the ordering part im guessing. "hey there" a girl, maybe a few years younger than me came over behind the counter said. "hi, can I have anything and everything" I said sighing. I haven't ate since lunch yesterday. "your specific aren't you?" she laughed. "you pick me something" I said. "okay" she smiled and went into the kitchen. I then noticed something sat next to me out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see THE MAYOR. great. I haven't seen her since our encounter last night.

I tried to not look at her. "would you like your usual madam mayor?" an older woman asked behind the counter to the woman next to me. "no, just a coffee please" she says, she sounded exhausted. I decided to be brave and I faced her and smiled. she had a blank expression on her face. "great another swan sister" she said looking at me. "i'm guessing your where my sister ran off to?" I asked. "she's trying to take my son, he's ran off again" she said sternly, as if it was my fault. "I don't think she wants to take your son Madam Mayor" I said. "oh yes she is" she said repeating.

Then the girl from before came back. "here you go" she said passing me what looked like a grilled cheese and a coffee. "is this okay?" she asked. "I hate to be that person but I don't like coffee, could I have an apple juice?" I asked, she nodded with a smile. then I heard the Mayor snicker next to me. "yes madam mayor?" I questioned. "wow you've got more confidence than you did last night" she said. I blushed, she didn't need to remind me. A smirk appeared on her face, I just looked away. Then the girl came back with my apple juice and the coffee for the mayor. I could read her name tag now. "Ruby" I said reading it out. "yep, do I get to know your name?" she asked. "Alex" I smiled, taking a sip of my apple juice.

"we'll Alex, if you need anything just ask" she smiled, going back into the kitchen. "so madam mayor, it may be informal, but what's your name?" I asked, trying to not be awkward. "that's incredibly inappropriate" she said with a blank face. She picked up her coffee and looked like she was going to leave I just looked down awkwardly, my plan failed. as she stood up, she whispered in my ear "it's Regina" she practically spoke on my skin. my face turned into a tomato. yes she only told me her name, but it was the way she told me. oh my god. i'm so dramatic she was only telling me. she smirked at me then left.

that was eventful, I need to find Emma

a/n I hope you enjoyed this, it's a pretty long chapter but it was fun to write, feel free to leave comments about ideas you have :)

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