"no, I insist"

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a/n chapter idk but hey! I hope your enjoying reading :)

Alex pov:
"how long were you standing there by the way, my queen?" I asked Regina, laughing a little on her nickname. "long enough to see that Henry adores you" she smiled at me. "it's hard for him to like people, you should take it as a compliment" she smirked. "oh I do, i'm a cool aunt" I said proudly. she just rolled her eyes jokingly. "I had a good time last night" I said to her. "as did I" she smiled. "I know, Henry told me" I smirked, she blushed. "why what did he say" she said taking a drink of her wine. "that you seemed happy when you got back from our walk" I smiled. "doesn't mean I was happy because of you, your confident" she smirked. "oh you know it was because of me" I smirked back and she just giggled "touché" she smirked, copying me.

"so what are we having for dinner, my queen" I asked. "I was going to make lasagna with Henry, but clearly he had better things to do, so could you help me?" she asked. "course" I paused. "my queen" she rolled her eyes. We were cooking on the island and she put the dish out. I stood agains the island, she turned and went into the freezer, and got out some frozen pasta sheets. "it's been there for a bit we'll have to leave it out before we can use it, let's make the sauce" she says, I nodded and we walked to the stove. she walked to the side of me, and reached to the cupboard above me, HOLDING ONTO MY WAIST as she got a pan out. I was most definitely blushing, because she started smirking at me, I just looked at my fingers. "i'm gonna put the tomato sauce I prepared last night in the pan, could you get the red pepper flakes out of that cupboard?" she asked pointing at a cupboard. "yep" I said popping the p on the end. I walked to the cupboard and found the red pepper flakes, and brought them to Regina. I went to pass them to her as she was stirring the sauce in the pan and she shook her head. "you put them in, i'm not doing all the hard work" she said pointing at the pan. "okay then" I said a bit worried, cooking wasn't my specialty. I put a tiny bit in, not wanting to put too much in. "christ you can put more than that in" she said giggling. she put her hand on my wrist and shook some more out of the box. I took my hand away from the pan and rest it on the side, but her hand never left my wrist, I just looked at her and she noticed and removed her hand smirking. "want me to put these back?" I asked. "i'll do it" she said taking them out of my hand and putting them back in the cupboard.

we added the rest of the ingredients and put the lasagna in the oven. "it'll be about 20 minutes ish" she said. "okay" I smiled at her. "come with me" she took my hand by my wrist and took me into her living room. she sat down and I just looked around. "you can sit down darling" she laughed a little. she's cute when she doesn't have her blank face on. I giggled then sat down beside her. something caught my eye from on top of the fireplace, it was a picture, I looked at it and it was Henry, when he was younger and Regina. "that's a pretty picture" I said to the woman beside me. "yes, Henry gave it to me for Mother's day a few years ago" she smiled looking at it. "your a great mom to him you know" I looked at her. she seemed shocked I had said that. "i'm strict on him, but it's because I want what's best for him" she explained. "sometimes you need some strictness and discipline, otherwise you just think you can get everything" I said. "and that's not the case in life" Regina finished for me. I sighed. my phone then pinged in my pocket. I got it out and it was my sister.

hey ass, I'm having dinner with Henry, I'll see you back at the car in a few hours, don't be back late, I hate you out in the dark

I laughed at the message. and replied with

okay mom

I went to put my phone back in my pocket but then it pinged again.

if i'm not there who is loner

I rolled my eyes jokingly at her comment. it's true, we've only both had each other. "is that your sister?" Regina asked me. "yeah sorry, she's telling me not to come home in the dark" I said to her, putting my phone back in my pocket. "it's getting dark soon, and our food won't be done for another 10 minutes, if you would like, we have a spare bedroom you could stay in for tonight?" she offered. oh my god did she just ask if I wanted to stay over? she's just being nice, stop overthinking it. "oh I couldn't, i'm already staying for dinner" I said. why did I say that, oh my god i'm so stupid. "no, I insist" she says putting her hand on my arm, I relaxed in her touch. "okay then" I smiled. "let me just ring my sister and tell her" I said. I got up and walked to the kitchen and ran Emma.

"hey Em, i'm at a friend's house, i'm gonna spend the night here" I told her. "Henry told me your at Regina's, your getting close fast" she laughed. "shut it dickhead, we're friends" I smiled looking at the lasagna in the oven. "okay then, i'll see you tomorrow Al" she said. "love you Em" I said. "love you" she then hung up. "friends?" Regina asked behind me, making me jump. "yeah, are we not friends?" I asked. "no no, course me are. friends" she said again, smirking. I sat on the stool and she again, sat opposite me, my phone pinged from in my hand, it was my sister again. "what does she want?" I asked opening the message

don't sleep with her jackass

"what did she say?" Regina asked looking at the lasagna. "oh nothing, just goodnight" I lied. I put my phone back in my pocket. "so is the lasagna ready?" I asked. "a few more minutes" she smiled at me.

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