"charm her"

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Alex pov:
I found Emma trying to put the seats done in the car. "yay our new home" I joked. "I'm going on the passenger's side" I exclaimed. she turned and looked at me "no your not" "wooohhh calm down what's up with you?" I asked. "i'm tired" she yawned. "I can tell" I giggled and she did too, she knows she getting angry when she's tired.

about half an hour later Emma and I were sat in the car and we were looking on in a newspaper to see for any new apartments or houses we could rent out. "hey you two" Mary-Margret came up to my window, I put the window down and responded "hi" she looked confused why we were laying down in a car at 8pm. "how come you two are in here?" she questioned. "we have no where to stay" I sighed. "apparently Storybrooke is not an option on Craigslist" Emma said. "well I hope you two have a better night than i've had" Mary-Margret spoke. "you were on a date right?" I recall her telling me earlier. "yes, Wale, it was tragic" she sighed. "please tell me he payed" Emma asked her. Mary-Margret shook her head. what an ass. "i'm thrilled your both staying in Storybrooke" she smiled. "if you guys would like, I have a spare room, it has a double bed you two could share" she offered, my face lit up, but I knew what Emma was going to say. "we're not good roommates, we are a pain" she explained. "speak for yourself" I mumbled. "no problem, the offers there" Mary-Margret smiled. "goodnight" she waved as she walked off.

"why would you say that for!" I asked Emma. "we are bad roommates" she said putting her hands up. "you are! i'm amazing" I defended myself and she just rolled her eyes, this was going to be one long night.

I woke up the next morning and got ready the best I could in a car. I put my hair in dutch braids with a few wispy bits out as they're easy to do and keep my hair out my face. "i'm going to Regina's!" I exclaimed to Emma. "alright Mrs Mills" she joked. "shut up dickhead" I said getting out the car with my phone. I made my way to Regina's house, I knocked on the door and Henry answered. "hey buddy" I smiled at him. "hi Alex! what are you doing here!" he asked excited to see me. "i'm here to see your mom" I explained. "she's not here she had an early morning meeting" he smiled getting his bag from around the corner of the door. "can you walk me to school?" he asked. "sure bud" I said, we locked the door and headed to Storybrooke Elementary. We got there and I saw that there was a bus outside. "what's the bus for little man?" I asked. "we're going on a trip to the hospital!" he exclaimed. "cool!" I exclaimed the same tone as him, I walked him over to Miss Blanchard. "what are we supposed to do, I need another adult to go with me!" I heard Mary-Margret sighed to another teacher. "hey Mary-Margret" I said making her turn around. "hi you two" she said seeming more sad than her usual self.

"I couldn't help but overhear that your missing an adult for the trip?" I asked. "sadly, we need 2 members of staff to take the whole class" she sighed. "well, i'm not a member of staff but I can go with you" I offered, her face lit up. "yes! that would be great Alex thank you! I don't want to let the students down, they've made banners and w i posters and things for the trip" she smiled, back to her usual self. I smiled at her as she walked off and rounded up the students to go on the bus.

We arrived at the hospital after what seemed like a very long 10 minute drive. I've always been good with kids so I'm glad i came. I was talking to a boy billy when I saw Henry sat in a room with a coma patient. "i'll be back Billy give me a few minutes" I tapped him on the shoulder walking past. I opened the door and looked at my nephew. "hey buddy how about you come and help put up more banners" I asked him leaning against the doorframe. "will Mr Doe be okay Alex?" he asked me. "oh bud, his name isn't John Doe, it's just a name we give to people who don't have a known name, no one has claimed him by the looks of the papers" I said flicking though the coma patients files. "how didn't I see this before!!" Henry exclaimed, looking at a book in his lap. I walked over and saw it was his storybook. "he's prince charming!! Miss Blanchard's husband! your dad! look the scar matches perfectly" he points to the scar on the drawing in the book, then to the coma patient. "yeah it could be buddy!" I exclaimed like him. "we need to tell Miss Blanchard" He said going to get up. "woohh buddy, telling someone their soulmate is in a coma is probably not helpful" I explained to him. "we can tell Emma later" I smiled at him patting his back. "now let's go help your classmates with the patients" I got up and he followed.

We returned to school a few hours later and it was home time for the students, I helped with pickup. "hey sam, where's your mom sweetheart?" I asked the little girl next to me as she said her mother was here, she pointed and I said "off you go darling" and she ran to her mother. It was just Miss Blanchard, Henry and I. As I told Henry I would walk back with him, I'll get to see Regina!!

"you were great today Alex, you should think about teaching as a job" Mary-Margret smiled at me. "I would love to do teaching, i'd need the qualifications though" I sighed, I wish I got the option to study to become a teacher. "you could always be a classroom assistant while you do online courses for teaching" she said. "that's a good idea, i'll think about it, thank you Mary-Margret" I smiled then Henry and I left to walk to his house. "my mom isn't home Alex, she isn't back for another half an hour, could you help me with my homework?" he asked me. "sure buddy, would your mom be okay with me coming in?" I asked him. "yeah course!!" he said excitedly.

We were on the kitchen island doing math homework and I was sat next to Henry, we were both sat on stools. "that would be 2x add 3x" I explained. my hair was already falling out, so I took it out of the plates, it was a bit crazy, beach wavy. "and that's 5x!" he exclaimed. "yeah buddy! your so good at this" I encouraged him. "Alex?" he looked at me. "Henry?" I said in response. "are you and my mom friends?" he asked. "I hope so, I like hanging out with her" I smiled, thinking about our walk yesterday. "she seemed really happy when she came in from being out with you yesterday" he explained, which made me happy. "she did?" I asked. "yep, and it was good to see her happy, the evil queen shouldn't be coming out" he said worried. "hey! don't call your mom the evil queen" I snapped at him. "in the curse! she's not bad with me" he paused for a moment. "and you" he smiled at me. "hello you two" a voice said from behind us, I turned on my seat. "mom!" Henry exclaimed, running towards her. he said he didn't like her, I think he's worried she's the evil queen, which she obviously isn't. "I hope it's alright I came in Regina, I was helping Henry with his homework" I explained. "yes it's fine, would you like to join us for dinner?" she asked me, walking towards me, with Henry. "oh I wouldn't want to impose" I stood up. "please do! i'm going to have dinner at my friend" he paused thinking. "billy's house!" he smiled, I could tell he was lying. I took tips off of my sister's super power. "I didn't know about this Henry" Regina said turning to him. "sorry mom, I thought I did" he said looking down. "it's alright sweetheart, when are you going to his house?" she asked him. "now!" he said, Regina turned to get a glass out of the cuboard and I looked at Henry as he winked at me and mouthed "charm her"

cheeky kid, he knows I like her. or does he think she likes me?? what is she does?

"see you later mom!" Henry exclaimed shutting the front door behind him. he was definitely going to see Emma. Regina sat opposite me with two glasses. like we did the other day. "trying to get me drunk to have dinner with you, my queen" I brought back the nickname from last night. she smirked at me. "I don't have to get you drunk for you to stay" she poured us some wine each and slid one across to me. "touché madam mayor" I said sipping my wine.

this was going to be a good night!!!

a/n thanks for reading this, again feel free to leave comments, it doesn't have to be about the story, it could be about ouat in general:)

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