"no your not"

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a/n hey guys enjoy....

Alex pov:
I woke up the next day, the curtains were open and I felt around the bed to whack Emma to ask her to get me a drink of water for my headache, but she wasn't there. I looked around and she wasn't in the room. I picked up my phone and it had 1%, great.

I looked to see quite a few messages on my phone. One from Ruby

you gave me your number last night, let's meet up some time girl!!

to which I replied

as soon as this headache is gone ahahah

next messages were from Emma

you were still asleep but i've gone out, I decided to take the deputy job, so i'm at the mines, some commotion down there x
you clearly aren't up yet your lazy ass, but if you need anything i'll be at the station x

the next one was from Mary-Margret

I left some pain killers on the side for you if you have a headache :)

awh she's so sweet! and then the last one was from Regina, but my phone died before I could read it. "great" I mumbled, trying to find my charger. It was nowhere, I think I left it in the bug.

I got myself sorted and took some pain killers and went out to where the bug was parked last night, but it was gone. I bet Emma has it. where did she say she was again? I can't remember. I do remember one thing, Mary-Margret said that due to a leek or something at school that it was cancelled today, so i'm going to try find her.

I walked into Granny's and saw her on the counter. I walked over to her and sat down. "you mind?" I asked. "not at all, are you feeling alright after last night?" she asked me. "I suppose so" I sighed. "I have an idea to cheer us up, we could go shopping for clothes, I sorta noticed you and Emma wear the same things every other day" Mary-Margret giggled. "good plan" I said and we left and began shopping.

Emma and I share clothes a lot of the time so I bought things we would both like. $150 lighter, I was walking to the apartment with Mary-Margret. "not to impose Alex, but have you ever wondered about your parents?" she asked me sweetly. "all the time" I said to her. "I just want to know why they would give us up you know?" I said, trying to not get sad about it. "well according to Henry your my mom" I giggled. "what?" she asked confused, opening the front door. "he says Emma and I are Snow White's twin daughter's she sent through the wardrobe" I told her.

"Snow White having children? wow" she smiled, as we sat on the sofa. "I hate to ask but do you happen to have a phone charger? mine is in the bug and Emma has it" I asked her. "yeah let me find it" she got up and come out of her room a minute later.

I plugged my phone in and sat back on the sofa with Mary-Margret. "I just got a message from Emma she said why aren't you answering your phone, and she said she's at the mines and needs you to go" Mary-Margret said looking up from her phone.

"oki doki" I said getting my jacket and leaving. I walked down trying to find the mines as i'd never been there before. I finally arrived to worried faces and panicked people. "whats happening sheriff?" I asked Graham as he was the first person I saw. "Henry and Archie are trapped down there" He said pointing at the mine. "what?!" I exclaimed concerned. I then saw my sister and I tan up and hugged her. My sister is never really a hugger, until it comes to me.

"he's down there Al" she said pulling out of the hug, walking over to Graham. "what's the plan then?" she asked him. "were going to drill them out, mayors orders" he says walking to the men with the massive drills. "are you kidding me?" Emma said, but I wasn't really listening I was too busy concentrating on the fact Regina was here. "where's Regina?" I asked sighing. "over there" Regina pointed.

she looked as gorgeous as ever, very distressed. "hello your majesty" I said walking over to her. "i'm sorr-" she stood up was starting to apologise, but I just hugged her, she relaxed into it straight away and hugged back, not wanting to let go. "he's all I have" she said. this is the first time I have seen her almost upset. "I know, we're going to get him back don't worry" I reassured her, still holding onto her. I then pulled away and walked over to the mines. "drill it now" Regina said.

I know i'm not the smartest person ever but i'm sure that will just collapse on them. "STOP" I scream. when everyone goes quiet I can hear them. "get me a harness, i'm going down" I said walking over to the men with the drill. they looked at me like I was stupid. "quickly please" I asked. they came back over with a harness and I put it on. "woooh what are you doing?" Emma tan over to me asking. "getting them out of there" I told her, attaching the rope to my harness. "no your not" Emma and Regina said in sync. "finally we agree on something" Emma said, and Regina nodded.

"you can agree with each other all you want, but i'm going down" I said, walking over to the hole they drilled. "HENRY" I shouted, I heard faint screams coming back. I have the rope to the men and told them when I tugged it, or shouted, they were to pull me back up, they understood.

"Al, you can't go down there, it's dangerous" Emma said to me. "if it were me down there would go?" I asked her, she paused knowing her answer, she would. "thought so" I said and I sat on the edge of the hole putting my feet through. Regina knelt down to me and said to me "you don't have to do this"

"it's not like i'm gonna die, not without kissing you my queen" I said winking at her and going down the hole. did I really just say that? I think it was the adrenaline rush. as I was lowered down I could see Henry and Archie. "ALEX" they both screamed. "don't worry, i've got you guys" I said standing on the little platform they were on. Henry hugged me and I grabbed him tight, picking him up. Then the walls started to quake. "no!" I exclaimed, I needed to get both of them. I put my arm out for Archie, but the men had started pulling me up. I closed my eyes pulling Henry's head out of the way of the dust coming down.

I then felt a hand on my leg. It was Archie, thank god. we slowly got pulled up and made it to safety. I never let go of Henry, not even when we got out. "you can let go of my now Alex" he giggled. "stop getting yourself into trouble little man" I said letting go and he ran towards Emma and Regina. He hugged Emma first which I could tell boiled Regina's blood, he then hugged her though, then she took him towards the car and Emma came over to me and hugged me.

"I hate you" she said squeezing me tight. "I love you too" I laughed. she then let go and went to go help Graham sort everything out. I was about to take my harness off when Regina walked over. "thank you so much, you didn't have to do that" she said, relieved her son was okay. "I did, i'm still his aunt, even if I was angry at you" I smiled. "what I said about an ex jailbird-" I cut her off. "let just leave it in the past, I want us to get closer Regina, but my past isn't something i'm ready to talk about" I said un clipping my harness.

"that's alright with me, i'm sorry for overstepping boundaries" she said, looking down. "and i'm sorry I haven't done this sooner" I said lifting her chin up and kissing her

a/n thoughts?

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