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a/n i'm trying to find a way to make each chapter more exciting so any ideas please feel free to tell me!

Alex pov:
I walked up to Granny's at 10:44am, yay! I opened the door and heard the little bell ring. I looked around to see a few tables taken, and then I saw Regina in a booth in the back corner, smiling at me. "hi" I said sitting opposite her. "hello" she smirked. we just sat there with her smirking at me. I just smiled, i'm fine with her being the more confident one. "Ruby, can we order please?" I asked the brunette as she walked past. "yeah what can I get for you two" she asked taking her notepad and pen out from her back pocket of her shorts. "can I have the sugar pancakes please?" I asked her. she nodded, "with an apple juice?" she smiled, knowing me so well already. "you know me" I giggled. then Regina asked for a black coffee and some toast. "that'll be right up for you guys" Ruby said leaving our booth.

"apple juice?" Regina asked, looking like she wanted to laugh. "hey!" I laughed. "I like apple juice" I defended myself, she just smiled. "I feel like I know nothing about you, mysterious madam mayor?" I said to her. "what would you like to know Swan?" she smirked. "anything" I shrugged my shoulders. "well, i've been mayor as long as I can remember, and I love this town, some people in it not so much, but as a whole I love my job" she said. "did you do any sports as a little girl?" I asked. "I can't believe i'm telling you this, but I did horse riding if that counts?" she smiled.

"that totally counts!" I exclaimed, I never knew that. "what about you? anything you did when you were younger you want to share?" she asked me. "I did dancing for a bit, well most of my life to be honest, I also did horse riding at one point" I giggled. we had something in common!

"when?" she smiled. "I was about 14, and I was in a group home that lived on a farm, I rode this one horse every day, I lived there for about 9 months so that was cool" I explained to her, and she listened to every word nodding. "you and Emma lived on a farm?" she asked me intrigued. "oh Emma didn't, we weren't in the same home at that time, but I still saw her at the group convention things they had in the system, then in our next home we were together" I told her. "oh i'm sorry" she said, smiling softly. "oh don't be, I was with her in the womb for 9 months, I don't need to be with her every waking second" I giggled.

"here you two go" Ruby said putting our food and drinks down for us. "thanks Ruby" I smiled at her and she walked away. "we're like polar opposites you know" I laughed.

"what do you mean?" Regina asked. "i'm in a tracksuit, your in a pantsuit, I never wear heels, your always wearing them, I have apple juice while you have a  black coffee" I giggled. "well one thing we have in common is horse riding" she smiled, taking a sip of her coffee.

my phone vibrated in my pocket so I took it out, it was Emma.

if your not too busy making out with the mayor, there's a welcome home party for David, the man from the hospital, tonight at 5 if you want to come :)

I giggled at her comment about making out with Regina, I had only kissed her once. "everything alright?" she asked me, I nodded. "there's a welcome home party for David tonight, Emma was asking if I wanted to go" I told her, I began to eat my pancakes. "yes, I'm going, my friend Katherine is his wife" she told me.

we kept a conversation going, mostly telling each other about our lives so far. I left out the jail part though, and Regina didn't seem to be too detailed about her life before Storybrooke, but aside from that we talked about a lot. "hey Ruby can I have the check please?" I asked her, she nodded and brought over the check, I reached to get it but Regina snatched it before I could. "I invited you out, i'm paying" she said sternly. "oh I can't let you do that" I said trying to take the check back but she slapped my hand playfully. "nope" she told me and went up to the counter to pay.

she came back over and put her hand out for me. I blushed but took it of course. We walked out of Granny's and I thanked her for paying, she said it was nothing.

"why don't we go down to the sea front?" she suggested. "good plan" I smiled, still having my fingers intertwined with Regina's. "I have to go back to work for 12, so we have an hour" she smiled as we headed for the sea front.

it was a comfortable silence as we walked down. When we got there we sat on a bench and just looked out to the sea. "how is your job at the school going?" she asked me, facing me. "how do you know about my job at the school?" I asked wondering, as I don't remember telling her. "Henry talks" she smiled. "ahhh" I realised. "well it's going good, i've only done it for one day,        Mary-Margret and I decided I would go in 1-2 times a week" I told her.

"ahh yes your living with" she paused, rolling her eyes. "Mary-Margret" she breathed out. "oh are you two not friends?" I asked her confused. "oh no, we are okay, we just don't know each other well" she told me, but I could tell it was something else.

"your really beautiful Alex" she told me looking at me. I went bright red. "your hot" I told her, not even embarrassed I just said that. she smirked at me, she then put her hand around the back of my neck and pulled me towards her, my lips towards hers. we kissed, and it was just as magical as last time. it was a lot more passionate, longer, and we pulled away when we both needed to breathe. "wow" I breathed out.


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