Splitting Up

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Chishiya and Kagami continued to run, hand in hand as shots seemed to come from all around them. Just how many people were chasing them? Why on Earth would they bring everyone out to play new games just to slaughter them? Something wasn't adding up, but Kagami didn't have the time to think about it as the pair continued to flee the gunshots. Not to mention that her head still ached from before the Ten of Hearts game. All around them people were being shot and killed, making Kagami think about the chaos they had left behind at the Beach.

Continuing to run down the street, Kagami caught sight of Kuina who called out to her. She was hiding behind a red car. As soon as their eyes met, Kagami grabbed onto Chishiya and pulled him over to her, where the three of them crouched down and listened to the sound of the assault rifle.

"At least the assault rifle can't shoot through cars." Chishiya said, looking around the car to see if he could spot anyone.

"That is probably the only upside to this situation." Kagami replied with a smirk.  

"Will you two take this seriously?" Kuina asked, looking to Chishiya and Kagami who both exchanged looks before looking back to Kuina. "We are about to die. Why aren't you more concerned?" She asked, looking at Kagami in particular who shrugged her shoulders.

"This is my extra serious face." Kagami said, doing her best not to crack a smile. "And in my defense, I have almost died so many times now. At some point it stops being scary and becomes kinda funny." Kagami flicked her eyes over to meet with Chishiya who glanced at Kuina and nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with you two." Kuina sighed before she looked around the back of the car. "I think I found Arisu and Usagi," She said, glancing at Kagami and Chishiya for a second before she looked back around, "Are you trying to get killed out there?" She called out. 

The sound of Kuina's voice caused a ray of bullets to be shot in their direction, causing her to swing back around to hide behind the car. Thankfully the bullets didn't hit them like it would have if it were the anti tank rifle being used.

"Where are they shooting from, anyway?" Kuina asked.

Kagami was just about to give a response when they heard something moving above them. Looking above, Kagami, Kuina and Chishiya all saw the large blimp that moved over the top of them with the King of Spades card hanging from it, flapping in the wind. 

"He must be the King of Spades." Chishiya said, before he pulled something out of his pocket. "Take this." He said, looking to Kuina and passing her some home made device that looked like a bomb. "A good luck charm." He said as Kuina took it and examined it.

"An explosive? You made this?" Kuina asked, as she continued to examine the small bomb. "Shouldn't you give this to Kagami considering you two are like a thing now?" She asked. Chishiya's gaze flicked onto Kagami before he looked back to Kuina. 

"It's more likely that we'll lose you in all this chaos. I wanted to give you something just in case that happens." He explained before he turned to look at Kagami. "There isn't a chance that Kagami and I will be splitting up." Chishiya explained, ignoring Kagami's look of confusion, before he looked back to Kuina.

"What makes you say that?" Kagami asked, drawing back Chishiya's gaze.

"Easy. I'm not going to let it happen... so it won't." Chishiya said before he pulled out a second one and showed it to Kagami. "And besides, I have two. One for us. One for Kuina." He said, waving it in Kagami's face before he looked back to Kuina. "Make sure you use it if you have to." Chishiya told Kuina.

As Chishiya placed the homemade bomb back into his pocket, Kagami once again heard the sound of the assault rifle go off. The King of Spades was close. Looking to the left, Kagami caught sight of Usagi and Arisu who were dragging the body of a man behind one of the cars. While it was clear they were trying to do the right thing and save him. It was too late.

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