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Once Chishiya had finished stitching up the wound, Kagami very slowly rolled onto her back and sat up. She was happy to be back with Chishiya and the change in him seemed to be for the better. He smiled more now and laughed at her comments whereas before she might have gotten a chuckle. She was truly glad that Chishiya played the King of Diamonds game with Kuzuryu. When she had first seen him after he exited the Supreme Court, Kagami honestly feared what his reaction to her being there would be. Part of her worried that he was going to be annoyed with her for finding him before all of the games were finished. But, his actual reaction was something she would have never expected.

"We should find somewhere to rest. The King of Jacks game went on for fourteen hours and I could really use some sleep." Chishiya said through a yawn. He was still kneeling down in front of her. "You also need to rest with all of your injuries." He added and Kagami nodded in response.

"I'll go wherever you do." She said with a smile as she watched Chishiya's face. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. He flashed her a faint smile before he rose to his feet,

"We could head to my house, it's not too far from here actually. I was planning on going there after the King of Diamonds game anyway." Chishiya suggested and Kagami gave a small nod in response. She was quite interested in seeing where he lived back in the real world. "Stay here and I'll grab some supplies." Chishiya added before he turned on his heel and walked away.

Kagami watched every move he made with a smile. He had managed to find a backpack and began filling it with food and other supplies. She wondered how Kuina would react to seeing this version of Chishiya. The only concern that Kagami really had was whether or not this version of Chishiya only existed around her or not. She hoped that this would be the Chishiya that would go back to the real world alongside her. She felt as though they really had a future together and while a thought like that once scared her, she now found comfort it in. She was no longer San'ya scum and he was no longer a rich brat who hid his emotions. They had both changed and perhaps the only way they could was by splitting up.

Chishiya returned with a backpack that was filled with different types of food and other supplies they might need. Kagami's eyes fell onto the bloody cardigan that was next to her. It was pretty much unwearable now which was disappointing given how attached she had become to it. But, she supposed the black singlet would be good enough. At least now her wound was stitched up and they could find somewhere safe to stay. Chishiya put the backpack on and offered her his hand to help her to her feet before the pair walked hand in hand out of the grocery store.

"So, what was the Jack of Hearts like?" Kagami asked.

"Not as bad as I initially expected. I only nearly died once." He replied, looking straight ahead.

"Oh? Just once?" Kagami chuckled in response, "For these kinds of games I guess that isn't too bad. It's a shame that Niragi seems to be immortal. Tatta died after breaking his own hand and yet Niragi's still getting around after being burnt alive." She said bitterly. "You know, I was actually going to be his friend before he attacked me for choosing you over him. I was even going to bring him with me to find you so you could help him." Kagami told him. "He's coughing up blood which can't be good."

"He won't ever change." Chishiya said in response. "You're not even a real person to him anymore. He's like a toddler who lost his favorite toy and is now throwing a tantrum because he can't have it back." Kagami smirked lightly at the toddler comment.

Niragi not changing was something that Kagami had already learned the hard way, but hearing it from Chishiya still made her heart sink a little. While she had no love for him anymore and hadn't for a long time, she still at least wanted him to be her friend. They had been through too much together for it all to be thrown away. The King of Clubs was a chance for them to grow as separate people and form a friendship with a solid foundation. Now things had changed and she would definitely kill him if she saw him again. Even the simple thought of Niragi made her angry now.

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