Ch.12: SNAP!!!

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Aveil stared up at the wooden gates of the Royal Ancient Tech Lab. He knocked twice and waited for someone to open it. He heard clunking and thumping as if someone fell down a flight of stairs. Aveil leaped back as the doors flew wide open, barely missing him.

"Watcha doing all the way back there?" asked the white-haired man.

"Come on in!" He said before walking back into the lab.

Aveil, now on alert, carefully walked into the lab. He jumped again as the doors closed right behind them on their own.

"Purah! The package is here!" The man yelled up the stairs before turning around. The man stuck out his hand.

"The name's Robbie."

Aveil shook it.

"Aveil, the Arbiter of the Gerudo, at your service."

Robbie smiled and began up the stairs.

"If you would follow me," he said.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Aveil was met with machines of all sizes, beeping and making other sounds. A woman with white hair peeked her head out from a book. She quickly got up and ran to Aveil.

"Wow, are you really from 10,000 years ago?! I was expecting you to be older!" She said, scanning him up and down.

Aveil looked to Robbie who was also looking him up and down.

"What do you think Purah, magic or a machine?" He said.

"I think it's a little of both," she replied.

"Excuse me, but I was not sent here to be examined like some sort of creature."

Aveil spoke up as he pulled out the scroll.

"The king tells me you need help with a project?"

Robbie and Purah grabbed Aveil's hands and led him to a workbench with a blue sheet over it.

Robbie pulled the sheet off revealing 7 newly made Sheikah Slates.

"You see, Aveil, we made these by following the instructions this little guy has given!" She then pointed towards a Little Guardian, who beeped in response.

"But," Purah said, picking up one of the slates, "they don't have the runes that the original has. So, our question is how do we get the runes on the slates?" She finished.

Aveil picked up the slate and spun it around. He thought back to the day he got his slate. He had watched them make every intricate step. He remembered a similar problem of the runes not appearing on his. Then, they brought it over to a machine that had a slate already in it.

They placed it on another machine that looked exactly like it but with a giant stone above it. He watched as it began to drip some sort of blue liquid that made the runes appear.

"Well, if I remember correctly, they had some sort of machine that copied the runes of one slate to another," He said before looking around and spotting it in the corner. He pointed to it. "And there it is!"

"We were hoping it wouldn't be that one," They both said in unison.

"You see, that one doesn't turn one and we can't figure out why," Robbie said.

"Well, do you not have the blue fire?" Aveil asked.

They both looked at him like he was crazy.

"You know, the energy source that powers the Divine Beasts? I believe there's a furnace close to us!" He looked at his map.

"Yep! There is one only a couple of feet away from here. Just give me a moment," he said turning around and before walking down the stairs, picking up a torch.

He walked outside and looked around.

"Well, where could it be? The slate says it should be close by..." He thought out loud.

He took the slate out and pressed an icon. A slow beeping sounded from it as he began to walk. The beeping grew faster and louder as he moved to a pile of rocks.

Guess it's in there. He thought before pressing the bomb icon. A bright blue ball of light appeared in his hands and he carefully placed it on the ground. He backed away before triggering the explosion.

When the first cleared, he saw a furnace with a bright blue flame coming from it. He grabbed the torch and placed it in the fire. As he pulled it out, he looked to see that Purah and Robbie were standing there taking notes.

"Now we shall be able to power the Guidance Stone."

Purah tilted her head, looking at him with confusion.

"A what stone?"

Aveil groaned in annoyance and sighed.

"The stone that allows you to add Runes to the Sheikah Slate."

"Oh! Why didn't you say that sooner? Let's go then!"

Aveil rolled his eyes at the two and followed them back to the Tech Lab. He walked up to the Guidance Stone and slowly placed the fire into the fireplace, blowing out the fire on the torch afterward.

The orange color disappeared as a blue hue faded in. Purah smiled, quickly taking more notes. "We will need a slate that has the runes already in it," Aveil said

"Fascinating! Hand me your Sheikah Slate and we'll test it out!"

She held out her hand as Aveil took it out of its holder. He handed it over and watched closely as she placed it in the holder and then place one of the empty slates in the other holder. The information stored in the stone slowly started gathering into a tiny drop.

Robbie raced to get notes, his eyes shot from the stone to his clipboard. Finally, the drop fell and splattered over the Slate. All three of them leaned over and saw the empty Rune spots. They filled up, making them all cheer.

"Yes! This is a breakthrough in Sheikah technology! Thank you, Aveil!"

Purah squeezed him tightly in a hug and smiled widely.

"You're free to go now! We'll report back to the king about this!"

"Alright. I will see you two soon, then."
Aveil said beginning to walk out.

"One more thing! Can you take the Little Guardian back to the castle?" Purah asked, looking down at the guardian.

"We got all the information from it and I think it wants to go back to Zelda."

The little Guardian beeped happily and ran over to Aveil.

"Alrighty!" Aveil said, opening the door and closing it when the guardian went through.

Outside, Aveil and the tiny Guardian walked side by side.

"So, what's your name, buddy?" Aveil said, stopping in front of the little Guardian.

The little guardian beeped twice in response. "Hmmm. Well, I can't call you Beep Beep," Aveil said, "so I'll give you a name!" He said. He thought for a minute before speaking up again.

"How about Buddy? It's the only name I can think of." The guardian beeped as if to agree.

"Ok, Buddy it is!" Aveil said. "Let's go home, Buddy!" He commented before continuing to walk to the castle.

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