Ch. 18: Top Bananas

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It had been a week since Eva had been banished from Hyrule Castle Town. Link, Zelda, Impa, Aveil, and the 4 Champions all coped with it differently.

The Champions didn't get to know Eva well, resulting in them not feeling anything. Link, Impa, and Zelda were upset. They did not understand why she had fooled them.

Aveil, however, had been glad they had caught her. When asked why he felt that way, he would stiffen up and ignore the question. The group had been sent to the Spring of Power to help Zelda awaken her dormant abilities.

Reaching the front gate, the group split up back into their dwellings. Mipha and Daruk walked just behind Zelda and Link.

"Daruk, may I ask you a question?"

Mipha asked.

"Sure, go ahead Princess!"

Daruk replied.

"Well... Will you train with me?"

Daruk looked confused.

"Well you see, there is someone I would like to protect. At my current power, I don't think I can."

Mipha finished. Daruk smiled.

"Of course Mipha! The more the merrier!"

He exclaimed, putting his hand on his beard.

"But, if we could find the hero who wields the sword that can seal the darkness, we'd have a better chance at protecting that guy you like."

Before Mipha could answer, a loud crash echoed through the town. They ran ahead to find the multiple houses of Hyrule Castle Town had been set ablaze. Many of the families living there ran past them.

Zelda managed to stop one of them, asking what had happened. Before they could answer, a horde of monsters ran at them. The Yiga Clan soon appeared, Sooga, Melloh, and another Clan member in the middle of them all.

Sooga turned to the other member.

"Your information was correct after all."

"I told ya. She's proven herself."

"Both of you are off-topic."

The clan member took out one of her demon carvers and pointed it at Zelda.

"Our target is right there. We should not let her get away."

"She's correct. Yiga, attack!"

At the command, the Yiga Clan began an assault on the town. The Clan Member, Sooga, and Melloh disappeared afterward.

Surrounded by both monsters and Yiga soldiers, the group unsheathed their weapons. Daruk swung his massive Boulder Breaker missing a group of Yiga but hitting some Bokoblins into the air.

Mipha thrust her Light-Scale Trident into a Lizalfo, sending it back to the Calamity. Link charged at the Yiga Soldiers, knocking their weapons from their hands.

Soon, they were overwhelmed and backed into a corner. Zelda pressed the Sheikah Slate, a wall of ice blocking the monster from advancing.

"I don't think we can push them back much longer..."

Daruk said, catching his breath.

"Well, what else are we supposed to do?"

Link said before staring back at the ice.

"They'll break through before long."

There was a change in the air. It turned cold and was electrified. Looking at their feet, they saw ice expanding on the floor.

Suddenly, a bolt raced from the sky. Daruk quickly raised his hands and activated his shield, blocking them from the lightning.

The shield fell, revealing monsters fading and Yiga trapped in ice.

"You guys ok?"

A familiar voice asked.

"Urobosa, you said you'd be careful not to hit them."

Another voice scolded. Once the dust settled Aveil and Urobosa walked up to them.

"Thank Hylia you two showed up," Zelda exclaimed.

"But where did all this ice come from?" She asked.

"I'll explain later, but right now we need to protect the village." Aveil said, turning to the trapped Yiga members "What are we up against anyways?"

He stopped in his tracks as he got a better look. He clutched his sword and looked at the others. "Where did the rest go?" He asked calmly.

"Well, these are the only ones we saw." Link said.

Aveil nodded. "We should split up to cover more ground."

The group split, Link and Zelda went to alert the king while the others went to help put out fires.

As Link and Zelda neared the castle, an arrow flew between them.

"Where do you think you going, princess?" Sooga asked from atop a building.

"You do know the king and soldiers went to the front gate, right?" He continued, jumping from the building and landing on the ground in front of them.

Link pushed Zelda behind him and drew his sword. "What is your real plan? All of this can't be just to kill her." Link said, keeping his eyes on the Yiga Blademaster.

"But it is that simple Link," Sooga explained, "You see, if we kill her, then Lord Ganon will have no resistance. Also, this is a test of sorts for one of you." He finished.

"Now enough talk," Sooga said as he unsheathed his twin wind cleavers. "Face me."

Sooga charged in, slashing at Link, who parried with his shield. Sooga crossed his blade and charged again.

All Link could do was defend. If he tried to attack, Sooga would hit Zelda. Sooga got more aggressive, slashing wildly.

Sooga lifted a fist into the air and slammed it into the ground. The ground cracked and shot toward them. Zelda reached out to grab Link's hand. The ground erupted underneath them, sending them flying in different directions.

When Link regained his senses he frantically looked for Zelda. He spotted her just a few feet from him

He sighed as he pushed himself up using his sword to help him walk. "So weak." Sooga sneered, emerging from the dust.

Link turned to him, trying to ready himself for the attack. Sooga charged, punching Link in the stomach. Link fell, clutching his stomach and tried to catch his breath.

Sooga pinned Link by setting his foot on the side of his head and pushing it into the ground.

"I'll deal with the Princess first, then you're next." He laughed before walking over to Zelda.

Link reached out for his sword.

"I need to get up." He thought before pushing himself up. He took a step before falling over again.

"Get up" he told himself . He looked over to Sooga, who was now standing over Zelda.

Sooga was smiling beneath his mask.
"Kogha is going to be proud." He thought. Looking over to the pathetic knight struggling to get up, he couldn't help but laugh.

He turned to the princess still unconscious. "Poor princess, she won't be able to fight back." He readied his sword over her stomach.

Raising his sword, he heard someone screaming. Probably Link. The screaming grew louder and closer. He turned to the voice seeing a flash of red and the world fading to black.

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