Finally got a Job 😉😉

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The next day 🌄 you woke up with the alarm ⏰ going off. You did your morning 🌄 routine and got ready for the interview. Seyoung had already left for her job.You went to the address of the interview.When you reached there, you saw that there was a very beautiful ❤️ and big building 🏢 infront of you.

When you reached there, you saw that there was a very beautiful ❤️ and big building 🏢 infront of you

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You went inside to the reception.

Y/n: Excuse me, can you tell me in which floor the interview is taking place? 😃

Receptionist: May I know your name please? 😃

Y/n: Jung Y/n.

Receptionist: At 10th floor.

Y/n: Thanks.

You get in the lift 🛗 and press the button. 🔘 After some time you reach the 10th floor. You saw that a lot of people were there for interview.You sit 🪑 in an empty chair 🪑 waiting your turn.After a while your turn came. You went inside.

Interviewee: Please sit 🪑 down.

Y/n: Thankyou.

Interviewee: Tell us about you and why you want to join this company?

Y/n: Hello my name is Jung Y/n. I want to join this company to use my talents and show my skills. Apart from that I love cosmetics 💄 since childhood. 👶🏻 I have working for this job from my High school. 🏫

You took out your interview sheet 📜 and placed it on their table.She took your interview sheet. 📜 She looked impressed 😁 after looking at your interview sheet. 📜 After carefully 🧐 looking at the interview sheet. 📜 She looked at you, you also looked 👀 at her nervously. 😅 Finally she spoke 🗣️ up.

Interviewee: I am very impressed after seeing your interview sheet, 📜 I select you for this job. Congratulations. 🎉👏🏻

Y/n: Did I really got selected? 🤨

Interviewee: Yes, you just need to sign 🛑 this contract 📜 and you can come to work from tomorrow.

She gave you some paper, 📜 you took that paper 📜 and signed it after reading.

Y/n: Thank you 😄 so much mam.

Interviewee: You're welcome.

You happily 😊 left from there and call 🤙 Seyoung as soon as you came outside the company.

*In call*

Seyoung: How was the interview?

Y/n: Guess it.

Seyoung: Never mind, you'll do better next time.

Y/n: I won't need it.I got selected for the job.

𝓞𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓞𝓯 𝓜𝓻 𝓘𝓬𝓮 | 미스터 아이스의 집착 | Going On |Where stories live. Discover now