Time with you 💕💕

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ʏ/ɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ~

I closed my eyes, 👀 ready to die 🔪 because I didn't had hope anymore that I'll be alive.Tears were falling from my eyes 👁️ 👁️

Park Ji-hyo: Die hard!! Taehyung is just mine!!!

Just then I head 👂🏻 a familiar voice 🗣️ and many walking sound

Voice: In you dreams 💫

I opened my teary 😢 eyes 👁️👁️ and see around. I saw that many bodyguards had captured Park Ji-hyo's bodyguard and one of the bodyguards had captured her as well.

Then I looked ahead and saw Taehyung coming towards me. He came and hugged 🫂 me, I broke down in tears and started crying 😢

Taehyung: Cry 😭 as much as your want but I'll make sure ✅ you won't cry 😭 because of her anymore after this

Park Ji-hyo: *shouting* No this can't be happening!! Taehyung is mine!!!

Taehyung: *Shouting* And when did I said 🗣️ that!?

Park Ji-hyo: *Shouting* Leave me!! *while trying to be free from the guard* Taehyung you're mine, you accept to accept this!!

Taehyung: I can never be yours because I'm Y/n's and I WILL FOREVER ♾️ BE

Just then Jimin walked 🚶🏼 in

Taehyung: Now you believe me. Just look 👀 what your sister did

Y/n's thought: *breaks the hug* Sister?

Taehyung: It's ok everything is fine. You go sit 💺 in my car 🚗 I'm coming

Y/n: *looking at Mr.Do & their family* but-

Taehyung: Ok I am realising them * to guards* Release them

Mr.Do: Thankyou Miss. Y/n & Mr.Kim, I will never forget this favour for yours

I smiled and turned to Taehyung

Taehyung: *gently* Now go with him, I'm coming

He looked 👀 at his one of the bodyguard asked him to take me and I couldn't deny 🚫 so I had to obeyed ✅ him

I was very much confused 🤔 with so many questions ❓ in my mind 🧠 like How did Taehyung knew where I was? and how did he knew about Park Ji-hyo? and why was Jimin here? Is Park Ji-hyo really Jimin's sister? Their surnames are same but I never thought 🤔 that they would be siblings. Also they have so much difference

A/n: As if you know many things about Jimin

I don't but look at Jimin he is such a handsome, helpfull, kind and gentle man while her sister is such a snake 🐍 she is almost about to kill 🔪 me I would have been in heaven 🕊️ right now if Taehyung would not have saved me I still can't believe I am alive

What might be happening there right now? I'm a little worried 😟 that something might happen to someone and that psycho girl might do something

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