Black Memories 🖤🖤

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Taehyung: Today.

Y/n: Today? (You said in shock)

Taehyung: What is there to be shocked about?

Y/n: What about my job. I didn't went to office tomorrow too. At last you will be the one to reduce my salary blah.....blah...blah....

You were complaining and complaining. You didn't notice it but you were annoying him since morning. He got very irritated.

Taehyung's thought: That inuff Y/n. I won't be sorry cause you made me do it.

He stopped the car and caged you against your seat between his arms.

Taehyung: Shut up! don't you get tired by speaking and speaking freakin shit out of your mouth? Now shut your pretty, small lips or I'll k-(he stopped for a second) I'll make you live with snakes for years.

He shouted and then backed off. He started driving the car while you just froze at your place by seeing him this angry.

Y/n's thought: S...snakes no way! Did he came to know I have Herpetophobia? [Fear of reptiles] No way I'm going to let him know he will surely blackmail me. Why would he do that? I can't even speak? Ok... I really annoying him I guess.

Taehyung's thought: Shit! why can't I control myself after seeing her. I almost spell that out of my mouth hope she didn't noticed it.

Taehyung: About meeting my parents, you will meet them after office hours.

Y/n: Oh.

After some minutes you both finally reached to the office. You went out of the car and went straight to your table without even looking at Taehyung.

Y/n: I can't believe whats the use of this deal? I told him that I'll come in regular office time and see I'm again here at office this early. It is not even 8:00 a.m, he is a total jerk.

You mumbled when suddenly you heard a voice from opposite site of your table.

Jungkook: Y/n? You are finally back to office. Are you ok? You were not picking my call? You didn't even came to office yesterday. (whispered)

Y/n: I'm sorry, achully my phone was broken. So I gave it for repairing. Today only it has returned, I didn't saw it thats why.(whispered)

Jungkook: Oh, I was very sacred. If you had not come today, I would have gone to the police.(whispered)

Y/n: Police? it's ok. There was no need of police. See I'm back. (whispered) We will talk at lunch break, I don't want to get caught by that jerk.

Jungkook: No problem.

#Time skip#

Soon it was lunch break. You went to canteen with Jungkook. You both were having your lunch and just talking about some random things when your phone rang. You looked at the id it was of a unknown person. You picked up the call.

*In call*

Y/n: Hello?

You felt like you know this voice then you remembered it was of Bang Sung. You cut the call.

Unknown person: H..hello Y/n.

*Call ended*

Hearing his voice the memories of the last night flashed out. You felt a gut in your stomach. You voice became shaky and your eyes became blurry. You excused yourself and went out of there. You went to washroom and locked yourself.

Y/n: Come on Y/n, you can't cry.

You tried hard but couldn't control at last you ended up crying hard. Meanwhile.......

Taehyung's POV~

It was almost ten minutes after I asked Lia to call Y/n. Whats taking her so long? I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door.

Taehyung: Come in.

Lia: Sir, Miss Y/n is nowhere to be found.

Taehyung: Did you looked carefully?

Lia: Yes sir.

Hearing that I called Y/n but she didn't picked the call. I don't know why but I felt a clear fear and panicked at that moment. I trying to act normal but I couldn't. I rushed out of there and started finding Y/n. I was passing through washroom when I heard someone sobbing. I went inside, it was coming from behind the door. I know it was Y/n because I have heard Y/n crying. I knocked on the door.

Taehyung: Y/n open the door.

I acted calm but I was panicked inside.

Y/n's POV~

Hearing Taehyung's voice I wiped my tears and tried to say in a normal voice. I didn't wanted anyone to know that I'm crying.

Y/n: Boss what are you doing here? I'll take some time please go from here. I'm coming.

Taehyung: No need to pretend, I know you're crying.

Y/n: B..boss please l..leave me alone for some time. I will c..come later.

Taehyung: You are inside the washroom for almost an hour. You lunch break has already finished. I told you no other work during working hours. Now come out or I'll break the door. I'm counting till three. One tw-

Author's POV~

Before he could finish the door opened. You eyes and cheeks looked red due to crying. You were trying your best to not cry.

Taehyung: Fresh up and come to my office immediately.

He went away from there.

Y/n's thought: I can't believe I'm the same Y/n who decided not to cry for him yesterday. Even if I try to forget them I will never be able to. These are just Black memories.

You freshened up and went to his office. You just went there and stood infront of him, waiting for him to speak.

Note: Sorry for a short episode, I'm trying to make it bigger.

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