Death? 🔪 🔪

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#The next day#

A new ✨ morning 🌅 which was challenging for you because it was the last day you had to save Mr.Do's innocent 😇 family. You had taken an emergency 🦺 leave for today and you have called Mr.Do at your house 🏠 for help but he haven't arrived yet. You don't really know what to do but you have some ideas 💡 First you thought 🤔 that, You will talk 🗣️ to Park Ji-hyo, face to face. You thought 🤔 of calling 📞 her to meet 🤝🏻 her personally "outside" because it's not 🚫 only about personal life 🧬 it's also about professional life 🧬 Kiroup group had many connections with
Pure-P group (Park Jimin's company) and if she meets her in office there can be a chance of huge damage ⚠️ to company
But apart from it you had one more problem, If she meets you or talks 🗣️ to you she will be definitely knowing that you are not 🚫 in Mr.Do's hand ✋🏻 and since one day was left. She could harm his family. Now you were out of idea 💡 You were totally confused 🤔 what to do? You have no time ⌚ no plan. So this last time you called 📞 Taehyung but unfortunately he didn't picked up the call

Y/n's thought: What kind of Human is he? Why can't he pick up the call 🤙🏻 once? Just waeeeeeee 🤌🏻😫 It's inuff I don't care if someone knows his personal matter. nOw I aM GoiNG tO cAlL Miss.Choi 😤

You called her and thankfully she picked up the call 🤙🏻

Y/n: *sigh* 😌 Finally Atleast someone picked up the call 🤙🏻

*In call*

Lia: Hello Y/n?

Y/n: Yes Miss.Choi

Lia: *clear throat* Did you forget something?

Y/n: Oh yeah sorry, Miss.Lia can you please 🙏🏻 help me

Lia: Yeah why not 🚫

Y/n: Can you help me contact to Mr.I- *realises* I mean Mr.Kim Taehyung? Please 🙏🏻 it's too urgent. He has blocked 🚫 my number and he isn't picking up my calls 📞

Lia: I'm sorry Y/n but I don't know wherever he is, He didn't came to office today and asked me to manage every meeting 🤝🏻🥲

Y/n: What!? He didn't came to office 😯

Lia: Yeah, I am shocked 😮 too. He didn't told me where he went. He is not 🚫 picking up my calls too and he will not 🚫 pick up too because he said 🗣️ he will be busy all day so he won't pick up any calls 📞

Y/n: Oh, thanks for the information ℹ️ Tell him to call 🤙🏻 me as soon as he returns and all the best 👍🏻 for your work Bye I have to go I'm in a hurry

Lia: You're always welcome 🤗 I'll tell 🗣️ him when he comes, thank you and bye

*Call ended*

You were thinking 🤔 and thinking 🤔 what to do Another idea 💡 pop in your mind just someone knocked on the door 🚪 You went and open 👐🏻 the door to see Mr.Do

Mr.Do: I'm here, how can I help you?

Y/n: You call 🤙🏻 Park Ji-hyo and tell him you're coming with me

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