Life in Andong

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#Time skip#

Seyoung: Wooh, are you sure we're in right place?

Y/n: The adress is right

Seyoung: It's so beautiful, it is perfect for a joint family.

Y/n: It's not that huge, it can be cleaned within two days.

Seyoung: Hmmm, let's start cleaning.

Y/n: You go clean that way, I'll clean this way. Okey?

Seyoung: Got it

Many hours passed, it was almost 8 at night and you both almost cleaned the whole house.

Seyoung: I'm so tired, I'll die if I clean more.

Y/n: Okey, let's have a brake then

Seyoung: Thanks. I'm hungry.

Y/n: I can cook but we have to do some shopping we have nothing to cook besides we haven't arranged the things yet.

Seyoung: It's okey, let's go-

Just then there was a knock on the door

Y/n: Looks like someone is on the door

Seyoung: I'll go check

You nodded and Seyoung went to check who was there. She opened the door it was a cute boy with a basket full of vegetables. He looked Japanese. As soon as he looked at Seyoung, he bowed.

Boy: Annyeonghaseyo

Seyoung: An-

Seyoung & Boy: YOU!!!

You went ruining hearing the voice

Y/n: What happened?

You looked at Seyoung and then at the boy. As soon as he saw you he bowed 90° and greeted you. You greeted back with a awkward smile because no one showed u this much respect before.

Seyoung: Why are you greeting him? He is the same coffee guy.

Y/n: Ohhh, it's normal la, it keeps happening no need to take it personally.

Seyoung: You are saying it? You?

Y/n: Yeah it's me Miss.Y/n

Seyoung: Uhhh, whatever

Boy: I'm sorry if I created a problem, I was just here to deliver this food box which Grandma told me to send you.

Y/n: Akka?

Boy: Yes, the one you call Akka. I'm his grandson, Seuno.

Y/n: Ohh, I'm Y/n

Seuno: Nice to meet you Y/n.

Seyoung: But I'm not.

Seuno: See, I know you're mad for whatever happened but I promise it was not me who spilled coffee on you.

Seyoung: How can you say that when I turned back it was you standing there and the cup falled just near your leg. You know I was disrespect by the clint and even scolded by my boss

Seuno: I did not did it but if you are not ready to change your thoughts then, I'm sorry. Even if it was not me, I'm really sorry.

Seyoung just looked the other way and went inside. You tired to stop her but she just went away

Y/n: I'm really sorry for her behaviour, please forgive her.

Seuno: It's alright, I was here to give u this box. Please take it.

Y/n: Ohh, sure.

Seuno: I think I should go now, see u later miss

Y/n: You're going already, please come in and have dinner with us.

Seuno: No,no I already had dinner, I'm full.

Y/n: It's okey, Thank-you so much for bringing us food and Good night

Seuno: Yeah, Good night.

He bowed and left. You went inside and found Seyoung sitting on dinner table. You went next to her and sat down.

Y/n: Sey-

Seyoung: I don't want to listen anything about it.

Y/n: Okey, let's then have dinner. Omo it's dumplings 🥟

You said while opening the box

Seyoung: I don't want to eat anything that's brought by him

Y/n: Se-

Seyoung: I won't change my decision.

Y/n: Fine, don't eat. I won't mind having it all. Hmmm, it looks so tasty.

You took a bite

Y/n: Wowww, heaven, it tastes so good, juicy vegetables are just-

Seyoung: Maybe I could have some

Y/n: Maybe?

Seyoung: No, I'll have it

You laughed but she didn't care and started eating as she was hungry from 10 years

#Time skipped#

It was morning and by then the home was totally cleaned. From that day u starred working hard and for earning you helped in Akka's farm................

Arrey, arrey don't think it's the end......My Friend The Film Isn't Over Yet........I mean I have more to go for this story to end it was just a small update. My box of ideas are kinda empty now and apart from it I'm busy too with new section. But don't worry. even if it takes a week, a month or a year I'll complete this story this year anyhow. I'm excited for next story...hehe bye 😅

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