Is it really you Mr.Ice?

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Taehyung: Turn back!!!

But you both were too scared 😰 of him too so you both turned back

Taehyung: Everyone out except Y/n. Take this stupid man out of here and just send him home 🏡 with taxi 🚕 his adress is in his pocket.

Everyone went out except
Y/n. At this moment you felt helpless. Just then Taehyung's phone rang. He picked up the call 📞

Taehyung: *talking on phone* I'm extremely sorry 😫 I'm late- Yeah I understand but a big problem came up and I- How about we meet 🤝🏻 later-Hello? Hello? *phone hung up* *in anger* Ahhhhhhh 😡

You flinched as he shouted in anger. Suddenly he looked at you with his angry eyes 👁️👁️

Taehyung: Why didn't you picked up the call!?

He said as he was coming towards you

Y/n: *stepping back* 📱 wa..s..s

Taehyung: Was!?

He moved towards you till your back touched the wall 🧱

Y/n: My phone was on silent 🔕

Taehyung: Very good, 👍🏻 Miss.Jung Y/n. You know what happened due to your negligence? *He held your both arms tightly in anger* Just because of you, not only our "very important" client got upset 😞 but also the meeting 🤝🏻 with our big investor got cancelled 🚫 and they disagreed on investing in our company. BECAUSE OF YOU OUR COMPANY LOSS A HUGE SUM.*while shaking you* YOU ARE THE MOST CARELESS, ILL-MANNERED, USELESS WOMEN I EVEN MET IN MY LIKE. YOU'RE GOOD FOR NOTHING.

With that he left your arms forcefully. His words as well as his grip gave you a big pain 😫 Tears rolled down your eyes, you tried not to cry but you could not. You were just trying to hide your tears.

Y/n's thought: Is he him!? Is he the same Mr.Ice!? Yes, I have done mistake but how could you say these things about me!?

Taehyung: You have done your biggest and the last of three mistakes. And you have to pay it. You are fired from this job and you can't take back the contact of being my fake girlfriend because now you have to follow it weather you like it or not 🚫

You looked up with your teary eyes

Y/n: Wae!? Why should I? You're not my Boss anymore. Why should I follow you!? It's about the money 💰 you paid to Mr.Do right? I'll return you back right now

Taehyung: So now you will pay me money "The Kim Taehyung". Do you even have status to pay me 1,000 Won?

Y/n: Yes I will pay

Taehyung: Fine 600,000 Won including the money we loss. Can you give it huh!? *smirk* I'm not sure that you can even pay 5% of it. I have been tolerating you for so many days but that's inuff-

Y/n: *crying* Tolerating me!? All the time you were just tolerating me!? Selecting me for job, Taking me to malls, Giving Handkerchief to wipe my tears, Shipping for me, Standing up for me again Park Ji-hyo, Teasing me, Saving me from Mr.Do, Saving my life, Giving me your shoulders to cry, Saying sorry to me, Confession me, Cooking food for me this all the time you were just pretending!?

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