Family dinner 🍽️🍽️

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After a long boring 🥱ride,you both finally reached at the expensive restaurant.You both went outside of the car. 🚗 Taehyung hold your hand 👫🏻 and asked.

Taehyung: Are you ready? You can face anything but don't worry I'll protect you.

His words made you secure and confidential.

Y/n: Yes I am.

Your said being confident. You both walked few steps when you lost your balance ⚖️ and fell down. You didn't had habit of wearing heels 👠

Taehyung: Are you ok? Be careful.

Y/n's POV~

I noded and he helped me to stand up.We both went inside welcomed by a lady.

Lady: Welcome sir and mam, Mr.Kim is waiting for your at room number 20. Please come with me 🙂

Taehyung noded and we followed her to room no.20 and the lady went inside after some seconds she came outside.

Lady: Mr.Kim is calling you both inside.

And she left, I took a deep breath 🫁 and we both went inside. As I went Inside I saw a old man that probably be Mr.Kim, a old lady that probably be Mrs.Kim,a girl and a boy that probably be of my age. We went towards the table and bowed 🙇🏻‍♀️ at them. Mrs.Kim stood up and hugged 🫂 Taehyung.

Mrs.Kim: Taehyung, How are you my dear? 🙂

Taehyung: I'm fine mom. How are you?

Mrs.Kim: I'm fine.

Then they gently broke the hug 🫂 while I was left dumbfounded,being uncomfortable between unfamiliar people.Then Mrs.Kim looked at me with a smile 😊 and then at Taehyung.

Author's POV~

Mrs.Kim: Is she your girlfriend 👩🏻?

Taehyung: Yes, let me introduce her to you all. She is my girlfriend 👩🏻 Jung Y/n and Y/n this is my mom 🤱, Mr.Kim, this is my older brother 👨🏻 Kim seok-jin and this is

At last he was a little confused 🤔 cause he was not confirm that she was Park Ji-hyo

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At last he was a little confused 🤔 cause he was not confirm that she was Park Ji-hyo.

Mr.Kim: Park Ji-hyo, she is Park Ji-hyo.

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