The mafia 🕴️🕴️

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#The next day at office#

You came early 🌅 as usual. This time you were much prepared. You were sleepy 😪 since you haven't slept 💤 well from past two days. You were doing your work. You already knew that Taehyung will ask someone to call you so you were waiting for somone to call you. You were very excited 😆 to see 👀 that face of him when he with feel wasted 😏 Like that many hours passed but no one came to call you.

Y/n's Thought: What's wrong with him? 🤔 Where is he? 🤨 Why isn't he calling me?🧐 Did he decided not to tease me?😄 It's more good 👍🏻 I'm safe.

Soon it was lunch 🍱 time you went downstairs. This is the first time you are doing lunch in canteen because you were too busy to go to canteen so you used to eat on your table while doing your work. Your had finished eating your lunch 🍱 and was scrolling through your phone 📱 when you felt a hand ✋🏻 on your shoulder. The first thing that came to your mind was that it was Taehyung. You thought 🤔 that he is going to ask you to do some work 💻 during your lunch 🍱 break.

Y/n: Mr.Kim it's my lunch 🍱 time, I won't do any work. Please leave me alone,I beg you.

You said in one breath 🌬️ and turned towards the person. When you saw the person,you got shocked. 😲 He wasn't Taehyung, there was a handsome man ♂️ in front of you. He was looking 👀 at you with confused 🤔 face.

You both: Oh sorry! I thought you were *both stopped*

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You both: Oh sorry! I thought you were *both stopped*

¿?: I was?

Y/n: Leave it.

¿?: Sorry about what happened just now. 😅 I thought you were someone else. You look 👀 exact like her from backside.

Y/n: Oh, It's ok I can understand 😅

¿?: Anyways I'm Jeon Jungkook 🤝🏻

Y/n: Oh, I'm Jung Y/n 🤝🏻

¿?: Can I have a seat 🪑

Y/n: Sure, please have a seat 🪑

He sat down beside you.

Jungkook: Are you new here? I haven't seen you before 😃

Y/n: Yes, I'm new 🆕 here 😃

Jungkook: Please don't mind but were you talking about Mr.Kim Taehyung? 🤨

Y/n: Yeah. I don't know why but I didn't saw 👁️ 👁️ him today.

Jungkook: And you will not even see 👀 him because he has not came to office today.

Y/n: Ohhh 😲

Jungkook: I know he is a little strict.You are new here that's why you find him rude don't worry you will slowly get habit of it 😊

𝓞𝓫𝓼𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓞𝓯 𝓜𝓻 𝓘𝓬𝓮 | 미스터 아이스의 집착 | Going On |Where stories live. Discover now