Akka's second Grandson

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As soon as he left, your knees weakened, you knelt down and cried as hell. It was like someone has reopened an old wound. You cried as much as you can and everything went blur......

#Time skipped#

You opened your eyes and found yourself in your room. Your head was heavy and your body was burning. You had a fever. You were processing everything just then Kyong came inside your room with a bowl of soup.

Kyong: You're awaken, how are you feeling now?

Kyong: I'm not good, my body is burning.

Kyong: Here, have this soup and you'll feel better.

Y/n: No, I don't want to. I don't feel like eating or drinking anything.

Kyong: Who was the one you met yesterday?

Y/n: He was, was my Boss

Kyong: Just Boss?

Y/n: No I loved him but he broke my heart.

Kyong: It's okey, I also used to get in these affairs when I was your age.

Y/n: Really?

Kyong: Yeah, One time I met a boy name David.......

By the end of Kyong's love story, she made you drink the whole bowl of soup without realising.

Y/n: Grandma? You're so clever, you made me finish this whole bowl.

Kyong: Your Grandma is your Father's mother ofcourse I'm clever. Okey Good girl, now let me check your temperature

She checked your temperature, it has been much better.

Kyong: Hmm, keep resting, you'll get well soon.

#Time skip#

You woke up from your sleep and went to living room. You saw all of them - Seyoung, Seuno, Akka and Kyong. There was gossips about something filling the whole room.

Akka: You are awoken?

Y/n: Yeah...

Akka: Come sit over here

You sat there feeling much better

Y/n: Is everything alright?

Kyong: Yeah, actually Akka's another Grandson is here. He will be coming this evening.

Y/n: Akka,you have two grandsons?

Akka: Yeah actually he lives in Seoul with his parents.

Y/n: Then why Seuno isn't there?

Seuno: Because I never wanted to leave grandma like them.

Y/n: huh?

Akka: Actually when Seuno was small, His family wanted to go to Seoul for better start, it was not possible for me to go Seoul leaving this farm and Seuno didn't wanted to leave me. He was just 5 years old but he was so clever and thoughtful. They haven't come back since they went it's like they had broke the relationship with me and Seuno.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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