Golden 🪙 Time with Jungkook ✨✨

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Y/n's POV~

I was walking in an empty deserted road, 🛣️ there was a shining 🌟 path 🛣️ in front of me which was not visible clearly.Where am I? I was in my room wasn't I? I was curious so I was going ahead when a shadow was being visible 👀I was walking 🚶🏻‍♀️on, wondering 🤔 who it could be, when I saw 👁️ 👁️ my parents in the middle of the shining 🌟 path.

Y/m/d: Never loose hope my child and remember we are always with you ❤️

Y/n: Mom, dad I missed you 🥺

As soon as I saw them, I started running 🏃🏻‍♀️ towards them, then someone pulled them by a black rope, 🪢 the shining 🌟 path turning into dark side 🌑 and the dark 🌑 was pulling them towards it

Y/n: *crying* Mom....Dad..... please don't go...... please....

You were running 🏃🏻‍♀️ as fast ⏩ as you can to save them but soon they totally disappeared in darkness

Y/n: *shouting* Nooooo!

Author's POV~

You woke up and sat on the bed 🛏️ You were just trying to calm 😌 yourself down, you drank a glass of water. The nightmare did effective you a lot because it's common for you to get nightmares. Whenever you get very sad 😟 like crying 😢 you face nightmares you have got these types of nightmares before, Seyoung also knows about it.
You calmed 😌 down a little when you suddenly heard 👂 a loud 🔊 knock on the door 🚪 which made you flinched. Someone was knocking the door 🚪 continuously. Now you were a little scared 😨 but you couldn't stay sitting on the bed 🛏️ all the time so you got up slowly holding a vase in your hand ✋🏻 and slowly opened the door 🚪 as soon as you opened the door 🚪 you were about to beat the person that's when he screamed loudly 🗣️ Hearing 👂 him shouting, 🗣️ you got scared 😰 too, the vase fell from your hand ✋🏻 and you also started screamed loudly. 🗣️ After 10 second of continuous screaming 🗣️ you both stopped and looked 👀 at each other


Jk: Y/n? *tapping his chest* *In one breath* I almost got a heart 🫀 attack

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Jk: Y/n? *tapping his chest* *In one breath* I almost got a heart 🫀 attack. Why is it so dark outside your door? 🚪 You look 👀 so scary 😰 in dark. Why didn't you picking up my calls? 🤙🏻 And where were you? I was so worried

Y/n: *nervous* Calm down! I'm alright 👌🏻

Jk: Why didn't you picked up my calls 🤙🏻 then?

Y/n: Achully I was sleeping

Jk: From six hours

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