Teased by Tae 🥲🥲

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It was a cold night and you were trying to sleep 💤 but you were not able to. Unknowingly your cheeks were turned red as tomato 🍅 thinking of the kiss between you and Taehyung.

Y/n: Why can't I sleep? 💤 Today was such a awkward day. I don't know how will I talk to Mr.Ice 🧊 tomorrow? I must say he was not the same Mr.Ice 🧊 to me.

"She can never hurt anyone, I am damn sure. And if she has slapped you I'll leave Kiroup group"

Y/n: He trusts me so much. He didn't even knew the whole thing. What happened to Mr.Ice?

Then you slept 😪 thinking 🤔 all these.

#The next day#

You were in the office doing your work. You couldn't find Jungkook since when you come. He finally came and sat at his table.

Y/n: Good morning 🌄 Jungkook.

Jk: *sleepy voice* Good morning 🌄

Y/n: Didn't you slept well last night ? 🌃 You look so sleepy. 😴

Jk: *sleepy voice* Yeah, I didn't slept all night 🌃 because I had a meeting today. So had got the work of prepare the presentation.

Y/n: Ohh, no wonder 🤔 why I didn't saw your yesterday after lunch. You should most probably go and take some rest 😌

Jk: Yeah I should go, bye 👋🏻

Y/n: Bye 👋🏻

With the he left from there and you continued your work when you got a call 🤙 from Seyoung.

*In call*

Y/n: Hey 👋🏻 Seyoung. How are you?

Seyoung: Hey Y/n, I'm fine. How are you?

Y/n: Good but I'm missing you. 🙃

Seyoung: I'm missing you too. 🙃

Y/n: When will you come? 😐

Seyoung: Well there is a good news 📰 my work is going fast so it may finish by this weekend.

Y/n: Really? I'll be waiting for that day 🙃

Seyoung: Me too 🙃*a small pause* ok I have to go, another meeting 🤝🏻 bye 👋🏻

Y/n: Bye 👋🏻

*call ended*

As soon as you cut the call, you heard a voice 🗣️ that made you flinched.

Voice:*a little loud* Done talking? 👁️👁️

You turned back to see Taehyung. You stood up immediately. He was looking at you seriously while your were focused on his lips 👄

 He was looking at you seriously while your were focused on his lips 👄

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