In hospital

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The shop was opposite side of the road, you were crossing the road just then a car started coming towards you and unconsciously you feel down with a sharp pain in your legs.You could hear a male voice

??: Y/n!! Y/n!!

you were trying to open your eyes and you saw Taehyung.

Y/n: Tae..

Taehyung: Please be fine please I promise I'll never hurt you please

The mumbering of crowd, Taehyung's voice and your unconsciousness then everything turned black......

Meanwhile Taehyung was trying to wake you up you were all in blood it was a horrifying scene without any other thoughts he picked you up in bridal style and took you to his car and rushed to the hospital 🏥 meanwhile Seyoung was behind Taehyung's car. She was coming behind you when she saw a crowd before she could understand anything she saw Taehyung taking you his car so she followed him. Soon Taehyung reached hospital, he again carried you inside the hospital

Taehyung: Doctor!! Doctor!!!

A doctor came rushing and saw you

Doctor: OMG!!! Nurse prepare the ICU bed. Quickly bring the bed we need to carry her

A nurse rushed there with a bed, Tahyung made you lay down the bed just then Seyoung came in rushing

Seyoung: Y/n!!

Before Seyoung could reach you they took your inside ICU

Seyoung: *crying* ICU?

Her knees weakened and she fall in her knees.

Seyoung: Mrs.Leu...Mrs.Leu.

With her shaky hands she called Mrs.Leu soon she picked up the calls

*In call*

Seyoung: *crying hard* Mrs.Leu

Mrs.Leu: Seyoung!? What happened everything is alright!?

Seyoung: *crying hard* Y....Y/n..

Mrs.Leu: Y/n!? Seyoung what happened to Y/n!? Why are you crying!?

Seyoung: *crying*

Mrs.Leu: ICU!? What happened to her!? In which hospital are you!?

Seyoung: ××××× hospital

Mrs.Leu: Okey I'm coming don't worry I'm coming.

She quickly hung up. Seyoung was in total shock and sorrow...Her bestfriend was in hospital. Taehyung was looking her in guilt, he thought of comforting her

Taehyung:'s ok she will be alright

Just then Seyoung stood up and grabbed his collar.

Seyoung: It's all because of you!!! Mr.Kim Taehyung!!! Why!!?? Why did you did it!!? Why!??? She was about to give you money!!!! You don't had to kill her!!!

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