Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Two

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    I woke the next morning and yawned as I stretched out on my fully made bed. I had done it last night after my dad had come in to wake me from my nap. A nap that never helped me feel refreshed.

    I sat up in bed and internally groaned to myself. I didn’t want to come here. I didn’t want to leave though I last all the people I thought were my friends after the fire. They had admitted they didn’t know how they should act around me. One by one they just left.

    That’s when I really just drifted into my books. Keeping to myself and reading. My dad tried to get me to put the books down and make friends again. I just left the room of the apartment we had to get after the fire and I was out of the hospital.

    My dad is hoping that bring me out here to a foreign country with help me “live again” as he puts it. He’s hoping that I’d find an adventure in real life and not in my books. I bet I wouldn’t have much time for my stories as this place needed a helping hand.

    I got up and found one of my boxes of clothes. I opened it and held a shirt up. “Oh... I like that one.” I snapped my head around trying to find out where that voice came from. It sounded like someone had spoken within my room.

    After a moment I shook my head. No one was there. This place was just playing tricks on me. It was old and had been abandoned too long. I could only imagine what sounds could be heard within these walls.

    I shook my head as I laid my shirt down on the bed. Then I found a long flared princess seamed skirt that went with the top. “She might want to wear a scarf. The palace gets drafty during the day.”

    I jerked around standing hearing another voice. “Hello? Is anyone there?” I looked behind the curtains. “If you’re in here, I’m not mad. My dad and I had bought this castle. This is going to be our home. We’d appreciate it if you don’t trespass.”

    I gasped with the skirt over my mouth when I saw two shimmering forms in the corner of my room. They looked at each other and then me. “I think she sees us.” One of the two girls that were mists said to the other. They looked to be wearing medieval Romanian outfits.

    The other cocked her head to the side then drifted over to me. “Can you see and hear us?”

    I made a jerky nod. “Yeah...” I said warily.

    The one in front of me took a step back as if she was real and solid. She snapped her head to her companion. “What shall we do?”

    The other walked over to her friend and pulled her arm so her friend took a step away from me. She looked at me with an apologetic smile. “We’re ever so sorry to frighten you. You’re the first person to see us at all.” She looked to here friend. “This is Anca and I’m Mirela.”

    I brought up a shaking hand and gave a frightened little wave. It came out more of a royal wave that me and my mom imitated all the time when I was growing up. “I’m Calista.” My voice wasn’t even either.

    The two smiled and bowed their heads. “A pleasure to meet you your highness.” Anca said.

    I looked down at the clothes in my hand. “I’m not royalty. Just a girl.”

    I looked over as Mirela placed a transparent hand on my arm. She smiled. “But you now live here in the castle. Your father rightfully owns it at the moment. Thus you are the princess here and your father is king.”

    I giggled relaxing. “My mom always said that I was a princess.” I sighed as I felt the burn of tears while I walked over and sat down on the bed. My bed. “I miss her so much.”

    The two ghost as I come to think of them came and sat on either side of me. It looked like they passed through the sheets and are sitting on the mattress. “That’s why no one has seen a woman with you two. Did she abandon you and your father?”

    I shook my hand as the tears started to fall. “She died.”

    I felt two sets of tingles and looked to find both of them wrapping their arms around me. “Oh dear. We didn’t mean to bring up such pain.” Mirela said as I saw one of her hands trying to rub my arm.

    “Maybe we should leave as we’ve upset her. Our presence can’t be too helpful.” Anca whispered to Mirela.

    I shook my head. “It’s alright if you two stay. I’d like some friends.” I looked down at the clothes in my hands. “I haven’t had friend in a while.” I twisted my outfit in my hands. “I doubt anyone would be my friend here either.”

    “Don’t say that. You’ll make friends.” Mirela stated.

    “Even if you’re living here.” They giggled and I smiled shyly.

    The two hopped up. “We’ll go for a little and let you dress. We’ll go tell the others that you can see us so they don’t scare you.”

    I tilted my head as they started toward the door. “Others?”

    Anca smiled as she turned back. “There’s a whole castle full of us as we were once the subjects and servants here.” She winked at me. “We’ll tell you our tale another time.”

    They vanished right through the door. I sat on my bed just staring where they went. After a minute, I shoot my head and grumbled to myself. “Something else to make me strange.”

    I dressed and remembered that they said that I should wear a scarf. I found one of mine from inside another box. It was one of my long ones that my mom gave me for Christmas years ago. It was among the very few things saved from the fire. Anything in the garage was saved as it was detached from the main house.

    After I was dressed, I went out of my room and to the grand staircase. I descended and smelt the smell of eggs. I followed the scent through a grand dining room that looked like it was ready for a feast. I went through a short corridor and came to the source of the smell of breakfast.

    I opened a wooden door and revealed a kitchen. I smiled lightly at my dad who was at a wood burning stove making scrambled eggs. He smiled over his shoulder at me. “Did you sleep well?”

    I nodded trying to ignore the plumb misty woman standing next to my dad. She looked relieved that he wasn’t doing too much. I just nodded as I took a seat at the table in the corner of the massive kitchen. “I slept well.”

    He beamed as he slid some eggs onto two plates then came over to me at the table. He set a plate in front of me before digging into a box on another seat and handing me a fork.

    I shook off the slight gasp of the woman who was now standing next to me. “They are royalty.” I just ignored it before digging into my breakfast. She must have remarked about the silverware as they were gold plated. Something else that survived.

    Breakfast was a bit silent. Dad and I have had some hard times communicating since the fire. Both of us sad to have lost mom. My dad didn’t know how to comfort me because he knew a I had been with her when she died.

    After breakfast, we worked on the kitchen to clean it and have it in order. I’d swallow every time the woman was trying to direct us how her kitchen should be organized. I’d just play it off as if they were my ideas to make her happy. She was most delighted I did.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now