Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Twenty

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    Two weeks have passed since the new moon. I have gone back to normal for the most part. Come to find out that my balance was perfect now thanks to being part wolf. My senses were heightened which meant I knew exactly what everyone around me was saying about me at school. I had to channel my increasingly quick temper into other this.

    Like reading a new book that I grabbed from the massive and glorious library in the castle. Stephan and I had been cleaning it for the past two weeks. We aren’t even close to being done yet either.

    Right now I had my head down in a book trying so damn hard to not listen to everything around me. But no matter how hard I tried it was so difficult. By now I’ve gotten used to the feeling when my eyes turned blue. And yes, I know my wolf eyes were blue. I’d caught my reflection in the lunchroom one day and saw them. It was so different from my dark emerald green eyes.

    “This would be the perfect time to.” I heard one of Cezar’s goons say. From what I’ve gathered, the evil trio had been planning something for a while now. Cezar had been nervous about something since the winter holiday and been delaying it.

    Cezar sighed. “There is no choice. My dad has said today was the day it had to be done. He’s demanding it.”

    “Why haven’t they done this before?”

    “I don’t know. Maybe because he was too hard before.”

    I frowned into my story which I had stopped listening to. It was our last class of the day and our teacher just didn’t feel like teaching for the last half an hour. We were given the rest of the period to do as we pleased.

    My cell that my dad had given me when we first moved here started to ring in my pocket. I looked down and saw he was calling me. I knew it wouldn’t be Stephan as last night was the first night of the full moon. Obviously I hadn’t changed, so I was still me.

    I put it to my ear. “Hey dad.”

    “You’re going to get into trouble answering your phone during class.” He said sternly.

    I just rolled my eyes. “Our teacher gave us the rest of the period dad.”

    He sighed heavily. “That’s good to hear. Unfortunately honey, I’ll be late picking you up. There’s a tree down in the road leading out of the castle. I’ve called for help, but it will take them time to get out here.”

    I frowned again. “That’s okay dad. If you want, I’ll walk home so you just have to worry about that tree.”

    “Nah-uh. The last time you walked home, Stephan saved you.”

    I groaned putting my hand to my forehead. “Dad.” I whined.  “Stephan has made sure I knew the right route to take and the fact that it is oddly warm helps. I’ll be fine.” I smiled know that I could walk home with Fane by my side. Or ride him again.

    “That’s beside the point. I just don’t want you to worry about being in the woods.”

    “Dad. I’ll be fine.”

    He groaned. “Just don’t do anything foolish.”

    I smiled. “I promise not to.” I told him before I hung up my phone.

    I looked to my side to find all three boys staring at me. The side of my nose raised up a little as I suppressed the growl that wanted to come out at the. I was also preventing the shifting of my eyes. It was irritating how they were looking at me.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now