Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Twenty-One

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~Calista’s Point of View~

    I don’t know how long I laid there crying. It must have been a while. I even ignored the sound of horses racing through the forest. It was odd, but Stephan was all I could think about. Feeling him in my hands.

    Soon I felt hands lifting me up. “Please don’t take me from him.” I said to them without looking at them.

    “We must my lady. We need to see if he’s passed.” I looked up into the face of not an apparition of the guard I had gotten to know, but of a man. He was real. I really didn’t care how, but the curse had been broken. I cried against him as he did his best to comfort me.

    Then it happened. Something inside my body snapped and I was flooded with pain. Everything felt like it was twisting. I wanted to scream out, but my jaw had locked. All I could do was grunt and whimper.

    “She’s changing.” The guard said as he helped me to the ground. He gently started unbutton my coat and took it off me. I felt several others crowd around us with their backs to me.

    Suddenly as the pain and the moving my body was doing turned everything pure white. I couldn’t see. Couldn’t hear. Couldn’t smell anything. Everything was just... white.

~Stephan’s Point of View~

    I groaned as I came around. My hand went to my side and found that I was bandaged. Someone had bandaged me up. And I was alive.

    My eyes snapped open and I brought my hands up to my face. I was human? But I never remembered the change back. How long have I been out? Has it been two days?

    A hand fell onto my shoulder. I looked up to see Anton looking down at me. Shock running through me as he wasn’t a misty apparition between here and the here after. He chuckled. “I know my lord. It’s been some getting used to being real again.”

    I went to sit up but he had his hands on my shoulders. “That would be unwise your majesty. You’re wound is still fresh.”

    I gripped his arm. “But Calista may need me. I must see how she is.”

    He softened and gave me a sweet smile. “Than look to your right my lord. She slumbers next to you.”

    My head snapped over to find a bundle of fur on my bed. One curled up with a quilt bunched up around it. The fur was a rusty color with deep charcoal grey fur on the inside of the hair.

    I slid my fingers into the wolf’s fur and heard a whimper. “She’s still very sore from the change. Even with that, when the ladies had finished giving her a hot bath, she struggled when they were taking her back to her room. She’s very strong willed and wouldn’t sleep anywhere but with you.”

    A smile came to my face. I delicately moved closer to her and laid down curling around her. “She’s a beautiful wolf.”

    Then I frowned looking up at Anton. “If I’m alive, than how was the curse broken? I take it the full moon is still upon us.”

    He nodded. “You’ve only been out for nearly eight hours.” He looked to the wolf in front of me. “We believe she broke it by confessing her love for you. It’s the only explanation we have for our returned state.”

    I sighed heavily. “Only to have heard those words myself.” I nuzzled her hair and wrapped my arms around her. She whimpered out of pain and I stroked her fur. “I love you too my beauty. Sleep and when you wake, I’ll guide you out of this wolf form.”

    “I will leave you two alone. Rest well my lord.” I looked over and he bowed. “My King.”

    I smiled as I looked back at the wolf in my arms when the door was fully closed. “And you are my Queen. My future. The healer of my soul.” I kissed her fur and drifted back to sleep feeling the beast in my arms. How right this was. How perfect.


    “Don’t tell me to SHUSH! I want to know where the HELL all of you came from and where my daughter is!!!” The next thing I knew was that I was waking to shouting. It felt only like a moment ago that I had drifted to sleep.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now