Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Seventeen

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    I giggled under my breathe as Stephan held my hand as we snuck out of the castle. My dad thinking I was sound asleep in my bed. He was unaware at what we had planned. That I was even out of bed.

    Stephan had told me that he first turns when the moon reaches its peak at midnight the night before the complete full moon and he stays wolf till midnight of the third evening. Hence the three nights, two days without him.

    He lead me through the stone gates out of the courtyard and down the path to a small clearing I had yet to find. There was a boulder jutting out along the northern edge. It had a flat top and a fluffy down quilt draped over it waiting.

    I giggled as Stephan grasped my waist and lifted me up easily. He placed me on top of the quilt. It was so soft and silky underneath of me.

    He let go of my waist and put his hands down on either side of my hips. “I thought that this would help you feel comfortable.” He dragged his hand across the fabric of the quilt. “It’s silk you know.”

    I blushed as I felt it. “You didn’t have to do this.”

    He shook his head. “You’re my mate. I want nothing but the best for you as my father had for my mother.” He chuckled. “Both of us wish to give you everything in the world.” His eyes flashed blue to clarify his point that it was he and his wolf speaking together.

    “Now.” He leaned over and pulled a blanket up and placed it around me. “In a few moments the moon will be high. I must get ready.” He leaned over again and returned with a champaign flute. “Since you are of age here and it is my tradition, celebrate with me.”

    I bite my lip as he took a sip of the champaign than handed it to me. I timidly took a sip. The bubbles tickled my nose making me scrunch it up. Stephan leaned forward and kissed it chuckling.

    “Now finish that glass off for me while I go prepare myself for ‘wolfing out’ as you so simply put it. The drink will help with any nerves you may have.” He kissed my cheek before walking away to an area with tall thick bushes.

    I sipped the champaign as I waited. I looked up to the moon that hung high in the sky and smiled at the nearly clear night sky. It was so beautiful and lusciously full looking.

    “Now don’t be alarmed my beauty.” He said starting to walk around the bushes. “But as I don’t want to have to pick up after I transform, I’m going to be bare.” I went scarlet when he came around fully naked covering his bits the best he could with his hands. He smiled nervously standing on the other side of the clearing from me. “It’s always easier this way.”

    I licked my lips unconsciously as my eyes roamed over the length of his very muscular and very 'blush rising' body. I downed the last of the champaign in one last gulp. Nerves indeed!

    His eyes glowed a bit brighter telling me his wolf was close to the surface. “Be care my beauty how you ogle me. You are exciting my wolf.”

    I blushed looking down. “Sorry.”

    “Don’t be.”

    I bit my lip. “How long till the shifting begins?”

    I glanced up and just fixed my eyes onto his face. He was looking at me affectionately. “Any moment. I can feel it is very close now.” As he said that his eyes started to become both blue and golden. As if the wolf and the man were merging for a moment.

    Then he grunted and went down to one knee bowing his head. His hands went to the ground in front of him. All his muscles seemed to tighten all at one then shift around.

    His body started to move in waves. With each wave, more hair appeared and lengthened. The hair of my wolf. His wolf’s hair.

    Soon his body was jerking about with the waves. His body changing as the moon's light watched on with me. It looked painful yet not. He’d grunt every now and then to tell me it was indeed painful but bearable.

    I watched holding the blanket around me tighter. I wanted to rush over there and hold him, but he told me not to if I got the urge. He didn’t want me accidentally getting hurt. That’s why we have the distance between us. Why we’re on either side of the clearing.

    After it was all done, he laid there on the ground panting as a wolf. I slipped off the rock and wandered over to him. He whimpered lightly being exhausted for the moment. I laid down behind his back and wrapped my arms around him. He groaned and moved his head to give me a quick lick before he laid fully down again.

    I stroked his fur. My fingers burying themselves in his hair. As I did, my eyes drooped. The heat from his body was lulling me to sleep. I snuggled and rubbed my cheek on his fur.

    I jumped when I heard a deep low bark. I blinked and found Fane looking at me. His was sitting in front of me on his hind legs and his head tilted to the side.

    I yawned sitting up. “Sorry. You were very comfortable.”

    He nodded as he bent his head down and tugged on the blanket. I rose and he bumped his hip against the side of my leg looking over his shoulder at me. He made a motion with his head.

    “You want me to ride you?” He dipped his head before he bumped me again. I giggled nervously. “I’ve never even ridden a horse before.” He shook his head as he hit me harder causing my knee to buckle.

    I fell right onto him and he held me up unfazed. I frowned at him as most of me was draped over him. “Fane.” He just smiled in his way and giving me a wolfy laugh.

    I readjusted myself so I was on him more securely. My hands fisting his fur around his shoulders and neck area. I started to fall asleep again but snapped out of it when he started to move. He went easy with me and let me adjust to riding on him.

    He took me all the way back to my room. I held on tight when he was ascending the grand stairs. I was happy they were stone as his claws would have torn up wooden stairs.

    I kissed the side of his muzzle. “Thank you for showing me and bringing me back.”

    He nodded before he nuzzled my neck. I shivered when his nose hit the joint between my shoulder and my neck. He whimpered pulling back.

    I smiled at him and hugged him. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smiled more pulling back. “My wolf.”

    He groaned/growled making a sound that sounded like pleasure before he nudged me into my room. I giggled as I kissed his muzzle again and went into my room.

    I changed into my night clothes but wrapped Stephan’s blanket around me as I crawled into bed. I fell asleep smiling and snuggling into the blanket. His wolfy scent still on it. I was going to keep it for a while before giving it back. If I ever gave it back that is.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now