Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Eighteen

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    Christmas and the winter holiday had flown by. Before I knew it, I was back in classes but that was fine with me. My dad and Stephan had a conversation about what they thought about me still riding the bus. They came up with Stephan picking me up everyday after school.

    My dad was trusting him with me. After seeing how we were together, my dad couldn’t deny what he saw. He was happy to see me smile again. Which I did nearly ever day.

    I was literally skipping out the doors at the end of school and right over to a scowling Stephan. He wasn’t scowling at me, but all the gawking faces around him. None of the villagers seemed happy that he was standing there leaning against my dad’s car.

    Slipping over to him, I slid my arms around his neck. His scowl turned into a smile to which there were many gasps. I just ignored them as I hugged Stephan. His arms going around my waist.

    I leaned up and kissed him lightly for a second. “How was your day?” I asked.

    He chuckled. “Much better now that you’re in my arms.”

    “Hmm. My day seems brighter too.” I looked down and caressed the scarf he was wearing. “I see you’re wearing your christmas gift.”

    He smiled taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. “I find it much more comfortable.” He looked into my eyes. “Especially when it has your scent on it.”

    I giggled because I had known he would love it more with my scent. I gave him the scarf for christmas because his old one was getting too worn for my tastes and he needed a present from me with him giving me so many already. The locket. Another beautiful old dress. And a few other things.

    He never knew that I had placed the scarf in my bed. That’s how it got my scent all over it. He now has several scarves between me and my father. Though he doesn’t cover his scar any longer.

    “I have a surprise for you.” Stephan said as he guided me around my dad’s car to the passenger seat. He held the door open and helped me in. “But you’ll have to see it when we get back to the palace.” I giggled as he kissed my hand.

    I had asked him where he learned to drive. He had laughed and said he was around a very long time. Long enough to watch the evolution of the automobile and learned to master it. And he was very good at driving too. Even helped dad with the car during the holiday when it was starting to make strange noises.

    Once we were back at the castle, he was pulling me through the doors and sliding my bag to the stairs while he was tossing my jacket on top of it. Next he took my scarf that he gave me and pulled it off me. He draped it over my eyes making me blind to where he was taking me.

    I yelped as I was swung up into his arms. I was giggling as I slid my hands around his neck. I could almost feel his full body laughs as he started us down the hall and deep into the castle on the first floor.

    He cradled me a little tighter as I felt him reach for something. A door knob. I felt him open a door to a room.

    “The last time this room had been used was before my parents died.” Stephan said as he carefully set me down on my feet.

    Stephan had told me more about his life. How he lost his folks. How he was before the curse. He really didn’t keep any secrets from me.

    Though there was one secret I was holding close to my heart. One I couldn’t say just yet. I was too nervous to utter the words. I knew he was my wolf and man, but I couldn’t find the courage yet to tell him.

    He gently turned me and stood behind me. “I had been working on this room for some time. I wanted you to see it as it had once been. At the height of its glory.”

    I felt the scarf slip from around my eyes and a soft light hit my closed eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to the room before us. The glow of gold overwhelmed my sight and bathed me in its warmth.

    The room was the most grand I had ever seen. A ballroom. A grand and beautiful ballroom. The walls had mirrors that were framed with detailed molding brushed with gold. Roses carved in various stages were carved every where along the walls and in the moldings. The floor had a glassy mosaic that was completely flat. In the center of the room was the most beautiful rose and realistic depiction I’d ever seen.

    I reached my hand behind me and Stephan took it. He pressed his back against me to help keep me balanced. His free hand sliding to my stomach to help more.

    “It's beautiful Stephan.”

    His cheek pressed against my hair. “I did this whole room for you.”

    “Oh Stephan.” I leaned more into him.

    He gently turned me around in his arms. His one hand now resting on the small of my back. His other still in mine as he held it out. My free hand resting on his shoulder. My eyes staring up at him and he down to me.

    Music drifted around us and I glanced around to see apparitions appearing from everywhere. Some taking dancing positions around the room. Some just smiling at us from the edges. There were also ones playing instruments making the most loveliest of sounds.

    Slowly Stephan started moving us in time with the music. He stared down at me as I found us gliding across the floor. A swirl of movement around us from the others, but I didn’t see them. I was just looking up at Stephan as he did down to me. The others forgotten really.

    “You didn’t have to do this for me.”

    Stephan moved our clasped hands to my cheek where he graced it. “I can’t help thinking of things to do for you.” He chuckled as he shook his head. I smiled because I knew his wolf had said something to him. “Even Fane was excited to do this for you. We wanted another excuse to hold you to us and possibly never let go.”

    “Most of the time I don’t want you to let me go.” We smiled at each other as the music drifted to an end causing us to break partially to applaud the musicians.

    Another song started and we turned back to each other. But we weren’t able to dance. I doubled over clenching my stomach. The pain felt like my stomach was being twisted from the inside.

    “What’s wrong? You need to tell me what it feels like.” The looked of deep concern on his face.

    I gripped his hand as the pain shifted to one of my legs. “It hurts. Like my body if being twisted. It started in my stomach and now its in my leg.” I covered my mouth as it shift to the other leg now. “Please make it stop.” I asked looking at Stephan.

    He pulled me so I laid across his lap. He held me as he looked to an apparition that was crouching down next to us. “What’s happening to her?” I heard him asked.

    I felt tingling touches that were more solid than before. I clamped my eyes shut as the pain was now in my right arm. I pressed my forehead into Stephan’s chest biting back the screams of agony. Then the other arm flared painfully. At this moment I was crying into Stephan’s shirt because of the pain.

    “My lord. I need to see her eyes.” I heard the apparition say as the pain moved to my chest.

    Stephan cupped my cheek bringing me away from his shirt and I felt him leaning down. “Please show us your eyes my beauty. I promise we are doing everything we can to help you.”

    My eyes flashed wide as the pain moved to my eyes. I couldn’t see anything as sight was pure white. Fire burned under the surface of my eyes themselves. The fire spread to my nose and mouth. To my ears so I couldn’t hear a thing. It was like all my senses cut off all at once with the pain.

    Then I was gone. Just gone. Unable to know what else was happening in the real world.

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