Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Eight

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~Calista’s Point of View~

    I don’t know how it happened, but Beastly and I became friends. I found out he has been the caretaker of the castle for all his life. That he had tried to keep it as best he could all alone. He could only do so much by himself.

    Everyday we’d work together to clean and fix more rooms up throughout the castle. My father doing what he could as he has been in the damaged areas of the castle. Most of the time it was just Beastly and I.

    Today we were working in a room full of weapons and armors. Beastly was working on cleaning the weapons and I was just shinning up the armors. Beastly had found me a few old benches that he put on top of each other so I didn’t need his help while he cleaned the weapons. It was oddly sturdy.

    I smiled as I finished my third suit of armor. It shined proudly and one of the apparitions that was next to me said that it looked brand new. As if it hadn’t been touched by time. He was very proud as he said that was his before.

    I was getting down when I had to stop because a bird was fluttering around the room frantically. I watched in horror as the bird collided into one of the benches pushing its leg off the one under it. It was almost watching a house of cards falling. One where you're on one of said cards.

    I screamed out as I twisted and felt something dig into my back nearest my scar. I clenched that side when I was on the floor feeling pain burning through my whole back. It was flaring outward with great speed. It was overshadowing the pain in my head nearly completely.

    I heard a sword clatter to the ground and saw Beastly’s boots rushing around things that blocked him in the room. There were shelves that held weapons on display in the middle of the room.

    I felt him slid onto his knees beside me and move a bench that rested on me away. Then his hand was over top of the pain putting pressure on it. He was speaking low but I didn’t care as my body started to relax. The pain was slowly fading away with reality.

~Beastly’s Point of View~

    She passed out. I didn’t blame her. The fall and gracing the spiked mace of the suit of armor. I was surprised when she hadn’t hit her head and blacked out. Though she did hit her head by the lump forming, she still wasn't knocked out by it.

    My beast was growling and pacing within me. I just pulled him back and told him to let me help her. He allowed it especially since I called for the healer to come help me fix her.

    Moments later the healer was kneeling down. His face twisted a little because he’ll have to instruct me how to help her. He above all had never adjusted to being an apparition.

    “Move everything away from her wound. I need to see.” I did as he instructed moving my hand and her sweater away from her back.

    There were gasps when I had. My eyes were large as I could comprehend what I was seeing. Next to the wound was a scar. A mangled bit of flesh. A snarling scar.

    But that was not what had my eyes transfixed on it. It was in the shape of a rose. As if a rose had grown on her skin. There was even color under the surface making it look like a living rose.

    “A heart marked by a rose.”

    The old gypsy’s voice sounded in my mind. The hair all over my body stood on end. My beast nudging me to help her. His probing to shake me of my staring.

    The healer looked at her wound and sighed. “It’s not deep. Just a surface wound. A gracing really.” He looked at me. “You’ll need to get bandages and bind her.”

    “Will she be fine till I return?” I asked him. Thankful that my voice didn’t betray me. My beast had helped in that.

    He nodded. “Yes my lord.”

    I nodded as I quickly rose and rushed out of the room. I slipped through a hidden passage and up a spiral set of stairs to my chambers. I threw the tapestry away from the entrance and instantly saw the military medical kit that I took from a german soldier when a group tried to use this castle as a base. That never happened of course.

    I hurried back down. My beast giving me some of his strength and balance to aid me. He didn’t want me to waste an ounce of time.

    Back in the armory, I rushed as I wrenched open the medal box and removed what I needed. Some more modern supplies from the village were inside with old things. You never know what will be of use. After I cleaned the wound, I placed a gauze over it then carefully wrapped bindings around her.

    I left the medical kit on the floor of the room as I lifted her up into my arms and carried her to her room. She whimpered lightly in my arms when I first lifted her up. My beast growled at me but I ignored him.

    I was glad for the room she had as hers. I could look out my window and see her room across the way below me. I couldn’t make anything out, but her hazy figure sometimes when I looked down through my window.

    She stirred the moment I set her down on her bed. I watched her blink passed the haze. Then her eyes came up to mine. I moved a strand of her hair that fell in front of her face away from her eyes.

    She glanced down than up again. “You bandaged me?” She asked curiously.

    I nodded. “You graced your back on the spiked mace.”

    She shifted for a second and winced. “Is it bad?”

    I shook my head. “Not at all. You’ll be fine before you know it.”

    She placed her hand on mine. “Thank you.” She said sleepily.

    I placed my hand over hers. “Rest more. You’ve been working quite hard cleaning. You’re a bit exhausted.”

    “But there’s so much to do...” Her voice trailed off as she drifted to sleep.

    I lifted her hand up and lightly kissed it. “Just rest.” I reached out and graced her cheek. “My beauty.” I whispered under my breathe.

    After she dreamed for a moment, I rose and closed her door behind me. I rested my forehead on the old wood still carved and painted. My hand still on the knob.

    I was falling. I could feel it. My beast was right. She was different. I was slowly and most definitely falling in love with her.

    But could she ever love me in return?

    I sighed. No. There was no way when she finds out what I was. What kind of beastly man I was. No one could love me when they find out. No one wants to touch me because of what I am. A monster.

    Slipping away from her door, I retreated to my area of the castle. An area no one but I and the apparitions ever have gone. No one besides us even remember it even exists.

    The royal chambers. That was what was hidden away from anyone who didn’t know. Even the plentiful royal treasury was hidden among this section. No one has managed to touch it thanks to me. I’ve guarded it from trespassers.

    I glance down the hall from my chambers. My mind wandering to things. What would Calista think of this part of the castle. The only part I’ve made sure to keep beyond clean and maintained. The part I’ve lived in all my life.

    Sighing, I went into my room and fell down against my bed. Not nearly what it used to be, but it was still soft. Still fit to be used by me as my apparitions have said. I didn’t care at the moment. I was just thinking of her and her scar...

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now