Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Seven

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~Calista’s Point of View~

    It was Saturday and I was in another parlor of the castle cleaning the shelves of the bookcases and dusting the little knick-knacks around the room. There were a few Faberge eggs and small little sculptures on some of the shelves.

    At the moment I was perched standing on a few shelves precariously dusting the top most shelf. I shifted my weight to get to the far edge of the upper shelf. I felt my foot slip on the shelf. I braced my hands on the shelf above me and closed my eyes tight.

    My eyes snapped open when I felt hands around my waist before I slipped even an inch off the shelf. I looked behind me to see Beastly. He was holding me up. He shifted and soon felt his shoulder under my rear. He held my legs to his chest. I just stared at him because he never helped me before.

    He sighed. “You should finish.”

    I blushed as I looked back to the shelf I was working on. It was closer than before because Beastly was taller than most. That help with how intimidating he was. His mere presence helped too.

    I finished dusting and placed the figurines that were on that shelf back. When I finished, I yelped as Beastly moved us to the next shelf. I was shocked he was helping me with this room.

    I yelped again after I finished the last shelf because he moved us to the center of the room. My arms were crossed over my chest as I didn’t think he’d want me to touch him.

    I gasped as he crouched down. I thought he was about to set me down before I felt myself launched into the air and twisting. I closed my eyes shut wondering what the hell he was doing. Why he was doing this to me.

    I was trembling before I realized everything had stopped shifting. I felt a rumbled against my side and arms underneath of me. I was laying across his arms. He had caught me.

    I peeked out and saw that Beastly looked down at me. I blushed and looked away. He gently placed me on my feet. I took a timid step away from him. He chuckled as he took a step toward me. Every step I took away from him, he’d counter by taking the same step toward me.

    A giggled escaped my lips as my back hit the wall. I blushed brighter as I looked down. I had found it was fun to do that with him. To be stalked by him.

    Beastly stepped beside me and pressed his back against the wall next to me. “I’m not here to hurt you. Actually, I’ve come to help you if you need it.”

    I looked up to him and he was looking up at the ceiling. “Thank you, but you don’t have to.”

    He shrugged. “You had need of help a moment ago.” He pushed off and took a few steps before looking at me over his shoulder. “Shall we finish this room?”

    I shyly nodded and we worked to continue with this room. It was amazing how quickly we could work together. Or how easily we slipped passed each other while we were working. We had the whole parlor dusted and sparkling in no time.

    I lifted a sheet that draped over a painting just to peek at what it looked like. I saw an image of a black haired woman dressed so elegantly smelling a red rose. “She’s beautiful.” I said in awe.

    Beastly tugged the sheet out of my hand and it fluttered over it. “She was.” He said as he smoothed out the sheet. His voice sounding sad.

    I took a seat on one of the upholstered chairs and looked up at him. When he turned around, I looked away. I was afraid to voice my curiosity. About him. About the castle.

    “She was once a beloved queen. All adored her. All felt blessed that she was their queen.” He started as he took a seat beside me on the adjacent chair. “This castle was built for her as a wedding present.”

    “She must have loved roses.” I said as my hand went to my side.

    I felt Beastly nod. “They were her most favorite flower. You’ll get to see all the different ones in the garden during the summer. All colors blooming perfectly.” He spoke with affection.

    Tears came to my eyes picturing the garden. I felt Beastly’s hand touch my cheek. His thumb delicately touched my cheekbone and brushed a tear away. “Why are you crying?” He asked confused.

    I turned away from him but couldn’t stop the tears from falling. I felt him knelt in front of me. He gently turned me to him and he held my face in his hands. I sobbed a little in his hands as he stroked my tears away with his thumbs.

    “If it helps, talk to me. There is no one I will tell. No one in the village cares for me. You need to release your pain.” He told me as he leans up and holds me.

    I sniff as I turned so my cheek was on his cloak. “My mom loved roses too.”

~Beastly’s Point of View~

    I closed my eyes hearing this. Her mother. That is why there are so many tears. Why she couldn’t stop them falling. The whole castle must remind her that her mother is dead. That it was the most painful of reminders.

    “I feel dizzy some times seeing all the roses.”

    I smiled a little that she was speaking. She needs to speak. Needs to talk to relieve some of her pain she feels.

    I slid my hands under her and shifted us so I sat on her chair and she rested in my lap. I graced her hair and my eyes rolled back a little by my beast. He groaned in pleasure and came to the surface when I had. The scent of her that hit us and the feel of her hair stirred him.

    Not now.

    He grumbled within me knowing I had the right to be fore ground. He just sat with us and savored the feel of her in our arms and on our lap. I breathed deep of her for him. To sate his desires ever so slightly. Which he enjoyed beyond anything.

    “She’ll always be with you.” I said softly. I looked to the painting. “Maybe you should see this castle as if your mother is here. That’s how I’ve coped.”

    She looked up at me. “You’re mother died?” She asked.

    I closed my eyes and nodded. “I lost both my parents together.”

    I opened my eyes when I felt her lean back against my chest. “I’m sorry.” She whispered to me.

    I brushed my scarf covered cheek against the top of her head. “As am I for your loss.” We fell silent as we sat there. I could feel she wasn’t hurting so much. That made my beast and I better. To know that I helped our beauty.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now