Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Five

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    I looked out my window feeling my spirit weep. The first snow of the year. This meant that it would soon be the anniversary of my mother’s death. It hurt more than anything to know that.

    I rose from my couch and lifted my bag from the end of my bed. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. There was still an hour before school. I had decided to walk out into the courtyard garden as I always did when I had some time before school.

    I took a step out the door and stopped. Beastly was walking slowly down the stone path with his back to me. His hand appearing and disappearing again steadily. I saw tiny white bits falling from his hand. He was dusting the path with salt.

    “You should stay inside. It’s not safe out here.” His voice carried over to me. I took a step toward him and he stepped glancing over his shoulder at me. “It is still icy out here.”

    I looked down and pulled my coat closer around me as his voice sent a chill down my spine. “Thank you.”

    He humphed as he started up again. “There was nothing to thank for.” He turned down another path.

    It had been a month since he had stepped in to help me. Cezar and the guys have not let up with the nickname. Everyone was calling me Princess of the Beast. They were even bowing to me and then laughing.

    “You had saved me.” I blushed. “Thank you.”

    “Forget it.” He said as he turned down another path that connected to the first. I shivered. “Get inside before you freeze.” He said as he kept his eyes down at the ground.

    I turned away as he turned his back on me again. I went inside and passed a window to the courtyard. I did a double take. He was gone. Just gone. I sighed and went to the foyer as my dad started calling for me.

~Beastly’s Point of View~

    I tossed the closed bag of salt to the side. My mind still going over the fact that she thanked me. No one thanks me for anything.

    That’s because she’s different. My beast restated again. He was starting to annoy me every time he said that when we saw her. He even watched over her during the full moon while I grumbled inside of him.

    I scrubbed a hand over my face. Stop saying that!


    Because! It’s getting on my nerves now.

    He chuckled within me. Is it sinking in yet?

    I just shook my head at him. I went up to my room and sighed taking off my cloak and scarf. The mirrors in here were all smashed. I didn’t want to see my face knowing what was there.

    It wasn’t my fault.

    I growled under my breathe at my beast. Not mine either.

    I felt him roll his eyes at me. It was that hunter’s.

    I humphed at him as the memory of what he did to the hunter flashed in my mind. He had brought it up to the surface. The gore and blood beyond the hazy red vision. The hunter lying dead before us. His throat having been torn out and his eyes wide in shock and completely empty.

    Please stop showing that to me. I don’t need to see that.

    He laughed darkly. They at least know that this is our territory. We allow those here to stay.

    The image of a man and a woman screaming out of the palace flashed. STOP!

    He barked a laugh. You don’t have the strength to yet. Not till you’ve earned it! That gypsy woman said so herself. He shook his head within me. You were too selfish before. This is your punishment. Your father could control his beast. You aren’t your father yet. Not worthy yet to tame me. Calista’s image of her in the chapel passed before my eyes. She tames me.

    I stopped as my eyes fixed forward. His words sending a shiver down my back. She tames him? How does she tame him. She’s done nothing yet.

    But live...

    What do you mean? I asked, but he didn’t respond. I felt him shake his head as he walked away inside me. Somewhere that was his part of me. Someplace I couldn’t go within my own mind.

    I sighed as I looked out my window. I watched as she walked down the drive I had salted before they woke. I had been tending something without them seeing. This morning was the first time either had seen me. I was oddly happy that she was the one to see me.

    The only reason I salted the courtyard garden was because I knew she likes to wandering it some mornings. She was the one I had done it for. Other years I had just left it to ice and snow over. This year, the path has been salted.

    I shook myself and turned away before snapping back. One of the servants was skipped along after her. I growled. “Anton!”

    He appeared and bowed. “My lord.”

    I pointed out the window as I turned to him. “Who is following her?”

    He walked over and looked out. “I believe that is Mirela. She and Anca have grown attached to her.”

    I gripped his shirt and brought him to me. I was the only one who could touch any of the servants being that they were tied to me. “They are not allowed near her.” My voice growled at him deadly.

    If they could pale, he did. “B-but sire...” He swallowed. “She finds comfort with those two. Finds them as friends.”

    My eyes darken and narrows at him. “She sees?”

    He nodded. “Please don’t take those two from the girl.” His voice trembled. “You don’t understand my lord.” He glanced out the window and his expression is one of sadness. “She has no other friends.”

    I released him and turned away running a hand over my face. “But she’s been here nearly two and a half months.” Surely some have taken pity on her.

    “That doesn’t mean they accept her.” I looked to him as he stared out the window. He was staring down at the end of the drive. He felt pity for her.


    Anton shook his head at me. “She’s as alone as you around those villagers.” He looked at me. His eyes holding an expression I couldn’t understand. “Please don’t take away her only friends because you don’t want us around her.”

    I sank onto my bed. My head hung down with my hands in my hair. “Fine. They are allowed to continue.” I said lowly. My mind going over the fact that she can see them.

    “Thank you sire.” I know he bowed and then walked out of my room right through the door.

    It was strange at first with them like that. Having to do everything myself. Seeing them wandering around. It was very surreal. Though I can touch them, there really wasn’t anything I could do to them. They weren’t really in this realm. They helped as much as they could by telling me all I had to do till I got the hang of caring for myself. They even helped scare people away.

    I was going to scare her and her father away till my beast saw her. He would prevent me every time I tried. After a few days I just gave up as I saw they cleaning the castle. Restoring some of it to how it used to be. They stay because of my beast’s good graces and mine.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now