Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Thirteen

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    Our joy of our first kiss was short lived as we were both shocked when a set of hands gripped Beastly’s shirt. I gasped as he was thrown against the stone wall beside the window. One of the villagers had his forearm pressed against Beastly’s throat. Beastly was just glaring at the man.

    “You have no right even with her.” The man spat. “You’re curse to be a beast all alone.”

    I threw my bedding off my and rushed over to them. I wedged myself between them. “Leave him alone.”

    The man glared down at me before shoving me out of the way. “Stay out of this little girl.” He growled out as I fell to the ground onto my hands.

    The next thing I heard was the man groaning. I looked over at them and Beastly had the man pressed against the wall he had just had his back slammed against. “Never touch her like that.” He growled out before he pressed the man more into the wall then rushed over to me. He cupped my cheek. “Are you hurt?”

    I shook my head as I wrapped my arms around him. “You?”

    The man grumbled past us as Beastly lifted me up into his arms. “I’m fine. It takes a lot to hurt me.”

    I jumped when my door slammed shut. Then I relaxed against Beastly as he took me back to my bed. I breathed in his scent and sighed. He chuckled. His chuckles turned into a light laugh as I leaned up and breathed deeply.

    “You shouldn’t do that too much.” I looked up at him and blushed. He smiled and I got to fully see him completely. His eyebrow quirked up. “I might just steal you away and never bring you back.”

    I giggled as he set me down on my bed. “Maybe one day.” I blushed as I looked down grinning.

    He tilted my chin up again. “One day I will.” He shifted and gently pushed me down. “Now rest.” I giggled tiredly as I let him help me lay down fully.

    He was about to stand up, but I place my hand on his arm. He turned to me curiously. “Stay with me a little longer?” I asked him as my eyes started to droop. I saw him nod before taking a seat next to me again and placed his hand over mine.

    The next thing I know, a hand caressed along my cheek. “Calista.” I blinked awake by Beastly. He was smiling down at me with his scarf still away. “Time to wake for dinner.”

    I smiled as I placed a hand over my mouth and yawned. I felt the air vibrate as he chuckled while he rose from my bedside. He gave me a hand up from bed. He even had to hold me up as my legs didn’t want to cooperate with me. They felt sore and weak.

    He still had a hold of me as we left my room. As we reached the stairs, I yelped as he swung me up into his arms. He smiled. This is the most I’ve ever seen him smiling.

    Halfway down the stairs, the question I had before just bubbled out of me. “What’s your real name?”

    He threw back his head and laughed. The sound was so warming and amazing. I felt a bit tingling with the booming sound. It made me smile and my heart light hearing it.

    “Stephan. Fane if you wish.” He said with amusement in his voice.

    “Stephan.” I smiled as he smiled down at me.

    “Ah. I was just about to come up to tell you both dinner was ready.” I blushed as I glanced over at my dad.

    Stephan placed me on my feet. “I had smelled something very delicious and believed dinner was indeed ready.” Then he chuckled lightly. “And her stomach was protesting quite furiously.” He smiled down at me. “It was very...” He grinned wider. “Cute.” He said.

    “Well, come on then before the food gets cold.”

    My dad lead us into the formal dining room. It was completely clean now. A cloth draped over the length of the table but only three places were set at the head of the table. Three chairs were also pulled over to the places.

    Stephan helped me over and into a seat. His eyes held a glint as he bent down lifting one of my hands up to his lips. “My lady.” He said as he pulled away.

    “At least someone here knows how to be a gentleman.” My dad commented as Stephan walked around my seat and sat in the chair across from me. My dad taking the head of the table.

    Stephan bowed his head to my dad. “As I do not deal much in the village, I haven’t been... lacking in manners.” He said as he sat with a straight back in his seat.

    My dad nodded before he bowed his head. Stephan and I did the same. “Blessed is the food we are about to eat. Blessed for the gracious rescue of my daughter by a new friend. Blessing to him for his pure heart to help another. Blessing to heaven for sending him. Amen.” My dad said grace and I heard Stephan say ‘amen’ with me.

    Soon we were uncovering the different dishes and serving ourselves. I blushed when Stephan would scoop some of the dish in front of him onto my plate. He’d glance at me for the briefest of moments before asking my dad if he wanted some too. When he looked at me, I saw adoration which made me blush.

    Halfway through dinner my dad cleared his throat setting his silverware down on the table. He placed his elbows on the edge of the table and threaded his fingers together looking at Stephan. I gulped knowing he was about to be grilled. Stephan though didn’t seemed to be phased as he set his fork down too.

    “What do you do if I may ask?”

    Stephan took a sip of his water to clear his throat. “I actually take care of the grounds surrounding this castle. I had tried to maintain the interior, yet...” Stephan trailed off as he shook his head. “I’m one man.”

    My dad nodded. “So you’re the one the villagers had warned me about. The wild man around the castle.”

    Stephan chuckled as he smiled to himself. “I’m a private person and they believe me cursed.” He shrugged lightly. “Been that way nearly my entire life.”

    My dad frowned. “Yet you aren’t wild at all. Kinder to us than the villagers themselves. They have thought we would have run off by now. I haven’t found a reason why others had. This place is beautiful and quiet.”

    I smiled. “And so many rooms.” I offered.

    My dad nodded turning to me. “I don’t expect us to be without anything to do for quite sometime.”

    A silence fell around us, but we didn’t seem to mind as we started eating again. I did blush every so often as Stephan looked over at me as he ate. He looked both comfortable, yet uncomfortable at the same time. I guess he was used to eating alone most nights. Or every night.

    We finished dinner and I tried to get up to help put the dishes in the kitchen, but my dad put a hand on my shoulder. “I will take care of the plates.” He smiled as he tilted his head toward Stephan. “Please keep him company while I get dessert.”

    Stephan stood. “That really isn’t necessary.”

    My dad shook his head turning to Stephan. “Nonsense. It is our way. A meal isn’t complete without a sweet finish.”

    Stephan slowly sat down in his head. My dad grinned as he collected the plates and left the room. I bit my lip once the door closed behind him with my eyes slipping to my hands in my lap.

    Stephan placed his elbows on the table and leaned closer to me. His hands clamped together in front of his lips. “What are you thinking?” He asked as he tilted his head to the side.

    I blushed. “My dad doesn’t know that we’ve been cleaning the castle together.” My blushed deepened. “Or that you’re my only real friend.”

    I looked up as my words met silence. He was regarding me oddly. He was thinking. Weighing my words. We sat there as he did.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now