Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Nineteen

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    When I woke, the whole night had passed me. Stephan had refused to leave me apparently. I found him in the most uncomfortable position on my couch under the window. His head was hanging off the cushion. One arm flung over the back of the couch with that leg too. His other foot flat on the ground.

    I tried to push up, but whimpered in pain. Stephan jolted and fell/slid off of the couch before he scrambled over to me. “Just stay still. Don’t move too much.”

    I looked up at him as he fretted over me. “What happened?” My voice was dry like my throat.

    Stephan leaned over to the table beside my bed and lifted a small plate off of a cup. A plate that looked like it was designed for the cup. He brought over the cup and helped me to sit up.

    “I didn’t know what was happening to you until my healer told me. I didn’t realize that there was a chance of that happening during the rise of the first new moon after I claimed you. He told me it was rare.”

    I drank as he talked. I was leaning against his chest. One of his arms around my side to keep me up so I didn’t use any of my strength. His other hand was holding the cup for me with one of mine over the top of his.

    My breathes were heavily when I finished drinking. He placed the cup back on the table. He held me for a little as I looked up at him waiting for him to continue, but it seemed like he wasn’t going to until I ask. As my curiosity was peaked, I was so going to ask.

    “What actually happened?”

    He looked down at me and moved my hair to the side. “Something that happens with those who are bitten sometimes with my kind. In time, I don’t know how long, but you will change like I do.” He cupped my cheek. “It only happens to those who are strong enough to withstand the change.”

    I closed my eyes and leaned my head more onto his shoulder. “How long will I have to wait till I change?”

    I felt him shake his head through the movement of his chest. “That is uncertain as everyone is different. My healer had no answer when I asked him. He said it could happen in a few weeks or a few years. From what he knows, there is always a trigger for a person to undergo the change if they aren’t born this way.”

    I blushed as my stomach growled. And growled. And growled. I looked up at Stephan and he was biting his lip where his scar crossed his lip. My eyes narrowed at him. He released his lip and kissed each of my eyes.

    He held my cheek in his hand. “We’ve called you in sick from school so you can recover today. I told your father that you collapsed in my arms while we danced. He doesn’t know what is going on and I don’t feel it’s my place to inform him.”

    I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. “I doubt he’d believe it if I did tell him.”

    There was a rumble of a laugh bubbling out of him which he was holding back. “I believe you’re right.” Then he sighed. “But he will find out eventually.”

    My stomach made another announcement. Stephan threw his head back and laughed before he had me up into his arms. He kissed the top of my head as he left my room. Lining the hall were apparitions and they smiled when they saw I was awake in Stephan’s arms. They all bowed as we passed them.

    We entered the kitchen and my dad jumped as if we startled him. His coffee spilling down his robe where he sat at the table with the bench around it. His set his cup down and rushed over to us.

    He looked at Stephan as he touched my forehead. “When did she wake?”

    “Just a moment ago.”

    He dad turned back to me with a frown. “You’re still warm but thankfully not as warm as you were last night.”

    My dad pulled a blanket out and placed it on a seat at the table. Stephan set me down and he pulled the blanket around me for my dad. I knew it was for my dad.

    Stephan stood up and placed a hand on my dad’s shoulder. “You sit with her and I’ll make her something to eat.” My dad was all too eager to be the one to sit next to me and hold me.

    I laid my head on my dad’s shoulder and closed my eyes. My dad started to pet my hair. My whole body relaxed into his side. I would whimper whenever I had to adjust. It was my muscles. They felt... very sore.

    Before I knew it, I was being nudged awake. I yawned as I blinked my eyes open. My dad chuckled as he helped me sit up. Stephan sat across from us and slid two bowls our way.

    Inside the bowls was a layering of different things. Crumbled sausage. Crispy hash browns. Over easy eggs. Oozy gooey cheese. And finally not completely crispy bacon. My mouth was watering at the smells coming out of the bowl.

    I looked up at Stephan and he burst out laughing. I saw my dad raise and eyebrow. Stephan waved it off. “She just had this feral look in her eyes. We should eat.” I blushed as I looked down feeling my eyes now that Stephan said something. I wondered if my eyes change now. If that was what had him laughing. Could mine be blue like his?

    I lifted my fork and delve right into the thick and massive bowl of food. Thank heavens he put lots of sausage into my bowl. I was craving meat like you couldn’t believe. I even felt something in my chest that vibrated strangely. The sound of a groan/growl was trying to bubble out, but I managed to hide it from my dad.

    I glanced up around my fork and saw Stephan grinning like a fool. I rolled my eyes at him knowing he could hear it. His eyes were glowing around the edges. He was finding this amusing.

    Before long, my breakfast was gone and I was leaning on my dad’s shoulder again. My eyes closed as I felt myself slip asleep. I was just so full from breakfast.

    I slept most of the rest of the day. Thankfully by dinner time I didn’t hurt any more. I felt actually stronger than before. Stephan even played around lightly as he squeezed my triceps when we were alone. He smiled and said that I wasn’t so dainty anymore.

    At the end of the night, I pouted as Stephan had to ‘go home’. I think it was my wolf part that wanted him to stay. Wanted to keep him near me.

    At the front door, he pulled me close. “Don’t worry. Know that I’m always nearby.” He whispered into my ear.

    I laid my head on his chest. My cheek pressed against his jacket. “But I want you with me.”

    He placed his cheek on the top of my head and he nodded against my hair. “I know. Trust me I know. Fane doesn’t want to leave either.”

    I giggled. “Glad to know I’m not the only one.”

    He tilted my chin up and kissed me. “I’ll see you tomorrow when I pick you up from school.” He pressed his forehead into mine. His eyes were glowing. “I’ll be near if ever you need me.” He gave me another kiss before he left.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now