Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Three

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    I sighed sitting on a stone bench at the end of the drive toward the castle. I was waiting for the bus that passes by. I was about to start my first day here in Romania. I wasn’t too excited.

    My dad would be standing here waiting with me, but I begged him to let me do it alone. That I didn’t want to start off looking like a loser. I was already the loser because I was new. Not to mention I was an american now living here.

    I wasn’t disillusioned to believe everyone would accept an american. I wasn’t blinded by that kind of ignorance. I knew I’d be an outsider with little chance for friends.

    Speaking of friends... Mirela was pacing back and forth in front of me. Her curly dark hair dancing down her back. “You shouldn’t have to subjugate yourself like this. We have plenty of books on every subject for you to read and learn at the castle.”

    I sighed again. “It's not how things are done now. I just have one more year before I graduate so there’s no point in switching to homeschooling.” I looked back at the castle. “It’ll also give me a chance to get away. All of you are a little unnerving misting around like you do.”

    She giggled. “We can be a bit much, no?”

    I nodded. “Especially when you all know I could see and hear you.” I shook my head. “I had to order that you all let me sleep at night.”

    She laughed. “I know. Anton was furious when he found out that some were talking while you tried to sleep.”

    I looked up at her. “Anton?”

    She nodded. “He’s the head servant for his majesty.”

    I shook my head. “I’m never going to get used to this.”

    She skipped over to me and sat down. “You will. Just go with it. There is always a reason for everything.”

    I looked up as the bus appeared around the corner. “I’ll see you later.”

    She smiled as I got up. “I wish I could follow you but this is as far as any of us can go.” I myself feel that is a good thing. That way I can be a little normal for a time.

    I took a deep breathe before getting on the bus. Everyone was staring at me as I got on. As I moved through the aisle they all followed me, even moving so I couldn’t sit anywhere but the lonely back seat where no one was. I sat down and looked out the window. Mirela waved as the bus pulled out. This was going to be the worst day ever and I knew it.


    I looked around as I sat at an empty table at lunch. Just as I figured earlier. No one liked me or wanted to be my friend. They all were shunning me. Just like back home in Montana. I was the outcast again.


    After school, my dad picked me up as we were going into the village for a few supplies. He grinned as he pushed off his car that we had shipped over here. He hugged me. “So how was the first day kiddo?”

    I shrugged as he opened the door to the car. “As I expected it would be.” I said a little flatly.

    He closed the door after I was in frowning. “Just give it some time. They’ll warm up to you.”

    I set my elbow on the car door and placed my chin in my hand. “Yeah. Sure.” I replied looking out the window as he got in and started up the car. I heard him sigh before driving into town.


    It’d been a month and still I was the outcast at school. My dad was too optimistic about people. I was the more practical one. I knew I wouldn’t be accepted.

    There were even this group of guys that thought it was their job to make fun of me. Saying that America rejected me. Claiming I was dumb and a loser forever.

    Every Monday my dad and I would go into the village for supplies. Some of the others from school would hang out and snicker when I passed them. They’d never say anything in front of my father.

    When I came home from school the other days, I’d go into the room I had found the first day and do my homework. Anca and Mirela would help me. They were smart for ghost and knowledgeable for being from the middle ages.

    After homework, I’d go wandering sometimes. Like today. I was wandering along the western wing of the castle. This part of the castle was the least touched of all. I was glad I was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

    I came to a door that was carved wood. A cross was carved into the center of it. Stain glass windows shimmered with depictions of climbing roses on either side of the door with a half circle stain glass window above it where the roses intertwined together.

    I pushed open the door to receive a rumbled groan from it as it moved. The sound vibrating through me and the air till it was open enough for me to enter the room. I slid through the opening easily.

    The room was a chapel. A great room that was two stories tall. Corinthian columns lined the sides of the main area of the room making an aisle on either side. An aisle stretched down the center from the door and lead to an alter area that was raised one step. There were rows and rows of backless wooded benches all the way to the alter area.

    Behind the alter was the grandest stain glass window of all. More images of roses with angels with ring haloes around their heads climbed up to the rose window that ironically had the largest of roses in the center with rays of light shining out from it.

    Everything looked to be sitting where it had been so long ago. The only difference was the sheets draped everywhere over seats and the reverend's podium. On closer inspection, even the bible still sat on the podium open with a grand bookmark in the middle of the page. As if the reverend just ran from it in the middle of a sermon.

    I turned around and looked down at the floor of the alter area when my eyes caught the sight of some flowers. On either side of the podium were two solid slabs of stone with names carved into them. One had a bouquet of wild flowers that didn’t look so old as everything else. The other just had a few loose flowers laid on top of it.

    I bent down to the one with the bouquet. I ran my fingers over the letters. “Her Royal and Glorious Majesty, Queen Sorina Nicoleta. Beloved by all. Missed by all.” I read and looked at the flowers. Yes, she was still missed.

    “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!” I jumped and spun around to see a man standing in the door way of an adjacent room to this chapel. I glanced down at his hand and saw he had flowers. When my eyes went to his eyes, he was glaring at me.

    He started to stalk toward me and I back away. Stumbling at the step of the alter area. He stopped when he was in between me and the stone marker of the queen. His face was half covered by a rough scarf. He even had a hood up from the cloak he wore over him.

    “YOU are NOT allowed in here. LEAVE!” His voice boomed through the whole chapel.

    I turned and ran out of the great room. Turning at the door, I saw him bending down to trade the flowers. His head bowed as he caressed the stone I had touched. I left him to his mourning feeling very shaken.

    I just went to my room and brought a hand up to my cheeks. Tears trickled down. His voice was so terrifying. I was still trembling. Still so very shaken.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now