Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Four

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    Weeks past and I had avoid that side of the castle. I was afraid to run into him again. Afraid of him yelling at me. That man was so very scary by looks and his voice. He wanted to scare me and he succeeded.

    Now I was in the village getting supplies with my dad. Well, he was. I was sitting on a picnic bench getting a start on some of my homework. The easiest of all of them really. Things that wouldn’t take long to finish.

    “Well looky here guys.” I groaned under my breathe as I heard Cezar’s voice.

    I just hunched over more as I continued to work. Suddenly my notebook was ripped out from under me. I tried to snatch it back, but one of his goons held my shoulders.

    Cezar flipped through the pages carelessly. “Tisk. Tisk. Why do you even try?” He tossed it to the ground. “You won’t last long here. Just give up now.”

    He braced his hand on the table and leaned into me. “You’re worthless.” He grabbed my jaw and turned my face this way and that. “Not even that pretty.”

    A shadow came up behind him and my eyes grew wide at the intimidating man. The one behind me loosened his grip on my shoulders. “Release her.” The voice that had frightened me before rumbled roughly. The dark man glared at the back of Cezar’s head and Cezar visibly trembled.

    Cezar’s hand slipped from my jaw and he slowly turned. “This is none of your business Beastly. She is nothing to anyone.”

    Beastly’s eyes tightened as he leaned forward ever so much causing Cezar to lean away. “She now lives in the castle.” His head tilted to the side. “Leave her alone.” His terrifying voice held a threat just beneath the surface.

    Cezar and his buddies slithered away from us. “Seems like Beastly is defending her.” He jokingly stated.

    “Hey, she’s the Princess of the Beast!” They all laughed as they walked away chanting their new nickname for me.

    Beastly turned away from me and stalked away to the forest line that was nearby. In a matter of a second he was gone. Not even turning back to ask me if I was alright. Not even waiting for me to thank him.

    I lifted my binder up and wiped the mud that had gotten on it off. I just put my stuff into my bag and crossed my arms on the stone table top. I placed my forehead on my arms wanting to hide from the world. Cezar’s words hitting me hard.

    Not even that pretty.

    Was that really how it was? I wasn’t that pretty. I wasn’t pretty. Was I ugly? That has to be it. I was ugly.

    I felt a hand on my back and I jolted up. I snapped my head to the concern look on my dad’s face. He brought up his hand to the side of my face and wiped the tears I had not known I was crying away.

    “Oh baby. What’s wrong?”

    I shook my head turning away. “It’s nothing.” My voice sounding so sad. Making him know something was wrong.

    He came around the table and sat on the other side of me. He pulled me to his chest. “Come on baby. Talk to me. Please.”

    I shook my head and turned away from him. “I’ll be okay. I just need more time to adjust is all.”

    He sighed and he stroked my back and shoulder. “Alright honey. Let’s get home.” I just nodded as I let him help me up and over to the car.

~Beastly’s Point of View~

    I hid behind a tree and watched as she cried into her arms. I never do that. Never stepped in before. But something was different. Something was very different with her.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now