Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Sixteen

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    Stephan came everyday. He even brought a few more gifts for me. An old antique dress that was still so beautiful. A hair pin. Even all the meat from a deer he had hunted for us. My father was very pleased and impressed.

    Today Stephan was staring at me as we worked on another room. I glanced over and blushed. “You’ve been staring.”

    He smiled. “Sorry. I can’t help it.”

    I looked at the top shelf of the build-in. Then I looked at him over my shoulder and saw him swallow. “Could you help me with the shelves?”

    He smirked as he tossed his rag over his shoulder. He was over to me in a second. I laughed as he had my perched on his shoulder in a millisecond. I was up and looking at the shelf. It was amazing how fast and how strong he was all the time.

    I finished and smiled down at Stephan, he smiled back but not all the way right now. He’s actually been very quiet. Not anything new from him, but if felt a little strained.

    He took us to the center of the room like always and did his tossing trick. When I was in his arms, he didn’t put me down right away. Instead, he walked over to a seat and sat down. He held my waist and one of his thumbs was doing a few circles. Nervous circles.

    “As you may know, tomorrow is the start of my three day... personal time.” He said as he was looking down at his hand. “I want to show you what happens, but don’t want to upset you in any way.”

    I touched his cheeks and got him to look at me. I looked deep into his eyes and he was worried. “I won’t be upset. If you wish to show me, then do it. Nothing that happens could scare me or upset me.”

    I watched as his eyes turned blue. “Even if I am truly a werewolf.”

    My smile was soft and gentle. “Have you been my wolf?”

    He smiled revealing his canines to me. His eyes shining. “Yes I have been and always will.” His eyes roamed mine in search for something. His shining blue eyes. “You don’t fear us?”

    I shook my head as I laid it on his shoulder. “I never have before, why would I now when I fine out my two favorite companions are really one.”

    “There’s something else you need to know. I’m not just Stephan...” I looked up at him as he looked down. His eyes turning back into his golden chocolate color. “Me and my wolf are different at the moment. Two minds in one body.”

    “Is that why your eyes change different colors?”

    He nodded. “That helps to know who it forward and who is in the back.”

    “But your mainly the one forward around me.”

    He nodded. “Because I convince my wolf to let me. We didn’t know how accepting you would be.”

    I looped my arms around his waist and scooted closer to his chest. I felt and heard the deep moan that slipped from his lips when I had. “Have you seen the books I read?” He shook his head. “I love reading about the supernatural. Mainly romantic fantasy of all sorts.” I smiled sadly. “I got that trait from my mom.”

    He drew his hand through my hair and buried his fingers deep within it. “But this isn’t like in those stories, yet you accept me as I am. Flawed and all.” He whispered into my ear as he leaned his cheek to mine.

    I hugged him closer. “You’re not flawed. Never to me.”

    He pulled away and held my face in both of his hands. “You do not understand. Others of my kind can control their beast. I cannot. He can take over when he wishes. I have been cursed to be unable to tame him.”

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now