Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Ten

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    I smiled as I put my books in my bag. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Between Beastly and the wolf, I felt happy. Whenever Beastly was off doing something personal for a few days, I would meet my wolf just inside the forest line. Between the two, I felt wanted and that made me happy.

    Today was the late day of classes before the winter holiday. So I’d be able to be home and away from all these judging people. And yes, I’ve come to think of the castle as home. Complete with a guard dog... wolf and a very intimidating guy that I hadn’t seen his full face yet.

    I slipped into the restroom like I did every day as the ride home was half an hour long. There was so many twists and turns that I didn’t want to have to go and wait with that. Not a fun experience.

    I stopped just outside the exit doors with my jaw dropped. No! This can’t be happening. The bus was gone. It left without me even though the bus driver always knew to wait for me. I had told him when I started to use the restroom before getting on the bus that was what I would be doing. Why would he leave without me?

    My happy mode turned sad as I looked up to the mountain where the castle stood proudly. It wasn’t far except by car. The mountain had one safe route by vehicle.

    Looking to the sky I frowned. More snow clouds coming in. I couldn’t wait for my dad to get here before it came down. We could get stuck in it if he tried. Then where would we be. Stuck and getting cold.

    I glanced up at the castle one more time before I hiked my bag up onto my shoulder. I started out along the path leading up to the castle. I had found an old map that showed each of the paths around the castle. I knew where I was going at least.

    The trek was icy cold and slow going at some points with the rocky terrain. Now I stand looking up at a small cliff face. It wasn’t a large cliff, but one that went straight up. I hadn’t realized that there was one on this path nearly half way to the castle.

    I took a deep breathe before I placed my hands on the tree roots that stuck out of the cliff from the massive tree above me. I made sure each move I made was a sturdy one. I didn’t want to fall out here as no one knew I was here.

    My head snapped up as I heard a sound of tumbling little stones. I ducked my head as a few cascaded over me. I stayed where I was till I felt it was safe enough to continue.

    But as soon as my hand found another root, I froze. More stones were falling. They were growing in size too. I tried pressing myself against the cliff face, but that didn’t help as the stones fell. Some hit me. Others hit the roots I was holding.

    I gasped as the roots snapped and I was falling with the stones. My breathe was forced out of me when I hit the hard ground below. The stones settling around me and a branch to a tree landed on top of me. My eyes fluttering close and the world darkened around me. The snow hitting me face telling me I will die here.

~Beastly’s Point of View~

    Will you quit it!? I shouted at my beast as I paced in the room Calista and I had agreed on to clean today. My beast was growling and pacing within me.

    No. I won’t quit. She should have been home by now.

    I rolled my eyes at him. Give her time.

    He huffed. At least go check.

    I shook my head at him, but did as he asked. I walked out of the room and down the hall to the foyer. I stopped and looked down to see her father pacing just like my beast was. He was tapping a phone in his hand.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now