Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Six

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~Calista’s Point of View~

    There is one room that I discovered a month ago. A music parlor with instruments that were covered up and a grand piano sitting in a corner. I’d wander in there sometimes just to grace the keys of the piano.

    Today was one of those days I’d wander into the room. But to my surprise, I heard the most beautiful sound floating through the door. I slipped into the room to find Beastly with his back to me again playing the cello. Around him were other apparitions playing with him. They were playing the beginning of Gwenlaise. One of my favorite pieces.

    The apparition at the piano smiled at me and tapped the seat. I silently walked over to the bench and sat down. He was about to start playing. I placed my hands on the keys and he took his away. I started playing adding the piano part to the song.

    My fingers graced over the piano keys as I heard Beastly shift in his seat. But he didn’t say a word as I played. Then he added in when he was supposed to. It was just us two playing now.

    I closed my eyes and I was taken back to when my mom and I would play like this. She played the cello and was very good at it. She had to be as she was a professional cellist. One of the best out there. I learned the piano so we could play with each other. We’d play during Christmas for our friends.

    I ignored the tears brimming under the surface as the song continued. A few spilled over but I paid no mind as I continued with closed eyes. My fingers finding the keys easily as this song was so close to my heart.

    As the last note drifts in the air I bow my head as the tears fall. Soon I feel real arms pull me toward a hard chest as I silently sob. I just let myself grieve against them.

~Beastly’s Point of View~

    My beast whimpered at seeing her cry. I didn’t know why she started crying while we were playing. The song was the most beautiful I had ever heard it.

    When I had looked up, Costel looked sad as he sat next to Calista. He had a hand over his heart as it looked like he was teary too. But they can’t tear like we can.

    I held her to me as I felt her sob. My heart clenching and my mind wanting to know why she was crying. I tilted my head and rested my semi-covered cheek against the top of her head.

    Her hands went to my cloak and I felt her fist it in her grasp. She was holding onto me as she let her emotions run through her. Her head cradled on my chest.

    After a few moments, her sobs started to slow. Her grip relaxed. She even shifted her head so that her cheek was on my chest. I adjusted slightly so my arms were completely around her. My beast grinned and I had to block out his thoughts of her. He grumbled at me then calmed down as he felt her still in my arms. That satisfied him for the most part.

    I opened my eyes as she lifted up from my chest. I felt confused as why I wanted to keep her against me. Why she felt and smelled so good against me. I just buried those feelings within me as she turned away and rose.

    I felt panic within me that she’s leaving the music parlor. “You don’t wish to play more with me?” I asked and hid the grimace at the anxiety my voice betrayed.

    She stopped at the door with one of her delicate hands on the knob. “Sorry for intruding on your playing.” She said softly and lowly before she turned the knob and started to open it.

    “You play beautifully.” Again I grimaced at the tone of my voice.

    The door stopped half way. “As do you.” She whispered. It sounded like she said that more to herself than me.

    “Play again with me.” I begged to the air between us. It felt like there was too much space between us.

    She turned a little toward me as her eyes were lowered to the ground. My beast whimpered at her sad expression. He was sounding like a sad puppy within me. He grumbled at me before whimpering again.

    “I can’t just yet. Sorry.” She slipped through the door closing it behind her.

    Costel walked over to me and bow. “Give her time sire. She still grieves especially now that it is getting closer.”

    I looked at him confused. “Closer?”

    He looked down. “I overheard her talking to Anca in here one day.” His shoulders sagged. “The reason they are here is because she lost her mother in a fire.” He looked to the door. “A fire she was in too. Barely survived herself.”

    My legs gave out below me and I fell back onto the piano bench. My back resting against the keys making a grim sound. My eyes wide staring at the door. My heart clenched so tight at hearing this. She barely survived.

    My beast had his head hung within me. I could feel that he too felt a heavy emotion. Had this been what he was telling me? He shook his head internally.

    I looked to Costel. “Bring me Mirela or Anca. I need to know everything they know about her.”

    Costel’s eyes were wide and he didn’t move. I growled deeply in warning and he snapped out of his daze. He rushed out of the room in search of one of the two. The others were murmuring to each other. I glared at them and they scurried away leaving me alone in the parlor.

    I shifted till I was laying down on the bench. My legs spread on either side passed the bench. I was staring up at the paneled ceiling with my hands threaded together on my chest waiting for one of the two girls.

    Soon I saw them enter back into the room. Costel ahead of Anca and Mirela. They had both come. Costel bowed and I waved him away. The girls looked at each other as they curtsied next to each other.

    I didn’t look at them as I spoke. “I’ve been told you are friends with our young guest. I wish to be told everything you know about her.”

    I saw them look at each other again before Mirela stepped forward with a bowed head. “She is kind and sweet.” She swallowed. “And wishes she had friends that were physically around her. None of the students at her school wish anything of her.” She sighed heavily. “They even make fun of her all the time.”

    I heard Anca sniff. “She’s so lonely it breaks our hearts.”

    I sat up and looked at them. “This I know. I wish for you to tell me more about her.”

    They looked at each other and bowed their heads. “We know not much more. Only that she lost her mother in a house fire nearly a year ago.”

    “She still grieve especially when it snows.” Anca said in a tiny voice. “She tells us no more than that.” She looked up to me. “She’s so terribly lonely.”

    I rose and walked to the window. “Thank you. You are free to go.”

    “My lord?” Mirela asked in a tiny voice. Afraid of what I would do to her.

    I turned back and Anca was trying to pull Mirela away from me. “Speak.” I said looking at her.

    She swallowed. “She needs someone.” She sighed. “She doesn’t even talk to her father.”

    I turned back to the view out the window. Her plea to me on behalf of Calista ringing in my ears as I felt them leave me. Now I was alone. Alone like Calista? Not nearly. I at least had my beast within me.

    At the moment he was whimpering at me to help Calista. That he wanted us to be someone for her. He threatened to grumble all the time before I agreed. I assured him that he wouldn’t have to wait long. He still said he’d grumble till she was next to me. A threat I wasn't going to take very lightly.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now