Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Fourteen

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    My dad came back to break our silence. Stephan sat back and grinned giving thanks as my dad placed a plate down in front of him. A plate with a piece of chocolate cake.

    I got a plate too. There was a pause as no one touched their plate yet. My dad chuckled. “It is our custom that the guest takes the first bite.”

    Stephan frowned looking at me. “I’ve always let the lady take first bite. I had not realized that was your tradition.” He placed his hand over his heart and bowed his head. “Forgive me.” He lifted his fork and took his first bite.

    I smiled at him as I too took my first bite after him. He grinned too. I had to remind myself that my dad was in the room with us. That I couldn’t look at him like I wish I could.

    Ever since that kiss, I’ve felt different toward him. Like he was there in my heart. I had never felt like this toward a guy ever in my whole life. All seventeen and three quarters of it. And it doesn’t feel like a crush.

    We all finished out desserts and Stephan cleared his throat before turning to my father. “There is something I wish to discuss with you Master Fanley.”

    My dad lifted an eyebrow at Stephan. “Pray tell. Anything I can help with.”

    “Really, it’s just permission I seek from you.” Stephan sat up straight. “I wish for your permission to court your beloved daughter.” I gasped softly with my hand over my mouth. My eyes wide at Stephan.

    Was he serious? He really wanted to... court me? You also don’t hear a guy ask it like that.

    My dad had his jaw dropped staring even wider eyed than I at Stephan. I could see the shock in my dad’s face. Stephan didn’t look so shock by our reaction. When his eyes flicked to me every so often, there was a glint of pride and affection.

    My dad slowly got up from his seat. Stephan matching his movements. My dad took several deep breathes to steady himself. “That I cannot do.”

    “Dad?” I asked lowly oddly feeling my world tightening around me. I had wanted my dad to say it was okay. I really hadn’t realized that was what I wanted.

    My dad turned to me. He took my hand and gave it a squeeze. “I cannot as it isn’t my decision.” He looked back at Stephan. “Ask her for it is her decision.”

    Stephan’s eyebrows shot up before he looked down at me. “Would you...” He moved his hand nervously to his neck. “...like that I court you?”

    I smiled as I blushed looking down at my hand that was in my lap. I bit my lip nervously. I wanted to say yes, but I was nervous. Maybe just as nervous as Stephan was asking me and not my dad.

    I was about to speak when my dad squeezed my hand. “Though I do have one question.” I looked up to my dad as he looked Stephan over. “How old are you?”

    I looked to Stephan because I didn’t know either. I didn’t care really. Even if he were in his twenties, I would be fine with it.

    Stephan dropped his hand that was still behind his neck and looked at my father. “Ten and nine sir.”

    “Only nineteen.” My dad looked to me. “Well tell him.”

    I looked up at Stephan and blushed. “I’ve never been courted before.” I shyly looked down. “But it would be nice if you did.”

    Stephan smiled at me. He looked happy that I said yes. That he would be able to court me. “I am honored.”

    My smiled was masked by a yawn as I now felt so very tired. Stephan took a step toward me, but my dad held a hand up. “I think it best I take her to bed.”

    Stephan looked torn. In the end he bowed his head. “Thank you for a wonderful dinner as I haven’t had in a very long time.” He looked at me. “Sleep well.”

    My dad leaned down and kiss my forehead. “I’m going to see him out. I’ll be gone just a moment.”

    My dad moved away and Stephan came over to me. He knelt down and took my hand. “I will visit you tomorrow.” He bent his head down and kissed my knuckles sweetly.

    He rose and my dad escorted him out. I just watched them leave the dining room. And before long my dad was back and helping me up to my room. My eyes were dropping the whole time as sleep had me and wanted me to just shut down even as we were walking up the stairs. My dad having to hold me tight the whole way.

~Beastly’s Point of View~

    That one isn’t right. My wolf growled again at another outfit. I could feel he was just as nervous as I was. Today would be the first day we start courting our woman.

    I held up another shirt. Will you stop being a female about this. He growled darkly at me and I rolled my eyes. She doesn’t care what we look like. Just that we are there showing her that she is our one.

    He humphed as he turned his head away in my mind. Fine. Wear what you want. Just make sure you don’t forget the gift. He slinked away into his private corner leaving me to sigh in relief.

    He looked at the shirt in the mirror. He groaned in defeat. “Anton!” He beaconed his servant into his chambers.

    “Your majesty.” Anton said as he bowed his head when he entered.

    “I need help deciding on the right outfit to wear for my lady.”

    Anton’s lip quirked up. “I am happy for you sire.” He went over to the wardrobe that was flung open and looked through the clothes. “I think as it is the first day and we wish not to frightened the poor miss, a pair of jeans and a... what do they call it... ah, t-shirt.”

    I groaned. “Yes but which one?”

    Anton chuckled. “Any one will do my lord.” He walked over at me and put a hand on my shoulder. “She will accept you any way you go to her. We all have seen how you two are.”

    I looked at Anton. “What if she changes her mind?”

    Anton shook his head. “Not what I hear from her ladies two friends.” Anton laughed. “They have been trying to help her too with the right outfit. So relax in knowing you’re not the only one nervous this morning.”

    I looked at Anton in surprise. “She is already awake?”

    Anton nodded. “Aye my lord. She is most anxious to see you too. Blushing profusely from what I hear with thoughts or mention of you.”

    I smiled as I walked over to his wardrobe that held outfits from all the years I has been alive. So many years. When I had told Calista’s father that I was ten and nine. He automatically assumed I meant nineteen. Well, I was compared to others of my kind. We age differently than humans. Once we hit puberty, our aging slows down. Every decade it like a year for us.

    I finally decided on my outfit and felt comfortable. I even discarded my cloak for an old nazi jacket I took from one of the soldiers. I had taken the patches off and added other patches from other soldiers. Some americans. Some british. Some russian. Just to make the coat wholly allied forces and not axis.

    I glanced at my scarf and tilted my head. For the first time in a long time I wrapped it around my neck and not across my face. She accepted the flaw of mine.

    Smiling at my reflexion, I turned from my room and went a few doors down. My mother’s old room. I was listening to my wolf and not forgetting Calista’s gift. It was my tradition to show that I was proud to be courting her.

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now