Her Romanian Beast- Chapter Fifteen

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~Calista’s Point of View~

    I smoothed out my top yet again. A misty hand touched mine to halt my movement. Glancing up, I looked to Mirela. “You look beautiful. Just relax before to tired yourself out again.”

    “But what if...”

    She placed her hands on her hips and glared at me. “Don’t even start that. No doubting.” Her eyes softened and she smiled as she sat down beside me on the couch in front of the window. “You are beautiful and have calmed Beastly. He smiles for the first time since his parents death.”

    I looked out the window. “But what if...”

    “No!” I turned back to her. “Don’t doubt. Now...” She rose and walked over to the door before glancing over to me. “Just relax and know that he wished to court you. Even asked your father for his permission. He will be here shortly for you. To be with you.”

    I blushed as she left, my eyes going out the window again. She was right. He had asked. We have even kissed. I sighed as I folded my arms across the back of the couch. I rested my chin on my arms thinking of that kiss.

    I looked up when there was a knock at my door. “Enter.”

    A smile lit my face seeing Stephan. He smiled back at me as he came into my room closing my door behind him. “You’re color looks so much better today.”

    “Thank you.” I moved my blanket off the spot next to me. “Would you like a seat?”

    He came over to the couch, yet didn’t sit immediately. I looked up at him a bit confused. “As a tradition of my family when a man courts a woman, the man gives the woman a gift.” He pulled a small wooden box out of his coat. He held it out to me. “To show that the man can provide for the woman.”

    I looked down at the box. It was a beautifully carved. Ivy and vines swirling around the edge. Two ivies bowing together making a heart shape on the center.

    He sat down next to me. “The gift is inside the box.” He said amused as I had just been looking at the box.

    I gently opened the box and saw what was resting on a soft bed of velvet. I gasped in surprise as I gaze at the pendant necklace. Stephan lifted up the necklace and held it in his palm. “My father had given this to my mother when he was first courting her.”

    He tilted it just so. The light catching the smooth stone showing more of an image. The image of thorns wrapped around each other. “My father had always said that life was full of thorns.”

    He shifted it another way. The light catching just right to illuminate a beautiful rose in the center of the thorns. It was blooming untouched by the thorns. “But sometimes we are lucky enough to find our rose.”

    Turning me ever so slightly, he draped the necklace around my neck. “To me, you’re my rose that I wish to protect from all the thorns.”

    He turned my chin to his and I looked at him blushing lightly. He graced my cheeks. “I know you aren’t too fond of roses, but...”

    I placed my fingers on his lips as I shook my head. “I love it.” I leaned up and kissed his sweetly for a heart beat. “Thank you. It’s so beautiful and perfect.” I took his hands in mine. “You were right. Thinking that my mother was here through the roses helped.”

    He smiled softly at me. “I’m glad. It helps thinking she is still around with so many wonderful reminders.”

    I looked down at my hands. “Some reminders aren’t wonderful.”

Her Romanian BeastWhere stories live. Discover now