Let me show you

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Christian wasn't sure what to say, he didn't want to ruin the moment. There were so many things he wanted to tell her, but it wasn't yet the time. Stevie was looking up at him, waiting for something, anything, as he tangled his fingers in her hair and leaned in closer to kiss her. She shut her eyes, feeling her heart racing already, but it didn't escalate to more. Christian wanted her to know he liked her for the person that she was, not for what he could get from her.

"I couldn't be happier to hear that. I understand it must be hard for you to trust men, but I mean it from the bottom of my heart, saying that it's you I like. It's not the rock star Stevie Nicks, it's just you, Stephanie, gorgeous, intelligent and fun to be around."

"Where the hell have you been hiding all my life?"

"Travelling around the world, staying up late in bars, so I can find you and buy you a drink."

"I'm glad you did. I almost stayed in bed for the rest of the day, I was not in a good place."

"You know you can talk to me."

"Whenever I open my mouth it's something about Lindsey, I don't want to talk about him."

"Then don't, we can sit here like this in silence and it would be perfectly fine with me."

Stevie leaned more into Christian, he wrapped his arm around her and she took his hand, entwining their fingers. They did spend a moment in silence, before she wanted to know something. "How come you're not married?"

"Honestly, I've never wanted to get married. Maybe because I've never found the one or maybe I've been a little too career orientated."

"What about children?"

"Years and years ago, I was in a relationship. She got pregnant and I was genuinely happy, but she lost the baby and after that... I just couldn't face the possibility of losing another one."

"I've been through that."


"Yes, and not just once. Back in the late 90's, Lindsey and I were sort of heading towards getting our shit together, but he said, he wanted to try for a baby, he wanted us to be a family with a beautiful little baby. I couldn't carry our daughter full term when I was twenty, how the hell was I going to do that pushing fifty?"

"Is that why you two broke up again?"

"That and the fact he cheated on me and got another woman pregnant."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I really can't understand why you're so in love with that man. He's done nothing but hurt you."

Stevie shrugged, shocked that she wasn't crying yet. She had touch some touchy subjects, she rarely ever did. "I guess, I knew he would always be there. Even if he never belonged to me officially, I knew that he would never let me be alone. One way or another he'd keep seeing me and I thought that was enough for a very long time, when one day it hit me that no, you're stupid for thinking that. When we're together it's fine, it's fun and we talk, the sex was always fantastic, but once he walked out the door... I never felt more lonely. I tried, you know? I tried so hard to fall out of love with him."

"Have you ever truly?"

"What does that mean?"

"It's a simple question, Stephanie. Have you honestly tried not to think about Lindsey, to just let him go, not deny yourself a chance of falling in love with someone, who would feel the same about you, who wouldn't walk out on you, once they've gotten what they wanted?"

"I..." She wanted to answer, but stopped. "I'm not sure."

"Let me in. Let me be that man for you, to give you everything he can't. I don't have to be afraid to be seen with you in public, I can hold your hand and kiss you and not feel guilty, I don't have to hide you."

"How do I know you mean it? That I won't be left broken hearted again?"

"You don't, but I want you to let me show you what relationships can be, I want to earn your trust, I want to make you fall in love with me."

"You do remember this is the third time we've seen each other?"

"I do, but I can't see what we've got to lose."

She knew he was right. After recent events, she and Lindsey were definitely over, she didn't see how they could reconcile this time. And here was Christian, he was almost like a character, taken out of a fairy tale. Why not? If she tried, but couldn't be to him more than a friend, at least she would have had her fun. Surely Christian would be a thousand times easier to get over than Lindsey.

"How are we going to do this exactly? I'm in California only for a few days, then I'll be away right up until just before the holidays."

"Well, there you go. During the time, I'll do my best to come see you, we can actually use a phone, that's a pretty good device too." Christian teased her, remembering how during their first meeting, their conversation was interrupted by a call he received and Stevie wouldn't shut up about it for good five minutes.

"It feels as if we're arranging God knows what here!" Stevie burst out laughing unexpectedly, but it lightened up the mood. "Can we just... go along with things and see what happens?"

"Of course, I'm not pushing you, but I want you to know where I stand."

"It's okay, it's more than okay, to understand things clearly." He nodded, agreeing and kissed her hair, which was rather an intimate thing, but it felt nice, the chemistry between them was still surprising to them both. "When you said you'll be coming here tonight, I told Karen instantly to stay away for the night. I want to make it up to you for the last time, but this... well, this feels really good. I hardly get to do the talking thing with a man. I usually just jump into bed with them, because they're too difficult to deal with or we have nothing in common."

"Actually, the first thing I did, when I arrived at the hotel, I booked a room. I didn't expect anything of that kind from you. Honestly, I wanted us to have a lovely evening and it's what it was. And now..." Christian trailed the tips of his fingers up her neck. "I'm going to kiss you and I'll say goodnight, and go to my room."

Stevie's lips were already slightly parted, once he let her in on his plan. Before their lips touched, she had her eyes closed, anticipating. At first, he softly pressed a kiss to her plump lips, eliciting a moan, which made him smile, as he let his tongue graze her lower lip. She opened her mouth, welcoming him, her arms locking around his neck, bringing their bodies closer. Again, she ended up in his lap, his hands gripping her sides, drawing her more into him. She unwrapped her arms from around him and let her robe slide down to the floor. Before she got to attach herself to him again, Christian slowed down and parted their lips completely, with a smile.

"I guess, goodnight then."

"You can't be serious..." Stevie laughed, throwing her head back. "Well, Christian, as you wish." She got to her feet and lead him to the door, where he gave her another small kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow."


"Some time tomorrow."

Stevie rolled her eyes, saying. "Just be sure to catch me before I board a plane."

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