You knew?

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God, you're stupid... So fucking stupid!, Stevie was cursing herself as she was struggling to reach the front door of Lindsey's house. She hated that the hem of her dress was getting dirty, but it had no use now anyway. She let the fabric loose from her tight grip and rang the bell. Maybe he's not home? What then?, her plan was absolutely ridiculous. On the other hand, what plan? She didn't have any! She felt slightly relieved, when Lindsey opened up at last, but she couldn't read him at all, she had no idea what he was thinking right now.

"I suppose you're here not to ask me to join you on your honeymoon?"

"I hate you, Lindsey Buckingham. I hate you with every fiber of my being." Stevie said with a straight face, but he knew better.

He pulled her closer and claimed her lips for an emotion filled kiss. "I love you." He gave her another small peck and stepped aside to let her walk in. "Would you hit me if I said I expected you?"

"What, you knew I wouldn't go through with it?" Stevie asked, her mouth agape.

"I know you, Steph." Lindsey half smiled, wrapping one arm around her waist. "And I've never been happier."

"I just... I sat there, thinking, what the fuck is wrong with me?" She held onto Lindsey, while reaching down to take off her heels. "I looked out the window and people seemed in such high spirits, talking, laughing about God knows what, awaiting for the ceremony to begin. Christian looked, you know... any normal woman would have stripped his clothes off right there, but..." She shrugged, shaking her head. "I want you. I've always wanted only you."

"So, you just snuck out?" Lindsey helped Stevie into the living room, where she began taking off her jewelry.

"Kind of, yeah. About fifteen minutes were left before Karen was supposed to come find me and by the looks of it, everyone was already seated, so I grabbed my phone, which for the first time I was glad I owned, and called myself a car."

"Nobody noticed?"

"I hope not, nobody certainly stopped me."

"And if they did? Would you still be here with me now?"

"Yes." She replied without having to think about it.

"Sorry I was such an asshole lately, but you have to know why."

"I do know, but it doesn't make it acceptable." She tried to unzip the dress and was having big problems with it, Lindsey walked up behind her to unfasten the zipper. "You hurt me with some of the things you said and how you acted. You made me feel cheap, like whenever you wanted you could grope me and steal kisses and tell me inappropriate things."

"I said I'm sorry." He slid his hands inside of the dress and eased the sleeves down Stevie's arms.

"But I hurt you too. That night we spent together... Then I completely shut you out."

"We're both to blame."

"This is fucking weird." Stevie said out of nowhere, making Lindsey frown.

"What is?"

"I just ran away from my own wedding, ended up here and we're talking about how much pain we've caused each other, while you're taking this dress off me."

"We've always been weird." Lindsey laughed, taking her hands in his so she could step out of the dress. "Although, I prefer different." He said, and casually reached behind to unclasp her bra, but she stopped him. "What?"

"We're not having sex right now! Are you insane?"

"Why not?"

"Lindsey, I just..."

"Yes, left Christian at the altar. I know."

"I'm not exactly fine, believe it or not. The decision I made was really hard to make. I'm still not sure if I was right to do it." Despite the words coming out of her mouth, Stevie wrapped her arms around his neck, while his hands settled on the small of her back.

"Okay, I understand. Honestly." Lindsey added, because of the way she was looking at him. "You looked really beautiful by the way."

"I thought I did too. Shame it was all for nothing."

"You'll get another chance to look ten times prettier, I swear to you. Just when that happens, please don't run away?"

"I won't." She said, giggling, as he kissed the tip of her nose and pressed their foreheads together.


Even Karen was taken aback. She had worked for Stevie for so long, she had to deal with almost too much, but she didn't think this would happen. She honestly thought this was it, this was the man who had finally tamed Stevie Nicks down. Now, Karen stood with a folded piece of paper in her hand, unsure how to do this, how to break the news.

She cleared her throat loudly, making people look her way, as she stepped outside into the garden. Her eyes immediately locked with Christian's and he knew it was coming.

"I'm so sorry." Karen looked sympathetically at him, handing the letter that Stevie left before disappearing.

The guests realized what happened too and began scattering after offering their sympathy to Christian. He sat down where he had been standing for far too long, running a hand through his hair. He was stupid to think this was going to happen, that he would call Stevie his wife after today.

I know this won't help, but I'm sorry, Christian. You're an amazing man and I'm not worthy of you, of your love. I wanted nothing more than to come outside, but I couldn't. I knew it wouldn't make me happy, neither would it make you happy. After all, we want different things. I wish I wanted you, but it's always been him. You will find someone and she won't hesitate, she won't wonder, she'll just do it. From the bottom of my heart, I am sorry. I hope you can forgive me,


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