I did

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"Are you just going to stand there and say nothing?"

"I'm not sure what it is that I'm supposed to say, Lindsey." She was shocked, of course she was, this was the last thing she imagined to come out of his mouth, but now she was completely torn, mixed up in her emotions, unable to let the true ones show through.

"My wife threw me out of my own house, she said that she knew very well all along that I would never stop loving you, but I also have never respected her enough to stop sleeping with you. She wants to remove me from her life."

"I heard it the first time, Lindsey. What do you want me to do?" Stevie took a seat, leaving a gap between them. "I'm sorry it came down to this. I'm sorry we couldn't grow up and stop our stupid games, that now have cost your marriage. Believe it or not, I have never wished for this to happen."

"And that's it?"

She was rubbing her hands together, his tone making her nervous, as she was unsure of what he wanted from her. "I... I guess."

"Un-fucking-believable. I tell you I'm going to be free, finally single and all you can say is that you're sorry and you didn't mean for this to happen?"

"Oh my God, Lindsey! I was thinking you were actually upset and grieving, but you came in here, expecting me to jump on you the second I heard it?!"

"Isn't it what you've always wanted? To finally have me?"

"You know, I thought I did." She tried to collect herself, she wasn't ready yet to deal with Lindsey. "But I realized I've spent too long chasing after you, wishing and hoping."

"It's him, isn't it? It's his fault."

"Forgive me, Lindsey, but after years and years, I found someone at last. I feel comfortable around him, he makes me feel beautiful, he doesn't care if I don't have a touch of make up on, if I'm not dressed up. He wants to be with me because of me." Stevie put a hand on her chest, emphasizing. "And if you must know, yes, we had sex just before you showed up and I can't recall the last time I felt so desired. It was something completely different."

"Right, because I never had you screaming the walls down!"

"See, you always have to make it about how fucking incredible you are! I can't lie and pretend sex with you isn't mind-blowing, but I'm tired of it. I want someone to make love to and then lay in bed, talk and cuddle. Is it what we share? No, you come into my dressing room after a show, fuck me and leave me or every other night, visit me in my room, but you're long gone before the sun is up. It's been a while, since I've been feeling as if I'm just a fuck on the road for you. The love story of Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham isn't beautiful anymore..."

"Don't you think I wouldn't love to stay with you? Do you think I'm dying to leave you by yourself? If you forgot, I'm married, Stevie. At the moment, anyway."

"That's exactly right, you're a married man and I've been stupid enough to believe you would leave your wife for me. Nobody ever has..." Very quickly she became vulnerable and she hated that, she wanted to be strong and not need him for once.

"Stevie, please, forget about him. In a few short months, I'll be divorced and we can start over and try our best not to fuck it up this time."

"I honestly don't believe it's possible. How come we haven't made it work already? Maybe we're just meant to never fall out of love with each other, but we're also not supposed to have a happy ending."

"Why do you have to be so negative? This is our first real chance in a very long time, Stevie. You're taken by him, because he's another man, that's not me, who paid you some attention and you're willing to throw everything we have away."

"How can you even say that? Christian is far from being the only man to look at me twice, it's just that I'm finally willing to let you go, try and be happy with someone else."

"You just said you would never fall out of love with me. How do you imagine being with Christian, do you think you could marry him, knowing I'm the only one that you truly want?"

"First of all, we just met and second of all, you know... I could. I can see myself living out the rest of my days with him."

"That is bullshit and you know it!"

"No, Lindsey, you're just jealous. You've never stopped... I don't know... obsessing over me. But I am not yours. The second you went behind my back, you lost me."

"Did I really? Because even though I cheated on you, I got another woman pregnant, I married her, you still let me in every single time I wanted you."

"And you're just so proud, right?" She couldn't fight the tears anymore, letting them roll down her cheeks. "I truly, from the bottom of my heart, wish I had never fallen for you."

"You don't mean that." Lindsey's own insecurities echoed in his voice, never having heard her speak like this.

"Not a single good thing came out of our relationship, only pain and tears, and broken hearts."

"Stevie, I love you." She lifted her eyes up to lock them with his, never looking more sad. She knew he loved her, never stopped, but it was so hard, too hard. Lindsey shifted closer to her and touched the side of her face, bringing her in for a kiss. She did kiss him back, but then pulled away all too quickly, shaking her head. "Why?"

"I'm sorry." Stevie used the back of her hand to wipe away the tears. "No, I will never love anyone more than you, but it hurts too much, Lindsey, and it shouldn't. Love is beautiful, ours isn't. I feel like I have a good thing going on with Christian and I don't want to let him go. I want to see where it goes. You've had your turn, you had a wife and me. Now you don't have her anymore and you expect me to be jumping from joy. But you're here not because you chose to be, Kristen chose for you. Well, I'm choosing too. I need to be away from you."

"Why him? Why is he so much better than me?"

"It's not about that, it's just..." She shrugged. "I'm simply tired, Lindsey. I'm exhausted from fighting for us and it never works."

"So, you're leaving me to be with someone you don't even know?"

"I'm not leaving you, because we're not together and you'd be surprised. It's almost like Christian was bound to appear in my life sooner or later."

"I can't listen to this."

"Don't, I'm not asking you to. All I want is for you not to hate me, because I couldn't live knowing you did."

Lindsey sighed, already gripping the door handle. He looked at her briefly and said, right before walking out. "There's nothing more I wish I could do."

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