I'm doing this

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More than a month went by and after yet another very short break, the five band members arrived in Texas. It was March 1st, more than eight weeks left before Stevie's wedding. Yes, she was still going to go through with it. Even Sharon and Lori started questioning her. The fact Stevie was with someone was perfectly fine, but they suggested maybe taking a step back, slowing down and thinking everything through properly. No, Stevie said defiantly, I'm doing this.

Stevie was getting ready to go out onstage, having her make up done already, only her hair to be softly curled, before she put on her clothes. A knock on the door echoed and she asked whoever it was to come in.

"Lindsey?" Her tone was letting him now he was the last person she expected. "How may I help you?"

"I wanted to wish you good luck out there."

Stevie motioned for her hair stylist to leave the two alone. "Thank you, but you never do that normally?"

Lindsey closed the door, awkwardly standing in one spot, his hands in his pockets. "I wanted to see you. Alone."

"Lindsey, you know that..."

"It's officially over." He cut her off, leaving Stevie's mouth slightly agape.

"You mean..."

"Yeah." He held up his hand, showing his bare finger. God, just for how long she wished to see him without that ring... "I'm sorry if I'm out of line here, but... I didn't know where else to go. You said it yourself, we're each other's oldest dearest friend."

Stevie got up and walked over to him, pulling him in a hug. He instantly pulled her closer, burying his face in her neck. She felt it was getting inappropriate, but she couldn't push him away, when he needed her.

"I..." Lindsey stepped back, avoiding her eyes. "Sorry, I just... you know..."

"Lindsey, it's fine. It's okay for you to need me."

"Is it?"

Stevie nodded, smiling a little. "We don't have much time now, but if you'd like to talk or get emotional without anyone seeing you, or just..." She shrugged her shoulders. "To just spend some time together in silence, you can come to my room after the show."

"Haven't we tried that one recently?"

"That's not why I'm asking you to come."

"I'd really like that, Stevie. I do need you."

"Okay, then I'll see you later."

After writing down in his phone of where to find her, Lindsey gave her a grateful smile and left her. Stevie took a moment for herself, trying to recall the last time he actually admitted he needed her.

It was well after midnight and Stevie hadn't heard from Lindsey yet. Maybe he changed his mind, she hoped he did anyway, because she wasn't sure if she could control herself around him, it being just the two of them. Especially when he seemed so genuinely upset, all she wanted was to hold him close, tangle her fingers in those curls and tell him it's going to be okay somehow.

It was nearing 2am and Stevie had washed her face clean off make up and changed into her nightgown. She climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to her waist. There was no way she was going to fall asleep easily though and she was worried about Lindsey now. He usually kept to his word, what if something happened? No, she shook herself out of her thoughts, he's fine. He just didn't want to come.

But he did come, not long after she had decided to try and force herself into having some shut-eye.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure." Stevie didn't stop in the living area, leading him straight to the bedroom, where she got back under the covers and Lindsey took a seat on the empty side of the bed.

"You're very beautiful without make up."

"Linds, no..." She shook her head, smiling sadly. "We can't do that, we can't get into that."

"I did ask permission to tell you that." He pointed out, kicking off his shoes, and lay down.

"What took you so long?"

"I hoped I would convince myself coming to see you was wrong."

"So, you decided it wasn't?"

"Oh, no. It is. I shouldn't be here."

"Lindsey, you're confusing the hell out of me."

"I love you, Steph. What else can I say? Whenever I thought of leaving Kristen, I thought that afterwards you and I would end up together. I've never imagined once I got divorced, I would have to attend your wedding to another man in a month."

"Neither have I. It is what it is now."

"How can you say that, Stevie? You're all about love. How can you commit to someone for the rest of your life, when there is none?"

"I told you, it's for the best."

"How isn't it me waiting for you at the end of the aisle the best? Isn't it what we've always dreamed of? Hoped that it would eventually happen?"

"It took you too long, Lindsey. Besides, it wasn't you who left her, she made you leave. If it hadn't happened, I honestly don't think you would have ever divorced her."

"But it happened."

"Lindsey, we're just going back and forth with this and we're getting nowhere. I thought you needed me as a friend, I didn't think you'd come here and continue convincing me you're the one for me."

"Tell me honestly you don't believe that. Tell it to my face that Christian is your soulmate."

"He's not." She simply said. "But life will be easy with him."

"You've never been the one to look for the easy way out, Stevie."

"I've changed then."

"Have you really? Have you changed so much so you don't want me near you? You don't want my hands on you? You don't want me to kiss you? To undress you and cover every bit of your skin with my mouth? Tell me you don't want me to show you just how much I love you."

"Don't do this, please..." She looked away, soon feeling the palm of his hand touching the curve of her neck, turning her to face him.

"You love me too. If you don't want to say it out loud then let me kiss you and I'll get my answer."

"One kiss."

"One kiss." Lindsey confirmed, nodding his head. "And then I'll be on my way."

Stevie closed her eyes before Lindsey even got close enough to press his lips to hers. He took her lower lip in between his, his hand that was still on her neck, softly caressing her flesh there. She didn't hold back moaning into his mouth as his tongue brushed against hers, their lips moving slowly. Without realizing it, she lay down on the pillows, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down along. The kiss began to intensify and he pulled away the sheets, his hand traveling up her side, over her chest to her face. She felt his palm drawing circles on her thigh and she came back to reality, pushing at his chest.

"You're an asshole." Stevie glared at Lindsey, who wouldn't dare grinning smugly, but he was doing just that on the inside.

"It was you pulling me on top, baby."

"Don't call me that."

Lindsey shrugged, getting up from the bed. He knew she wanted him gone. "You're just as in love with me as I am with you, Stephanie." He stepped into his shoes and left her without another word.

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