Just let me go

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The band had the weekend off and Mick suggested going out for dinner, before their show on Sunday night. Stevie's initial thought was to say no, but if she did, Lindsey would know she was avoiding him after that heated make out session in her room a couple of nights back. And since everything was a competition between them, she wouldn't back down. I'll be there, she told Mick, with a smile plastered on her face.

Things were going considerably well, until the five arrived at the restaurant and Stevie ended up trapped in between Christine and Lindsey, of course. That had to be on purpose, she thought. Lindsey had become rather aggressive with his actions towards Stevie, he was letting her know loud and clear that he was not going to leave her be.

While they were waiting for their order, Stevie and Christine were sipping on wine and the guys had chosen stronger drinks. Stevie set her glass on the table, holding it and Christine's eyes caught the diamond Stevie was wearing on her finger.

"It must have cost a bloody fortune!"

"Wha... oh this?" Stevie smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know. Christian wouldn't tell me."

"Good thing he's not cheap."

"Or he's just showing off." Lindsey added. "There's always a chance he's also trying to make up for something he's lacking."

"Seriously, Lindsey? Are you stooping that low? Didn't it occur to you that my fiance just wanted me to have a beautiful engagement ring?"

"You're hilarious with this whole wedding thing, Stevie."

"I think it's just you being jealous. You thought I'd be waiting for you forever, but it turns out you were wrong. You hate it, don't you?"

"Alright. That's enough, you two." Mick interrupted, the same way he would stop his kids from fighting. "We're here to spend some time together, enjoy our evening, not listen to the never ending Stevie and Lindsey drama. You can continue your bickering after we're done here."

When dinner was served, it was mostly Mick and Christine carrying on the conversation. John was never much of a talker anyway, while Stevie and Lindsey were busy glaring at each other. She thought she might choke on her food if he didn't stop staring at her.

The empty plates were taken away and Stevie was ready to go, but of course someone had to order desert. Upping and leaving like that would have been rude. As the group was chatting, currently listening to Christine, Stevie finished off the last of her wine only to almost spit it out, when she felt Lindsey's hand possessively resting on her thigh. She shot him a look, but he continued on as if this was perfectly natural. She swatted his hand away, but he touched her again, this time dipping his fingers in between her crossed legs.

"Excuse me!" Stevie shot up and left the table.

Lindsey's eyes followed her, seeing her walking outside, for a breath of fresh air, as he got her rather flustered. He got up and Mick told him firmly. "Don't go after her."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Will they ever fucking grow up..." John sighed, exchanging a look with Christine, who shook her heard.

"Not likely."

Stevie was trying her best to calm down and she had managed to, but then Lindsey joined her, his arms going around her waist from behind. She jumped, breaking away from him.

"Why can't you leave me the fuck alone, Lindsey?!"

"I told you, I'm not letting you go."

"So, you decided that best would be to start harassing me?"

"I know you and I know you wanted my hand to go up all the way and touch you. If we were alone back there, you would have already had your first orgasm of the night by now."

"I want you to stop, Lindsey." She ignored what he said, crossing her arms over her chest, trying to appear confident in what she was saying.

"No, you don't. You want me, Stevie." He took a step towards her, wrapping one arm around her and pressing her close to himself. "Just as much as I do you."

"We're back to wanting each other?" She looked up at him. "I thought we weren't just about that, that there was so much love between us and I was wasting it away, marrying another man."

"Of course there is, but you don't seem to believe it, so I'm doing everything I can to show it to you, to make you feel it, because you don't listen to what I'm saying, you're not hearing me pleading you to try again, to let me in, to give me another chance."

"We've ran out of all of our chances, Lindsey." Stevie freed herself from his grasp and turned away, but he pulled her back. "Just let me go. Let me go, please..."



"Stevie, no! I'm not going to let you ruin your life!"

"What can you do? What, you'll crash my wedding? You'll tell Christian we've had sex? Don't bother, he already knows."

"Are you serious? You've told him?"

"Yes, because I felt guilty."

"And he still wants you to be his wife? Stevie, this guy doesn't love you half as much as he says he does. I hate to break it to you, baby, but I think he loves Stevie Nicks more than anything else."

"You know nothing, Lindsey. You're just saying anything to stop me."

"Because I fucking love you and I hate seeing you making a mistake!"

"You don't have to, you don't have to come to the wedding either." She broke free again and went back inside to sit with their friends.

Lindsey sighed, shaking his head. "How do I make you see..." He said aloud to no one and then returned, downing his drink in one big gulp.

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