I met someone

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"Spit it out."

"Actually, I'm quite enjoying my breakfast."

"Cut the crap, Nicks. What happened last night?" Christine cut right to the chase, when the two women were eating breakfast at the hotel's restaurant the next morning.

"I don't really understand what you mean."

"Two days ago I walked in on you reading about yourself, crying your eyes out and here we are today, with you grinning from ear to ear."

Stevie sighed, setting her fork onto the plate. For some reason she wanted to share it herself and one of her best friends was the right person to do that with. "I met someone."

"I take it it wasn't one of those crazy teenage girls, who worship you?"

"No. A very nice gentleman."

"Oh?" That pricked Christine's ears up instantly. She had been nagging Stevie about finding someone else for years.

"If you can do it without making it obvious, look over your shoulder to the left, he's wearing jeans and a black shirt."

"He's here?!" Christine wanted to whisper, but it came out way louder than she had intended to.

"Gee, Chris... Which part of not making it obvious didn't you understand?"

"Sorry. Although, now I know why I haven't had your attention for more than a few seconds the whole time, you're too busy ogling this mystery man."

"He's not a mystery at all. His name is Christian, he bought me a drink last night and I went over to talk."

"And just how long did that last before you dragged him up to your room?"

"I'm not sure. We definitely spent about two hours chatting. I lied about having an early flight in the morning, he asked me if he could accompany me to the room and we were ready to say goodnight, but then I asked him inside and we had another drink. Then... I, um... Well straddled him and we began making out."

"That escalated rather quickly." Christine said, her voice with a slight touch of judgement.

"He got me half naked and I stopped him."

"Why? You would be a lot easier to deal with if you had gotten laid."

"Chris!" Stevie gasped, then started laughing. "No, I couldn't do it. I felt as if I was about to cheat on Lindsey."

"Lindsey is not yours." Christine's words were harsh, but she had to say it. Stevie needed to realize she had every right to be happy with someone other than Lindsey.

"I know, I know... Christian was, at least pretended to be anyway, okay with it. He left me his number and he's coming over right now." Her eyes got big and she wasn't sure if she should run, stay, hide under the table or jump into his arms.

Before Stevie could say anything, Christian bent down, touching the side of her face and pressed a kiss on her cheek, catching the corner of her mouth. "Morning, Stephanie."

"Um, hi... Hello."

"That plane doesn't leave as early, huh?" He was smirking and causing her to blush.

"Sorry about that, I just..."

"It's fine, you don't have to defend yourself." Christian smiled, giving her shoulder a squeeze.

"I'm Christine, by the way."

"Nice to meet you." He said back, taking her hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. "Christian."

"This one's a keeper, Nicks." Christine didn't expect for the man to be such a gentleman.

"Will you shut your mouth and sit, looking pretty?!" Stevie only half joked, making the other two laugh. "Christian, can I have a word with you?" He nodded, placing a hand on the small of her back as she stood up and they walked out, leaving Christine smirking now. "Sorry about Chris, she thinks she's hilarious."

"Don't worry about it." Christian waved it off.

"Right, I don't have something important to say, I just wanted to ask, where you're from and what are our chances of seeing each other again?"

"I live in Los Angeles, but I'll board a plane to wherever you'd like me to."

"Oh, stop it!" Stevie smiled shyly, looking away, then back at him. "We're coming back to California on the 24th. I'll give you a call?"

"I'll be waiting." Christian opened his arms for a hug goodbye and she stepped in, also giving him a quick peck on the lips, which surprised both of them.


"Goodbye, beautiful."

Stevie returned to Christine and took her seat again. She was going to finish her breakfast, but Christine's gaze was so intense, she lost her appetite. "What?"

"You made the man hard last night then told him to get off of you and he's acting like that around you still? He really likes you, Stevie."

"Could you be a little more crude?"

"Hey, I'm just saying what I see."

"Well, I like him too."

Christine reached for Stevie's hand over the table. "As your friend, please... This could be a good thing. Lindsey isn't the one for you, Stevie. I know you two love each other, but like you said if he wanted, he would have done something about his marriage already."

"I feel like you're right. I hardly slept the other night, thinking about the whole situation. I think it's time I let Lindsey go, for good. I've been his mistress for seventeen years, it's exhausting. I want someone that will always be there for me, someone who'll wait for me at home and hug me when we go to bed for the night, tell me they love me without feeling guilty. I want a man to belong to me."

"You deserve that. But please, it sounds stupid, but you have to warn Lindsey that things might change. I don't want to see the two of you at war again. We're too old."

Stevie nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'll tell him. It's time to end things forever."


I swear this will become Buckingham Nicks at some point. Or if you don't like it, I'll just delete the whole thing.

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