Don't give up

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Lindsey kept his hand on the door handle for a moment, thinking whether today out of all days is best to come in for a couple of minutes, so he could get a few things he had left behind in the house he had shared with his soon too be ex wife for years. What if someone noticed him already? It would be weird if he just left. Sighing, Lindsey entered his once home and was met by Stella.

"Daddy!" She shrieked, launching herself at her father. "You came home for Christmas!"

Lindsey smiled sadly, shaking his head. "Not exactly, sweetheart." He hated upsetting his daughter. "I left some things behind, I need them."

"Are you going to come back home? Ever?"

"No, Stella. I'm not going to live here with you anymore, but we'll see each other a lot." He got down to the girl's level, to be eye to eye.


"Because..." God, how do I put this, Lindsey thought. "Just... Your mother and I decided this would be best for everyone. We don't love each other like we used to and we're not happy. I promise you, this way is going to make everything better."

"I heard Mommy talking to her friends, she said that it's Aunt Stevie's fault you left us."

"That is not true. Stevie isn't to blame and I didn't leave you, guys. I love you."

"Do you love Aunt Stevie?"

Lindsey was lost for words, where was this coming from? "Yes, I do love her."

"I love her too."

Lindsey smiled, standing up, ruffling Stella's hair. "You don't have to worry about anything, sweetheart." He kissed the top of his daughter's head and she ran to whatever she was doing earlier.

As Lindsey was making his way towards where his studio was, now just an empty, almost, room, he saw Kristen and she turned away without so much as a hello.

A few pieces of furniture were still in the studio. Lindsey went to look through the drawers, searching for a particular box. He hoped Kristen hadn't come across it and threw it out. He found it at last and sat down on the floor, cross legged, debating if he should take the lid off.

He did and he was getting emotional already. The box held everything Lindsey had ever received from Stevie; letters, even small notes, crystal angels, a matching necklace they had, a moon pendant, which of course he never wore, but kept, when she gave it to him. At the bottom there was an ultrasound, dating back to 1987. They didn't expect it, they weren't a couple, but after a lengthy conversation, decided to keep the baby and be the best parents they could ever be to their daughter or son. A few short months later, she miscarried. Stevie was just done with her cocaine addiction and she wasn't healthy enough yet to carry a baby. That broke them apart completely. The memory hurt, but he would never throw it out. None of what was in the box.

Lindsey took a moment to compose himself before getting up. He turned around and there stood Kristen. "You're okay?"

"I, umm... yeah." He nodded. "Fine."

"You look miserable."


"I thought you would be happy, finally with her."

"She doesn't want me anymore, what can I do." Lindsey tried acting nonchalant, but it wasn't working. "She found someone else."

"We both know it's bullshit. I'm shocked we stayed married for so long."

"Kristen, I'm really not up to discussing this."

"You fucked our marriage up, but don't give up on her. I know you two love each other more than anything." He wasn't quick enough to reply, as she left immediately after saying what she did.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?!, Lindsey exhaled deeply. With the box in his hand, he went to say goodbye to his children and walked out the door.

Meanwhile, back in Phoenix, after dinner with her brother and niece, Stevie and Christian wanted to spend some time alone. Christopher had made plans before Stevie decided to show up and he was out for the evening, while Jessie was upstairs, locked up in her room.

Stevie pushed the sliding glass door to walk out onto the terrace, after returning from the guest room, where she had put on warmer clothes as it was getting late and chilly outside. Christian was on one of the lounging chairs, where she soon joined him.

"Did you have a good day?"

"It was great. I loved meeting your brother and niece. Although, Christopher seems awfully protective of you, which isn't bad, but he scares me."

"He's not like that all the time, he just doesn't know you and he doesn't want me to get hurt. Again."

"And I understand that, but that is not my intention." He was mindlessly drawing invisible patterns on her arm with his fingertips, as she was laying half on top of him, with her head on his chest.

"Chris liked you and he rarely likes the men I'm with."

"Do I have his approval?"

"No doubt about it."

"You love it here, don't you?" Christian changed the subject and received a nod from Stevie.

"This is my home, sometimes I wonder why I sold my house here."

"Why don't you buy another one?"

"I'm rarely here. I work on records or tour, I'm barely ever home even in California."

"What if we eventually... you know..."


"Get married or something, would you like to settle down in Phoenix?"

"I'm confused, are you proposing or are you really interested whether I want to live here or not?"

"What would you say if I was?"

"If you were what, Christian!"

"Asking you to become my wife."

Stevie laughed, but he wasn't. "Christian, we just met."

"Didn't you say that we know what is happening between us?"

"I did, but... marriage?"

"You didn't hear it last night, because you fell asleep so quickly, but I said something to you."

"What was it?"

"I said that I love you, Stephanie." Stevie pulled away from him and sat up, alarming Christian. He shouldn't have said it. "I don't expect to hear it back, I just wanted you to know how I feel."

She was breathing heavily, running a hand through her long gorgeous hair. After a long pause, she broke the silence. "Yes."


"I'm saying yes. I want to marry you."

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