That's it?

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A couple of days passed and Stevie was far from being nice to Lindsey. He genuinely thought they were getting somewhere and wasn't it her idea for him to come over and talk it out? He was beyond confused and frustrated with her. She wasn't ignoring him, they talked, but only if it was something concerning the band. The night they spent together? No, not one word. And now Lindsey had just found out Christian was in town. Great. Fucking fantastic!

"Stevie!" He called after her, as he was going to his dressing room and Stevie happened to be doing the same, they were next to each other.

"Lindsey." She crossed her arms, waiting for whatever he wanted to say to her.

"That's it?"

"What do you mean?"

Lindsey pushed the door to his dressing room open and pulled her inside. "What happened? Why are you treating me like this again? I thought we made progress?"

"We slept together. That doesn't mean much for us. We've always avoided our problems by jumping into bed."

"What the fuck, Stevie?" He looked at her in disbelief. "You said how I was making you change your mind and you asked me to kiss you, and..."

"And you did. And then I took you to the bedroom and we had sex."

"And it meant nothing?"

"I'm getting married, Lindsey."

"You're a completely different person from the other night. What... was it something I did? Something wrong I said?"

"I just... I let my guard down, I made a mistake."

"I can't believe this. Why are you doing this, Stevie? You know, despite what you might think, I do have feelings too and you just hurt me pretty badly."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't think things would go that far."

"Stop it, Stevie." Lindsey sighed, not having been this upset in a long time. He didn't say anything else and she thought it was time for her to go.

Stevie slipped into her own dressing room and collapsed on the couch, glad she hadn't her make up done yet. She did make a mistake letting Lindsey get this close and now she was pushing him away again, because if she let it continue, she would be calling Christian right this second, telling him they were over. She couldn't do it, she couldn't hurt him like that and she still was certain her happiness was with Christian.


Stevie dedicated Landslide to Christian, who stayed for the entire show. Lindsey almost had to laugh, what was she trying to prove and to whom exactly? She referred to him as the man who had completely changed her life and she was so happy to have him. Didn't you just tell me a few nights ago you don't love him?, Lindsey thought to himself. God, this was getting more ridiculous with each day... He decided to do nothing about it, he would stay away if she wished it. He wanted her to see she can't play him like that. Of course he loved her, he wanted her and to be with her, but he hated being used, whenever she felt like it. Wait... Hadn't I been doing the same to her?, Lindsey shook himself out of his thoughts, sighing heavily.

After the show, back at the hotel, Stevie wanted nothing more than to be alone. She felt awful about distancing herself away from Lindsey, but it was necessary. That one night reminded her why she couldn't seem to get away from the man. He was everything she needed; he could be sweet and caring, but he was passionate, their love making was fierce and nobody ever took her up to such heights as Lindsey did. But she said it herself, her and Christian's relationship wasn't just about sex, while her and Lindsey's seem to have come to only that.

"You're giving me a headache, sweetheart."


"You're thinking about something, I can almost hear it."

"Sorry, I just... tough couple of days." Stevie wanted to journal, but with Christian so close and with what she wanted to write down, she knew that wasn't going to happen. She put it away and lay on her side, facing him. "You're awfully far from me."

"I thought you were writing."

"Yeah, that doesn't seem to be working tonight." Stevie scooted over to Christian, resting her head on his chest, where she also placed her hand. With her engagement ring on. What the hell was she doing? Christian was nice and the complete opposite from Lindsey, but how could she dedicate the rest of her life to someone, when there was no love. Well, that wasn't entirely true. She loved him, but she wasn't in love with him and there was a huge difference between the two. But would Lindsey trust her now? She felt as if she was fucking the whole thing up this time. He said she hurt him and Lindsey rarely would open up as much to say something like that. She thought that they had switched roles. Why couldn't they get everything right for once? Was it so hard to just focus on each other?

While she was lost and overthinking, Stevie felt Christian's touch becoming more intimate. This could be a lovely distraction, she thought and welcomed his weight on top of her, kissing him back lazily. Wow, this is nothing like it's with Lindsey, she couldn't help but think. All of a sudden, everything Christian was doing was boring and it wasn't exciting her at all. He took her nightie off, kissing every exposed inch of her skin, while his hand went lower, parting her legs.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, honey." Stevie lied, hoping he would just continue and she would somehow get into it.

"You're not at all wet."

I know, she said to herself. "I guess I'm just tired."

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Nothing, Christian. Really. I'll make it up to you." She gave him a brief kiss and turned away, hoping sleep would catch her quickly. "Goodnight."

"Night." He said with a heavy sigh and turned his back to her as well.

A few minutes passed and neither of the two was asleep yet. Stevie knew she was most likely going to regret it, but she couldn't stop herself from saying it.

"I slept with Lindsey."

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