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Willows pov

I start to walk down the stairs, following Evelyn.
I'm kind of nervous, if I'm being honest. As I get outside the house, I see Evelyn's grandfather, Andrew, who is walking down the stairs outside towards me.

"Hey, what are you doing out at this time?" He shouts at me.

"I could ask you the same thing." I laugh "Why are you out in the snow at 10 p.m.?" He is wearing a white shirt, brown pants, and a dark blue coat; he doesn't even look slightly cold.

"It keeps the lungs fresh! Now, your turn!" He says now that he is standing in front of me with his hands on his hips. "Um, you can't tell anybody, but I'm kind of following Evelyn." I laugh, hoping he doesn't get mad and end up calling her.

He looks around us, and I'm guessing he's looking for Evelyn. "Well, you're not doing a very good job, are you? She's nowhere to be seen." He laughs at me while looking around again.

I laugh back, "Not really, she is meeting someone at the marina, but I have no way to get there, and it's freezing out here." He looks kind of shocked. I really didn't think this through; I should've called a taxi or asked Felix to drive me.

"Good thing I do. Follow me then." He starts to walk away towards what I'm assuming is their garage, or at least one of many. I do as he says and follow quickly behind him. We walk into the garage, and he opens it using a keypad and the password.

As we enter, I see about 20 cars all lined up neatly; they weren't cheap cars either; they all looked very expensive. "Whoa, which one is yours?" I ask. He points to the first car and says, "Not that one." To the second, "Not that either." The third was "Nope." Fourth: "Definitely not." "Fifth," "I wish." And the final one on the row: "That's the one."

"This is Bessie, my car." He has a huge smile on his face, like he is showing me the best thing in the world. The car looked old; it was a Chevy Bel Air 55. It was a dark red colour and was shining brightly, like it had been washed recently.

We both get into the car and start driving to the marina. He drove very wildly, but luckily the streets were quite empty. "Can I ask you a question?" I look over to him. He nods his head. "Go ahead, but I might not answer."

"Why are you helping me spy on your granddaughter?" I ask, still looking at him, and after a few minutes, he still hasn't replied. "When you said you might not answer, I thought you were kidding." A slight smile appears on his face; his and Evelyn's smiles are very similar.

"Because I like you." He says. Wow, he barely knows me and already likes me? I wish it were the same for Evelyn.

"When I first started 'Magical Montgomerys,' I didn't know it would get as popular as it did; back in the day, not many people wanted cosmetic things." Then one day it seemed like everyone wanted everything from me and the company, and they would do anything for it: lie, cheat, bribe, kiss my a*ss. And when I showed the slightest sign that I couldn't handle it, my son Thomas kicked me out, saying I should retire so he could take over. Behind closed doors, Thomas was cold and menacing, but he could instantly turn on his charm for anyone else. It's a quality he passed down to all of his kids, especially Evelyn. Nobody sees through their rubbish except for me, but I think you may be joining me in that boat."

He says. I never would've thought Thomas was a bad person; he seemed so kind, as did Evelyn's sisters. "I guess if I didn't see through it, I wouldn't be stalking Evelyn right now." He nods his head before saying we were here.

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