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Willows pov

Oh sh*t, oh sh*t what do I do? What do I do?! "Hey so I was thinking, I know it's kinda cold but my boat is still docked at the marina. It's got a heated cabin and everything. Maybe we could spend the rest of the day— Willow??" Evelyn says. I stood still phone in my hand and tears in my eyes.

Evelyn runs over to me and grabs my hand "What happened? What's wrong?" Evelyn asks comfortingly, I hold her hand back. "It's— my friend. Althea. We— the coffee shop we worked together—." I cry. "The one who looks like the sheepdog from loony toons?" Evelyn laughs. I know she doesn't know what happened but she shouldn't just joke about stuff like that!

"No!" I snap and the tears start pouring from my eyes. "Is she okay?" Evelyn now asks sounding worried. "I don't know!" I cry and push her away from me making her stumble onto the floor. "Oh god, I'm so sorry Evelyn." I cry and put my hand out helping her back up.

"Not the time for jokes, I get it." Evelyn smiles slightly and grabs her phone from her jacket pocket. She starts aggressively typing, kind of rude when I'm standing here crying. "What are you doing?" I cry even more. "I'm just texting Felix, he will have the jet ready for us right away." Evelyn smiles and holds my hand again walking me over to the stairs.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I ask. Evelyn waves goodbye to the shop owner as we pass by. "Well, you want to see your friend right?" Evelyn questions. "Yes?" I reply and look at her confused. "Well then, we'll go to Castle Combe, now." Evelyn smiles and we get into the car. "Now?" I ask Evelyn. "Yep, c'mon. Felix will meet us at the airport with our luggage.

*time skip of 5 minutes*

The car ride to the airport was completely silent. Every horrible thought that ran through my mind was worse than the last. What if Althea was seriously hurt? Did somebody rob the shop and she got caught in the crossfire? Did Billy snap?

Her Shrill scream echoed in my mind like a bad kind of feedback on a constant loop, I couldn't think. Couldn't even breathe properly, it felt like my chest was tightening at every breath and my hands were shaky and sweaty. Althea is... was... my only friend, my best friend. I wouldn't be where I am today without her. I need her. Plain and simple.

Suddenly I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder followed by a gentle voice speaking. "Willow, we are here. Are you okay? We can wait a few minutes if you would like?" She smiles at me and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear away from my eyes. I shake my head no and she unclips my seatbelt. She then gets out of the car and walks over to my side. I think my legs have turned into jelly, I can't feel them nor can I make myself stand up.

"Here I'll help." Evelyn smiles and puts her hand out for me to grab, in the few seconds I was panicking about not being able to stand she had come to my side of the car and opened my door. She helps me out and we walk over to her jet, it's huge!

"Good afternoon Miss Montgomery, the jet has been readied for your use." The pilot smiles and opens the door for us. "Excellent, thank you, Luz. Felix please load our bags onto the jet and take the weekend off." Evelyn smiles, I'm shocked she is being so nice. Both of her employees look shocked and she walks us up to the plane, behind me I can hear the employees talking.

"Did she just say thank you?" Luz the pilot says shocked. "Did she just give me time off?" Felix says sounding even more shocked.

*time skip to them in the sky*

I sat opposite Evelyn sipping the drink Evelyn had poured me. "What's on your mind?" Evelyn asks and looks at me. "I just think it's funny how—" "Uh oh." Evelyn laughs slightly. "You own this big, gigantic jet, yeah?" I ask. "Yeah..." Evelyn mumbles.

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